Chapter 29: As Good As A Proposal

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I walked over to William who had come for the celebrations tonight. "My love."
"My beautiful Queen." He lightly pecked my forehead. "You were incredibly graceful and intelligent and beautiful."
I giggled. "Thank you."
Mrs Montreal stepped forward with her husband, with baby Hemlock in her arms. "Darling, you were amazing." We kissed each other's cheeks. "How are you?"
Baby Hemlock was growing so fast, he would soon be walking and talking. I stared at him in awe.
"Good, thank you. Yourself?" I asked.
She nodded and we chatted about things that had happened since we separated at the palace. Me Montreal, though a man of few words did contribute in the conversation. It wasn't long before William stole me away, for all himself. We stood on the balcony and looked over the view that surrounded the Academy.
"It has not been long since I left Equites but it does feel like a lifetime ago." He sighed.
I linked my arm into his. "Do not fret, you are not missing out on much."
He looked over to me and pulled something out of his pocket. It was a ring! Oh my stars! "Gwendolyn, though you are young and now you are a Queen. I am not asking for your hand in marriage yet but I ask, we promise ourselves to each other. For the future where you will be my wife and I will be your husband."
I gasped. My hand was shaking as he slipped the finger on my ring finger of my left hand. "William."
"You may take it off if you wish but know I will forever be in love with you." He whispered.
I shook my head. "No. I never want to take it off." I leant forward and kissed him. "Ever."
He smiled and kissed me once more. "You have just made me the happiest male in this kingdom and all the kingdoms."
I giggled. "Well, there is no happier female in all the kingdoms than I am at the moment."
A slow song was played inside, with William wrapped in my arms we danced to it outside. Our own little world where only the two of us mattered. I couldn't take my eyes off him. This God in front of me was all that mattered, to me he was the whole world and I would do anything to make him happy.

A couple of days after the celebrations I found myself surrounded by books. Books and books and books. But all I could think about was William. I stared at the ring once again on my left hand. It was a gorgeous gold band with flowers and leaves engraved into it. All I could do was be amazed at its beauty and how he loved me so much to do this.
William knew that I would not be ready for marriage or a proposal. I was just fitting into my new role as Queen and he understood that. At Chamania's banquet he would tell everyone this and I fell in love with him more than night. Also last night, we were promised to each other. It was as good as a proposal to me.
"You have been staring at that ring nonstop." Someone giggled.
I looked up to find Abigail coming to sit across from me. The books were the only thing that separated us at this moment. "It's gorgeous. Your brother knows how to pick a ring."
She grinned. "Wow, my brothers knows something?"
I laughed. "Abi!"
"Oh I know he knows things, I just didn't know he knew rings. But, he does know you. He knew you'd love that ring and he was right." She smiled even wider. "How are you feeling about it?"
I stared at the ring as I answered her. "To me, it's his proclamation of his love. Last night was as good as a proposal to me." I looked up to her. "But you had best tell him I still want a proposal. One with music and flowers and him down on one knee."
She arched a brow but a mischievous smirk was on face. "Of course! If he does not I will personally kill him with my sword."
I laughed at her. "Thank you Abi, but I like my husband to be alive. So perhaps just injure him for me."
"Boo! You are no fun Gwendolyn." She slowly stood up but was laughing. "I'll speak to you soon. I need to go do my own studies."
I nodded and let her go do her own thing. Whilst I did my own research. My Queens guard sat down around me and started flicking through books as well.
"This is useless. I need a break, shall we go to the Council Chambers?" I asked and we all nodded.
Each of us picked up the books and piled them in our arms. Thank god I had my Queen's Guard, I don't know what I would've done without them. We made our way to the Council Chambers, dropping the books in the common area. Once I dropped the books I realised there were some people already in here.
"Oh." I mumbled.
Chamania and Conri and Robin were already in here by the fire. They laughed at the pile of books that were now on the ground than in our arms. I rolled my eyes at them and turned to my Queen's Guard. They were stood in a line waiting for me.
"Shall we practice?" I asked and sat down, crossed legged on the ground.
They did so as well opposite me. Burnhan, Ceslav, Armani and Hope. Conri, Robin and Chamania joined from the couch, just staring.
"What are you doing?" Conri asked.
"Practicing the Queen's gifts. For now, she will look into the future." Ceslav answered.
"Don't hurt yourself Queenie." Robin chuckled.
I moved the water from the vase to on top of him and released it. He gasped in horror but grinned at me. "You had best sleep with one eye open."
I grinned and focused on my teachers. Closing my eyes I listened to their voices.
"Breath in, and out. In and out." Armani spoke softly. "In and out. Focus on your blood stream. Imagine your blood moving in your blood stream. Up the river and down the river."
I imagine the river, the blue of the river going up the stream. Up and up and up. Then down and down and down. For a moment all I could feel was my body, in its stillness.
"Now being a Seer is a gift and a curse." Hope spoke equally as softly. I opened my eyes and my arms weren't lit as they normally would be when I was having a vision. Well, I guess it didn't work, I wasn't having a vision but why was Hope speaking to me? She was talking to me about being a Seer. "We see it is a gift. Occasionally, there is one that sees it as a curse, which leads to them going insane. We need to recognise that our powers are gift. Long ago, it made us the most powerful and feared warriors. Until we were almost wiped out. But we are growing again and we will once again regain our strengths. With you as Queen, we will be part of your Army."
I nodded and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath to take in what she had just told me. When I opened my eyes my veins were lit up. Wait. That means I would've been having a vision. But, but how?
"Your Grace, is this what I was saying in your vision?" Hope asked and handed me a scroll with writing on it.
Everything on this scroll is what she said. Absolutely everything. Down to the last word! Slowly I nodded, my body still shaking.
"This is what I had planned to teach you after you trying to receive a vision." Hope grinned.
"The lesson worked your grace." Burnhan smiled at me and I looked over to him my eyes wide. "You did a vision on your own and your grace should be excited."
I looked over to Chamania, Robin and Conri. All I could do was grin and squeal. Robin and Conri wrapped me in bear hugs whilst I squealed with Chamania

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