Chapter 20: Future King

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The Queen's Army had been roaming the streets looking for my mother. We had a few close calls but they were not her. It had been months now and still nothing, she had not been found and it made me worried that her plans on killing me would happen. She would accomplish it and actually kill me.
I stared out the balcony to the forests that surrounded the Academy. They were beautiful this time of year.
"Gwen?" Behind me Tristan looked solemn. "Are you well?"
"No." I answered. "But 'tis the week of the Tournament. Our knights will be joining us for the week and I am excited to see who wins the Tournament this year."
He nodded. "Aren't we all?"
He held out a hand for me, I smiled kindly at him and laid my hand on top as we entered back to the Queen's Council Chambers where everyone else was. We slowly made our way down to them. No one said anything to us, just smiled.
"Come." Chamania grinned. "The arrival of knights awaits us. You may have found your Prince Charming but I have yet to find mine."
The hallways were abuzz as we made our way to the foyer. I noticed the Elite were standing together and not speaking to one another. Gloria smiled at me and walked over.
"Your Grace." She curtsied.
I smiled. "Gloria, how are you?"
She nodded. "Well enough, and you your Grace?"
"Good. I'm eager to have the Knights come to the Tournament this week." I looked around hoping they would have arrived but nothing of yet.
Gloria grinned. "William is more to your mind, than anything else I suppose."
I chuckled and nodded happily. "I will admit my selfish thoughts but yes he is. It has been half the year. I am extremely excited to see him."
She chuckled. "Well I am happy for you."
"Knights! Knights! They've arrived!" Someone called out.
I snapped up and smiled 'goodbye' to her before heading off to the entrance of Equites Academy, as knights on horseback arrived. At the head of it all was William, a huge smile on his face. I was standing at the top of the stairs, grinning from ear to ear, my heart racing. He jumped off the horse and I hurried down the stairs to where he stood. His arms out and spun me around.
"My queen." He let out a breath.
I smiled and looked up at him. "My knight."
He grinned. "It is a dream to be in your arms again my sweet queen."
I placed both hands on either side of his face and gave him a small smile. "You are in my arms." I smiled happily. "You are truly in my arms. This is amazing." He lent forward until our foreheads were touching. "I have missed you my knight."
"And I you my queen." He spoke softly. "It is good to see you with my own eyes and feel you in my arms again."
I blushed slightly.
"Oh please. Stop. You are making the rest of us quite ill if you must know." Abigail stepped forward and the entire school was gasping at the way she addressed me. Especially since she was not a part of my Queen's Council. "Brother, how good to see you."
William peeled off me and hugged his sister. "Abi, how are you? How are classes?"
She nodded. "Good and good." She linked arms with me and cocked her head towards me. "So is your Queen. Well I must run. My friends and I are hoping to get good seats for the Tournament." She grinned and hurried off.
I laughed at Abigail and William wrapped his arm around me. "Are you fighting in this Tournament?"
He nodded. "Yes and I'll be fighting for you. Will you be my lady?"
I blushed. "As much as I love that. I would love it if you would sit by my side during the Tournament."
His eyebrows rose up. "Sit by your side?" I nodded, slowly and cautiously. "By your side?"
A small smile appeared on my lips. "Yes."
"T-that would be announcing to the people that I will be King." He coughed.
I grinned. "Well you will be. Once I graduate, we are already telling people so why not show them."
"Your Grace!" Someone called out.
I looked up and it was my Queen's Guard. "Yes?"
"It's time for the Melee!" Ceslav stated.
I smiled. "Thanks Ceslav. We're on our way."
William held out his arm for me and we made our way down the hallways. "Are you sure about this Gwendolyn?"
I nodded. "Absolutely. You'll be standing by my side officially one day, what's wrong with starting now?"
He smiled. "You're right and thank you for trusting me."
I moved closer to him as we walked along the hallways. There were lots of whispers and finger pointing towards us but I was much too happy to care about them all. My William Montreal had returned to me. He was beside as we strolled down the hallway.
We arrived at the arena and walked to the made up thrones the servants had created for the arena. I glided over to where my throne was and stood in front of it, watching the students walk in. Beside me William was smiling at me, his eyes gleaming and I blushed with him staring at me. There was another throne beside me, equally as large for William. On my right another, where I had Tristan sit. Chamania sat on William's other side. There was another for Ambrogio which he would sit in tonight when we had the jousting. I had stated that I did not want the vampires to miss out on the entire Tournament so some things would be at night.
The entire student population and knights that were there, were staring at William and I, especially. This was a public proclamation that he would be King one day. My king and their future King of the Kingdom of Pangaea.

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