Chapter 27: Queen's Council Meeting

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After my talk with Aeslin, I wandered around the Academy grounds with Chamania. She was talking about the celebrations. Estelle and George were on their way, as part of my council they were needed to be here for the celebrations. Afterwards, my Council and I needed to meet.
"Your grace." Gardenia smiled and bowed to me.
I returned the smile happily. "Your highness, how are you?"
She nodded. "Well, thank you."
I smiled happily. "Princess Gardenia, thank you for saving my cousins life," she furrowed her brows. "in return for your courageous and noble act. You did so with one reason, and that was it was the right thing. It was and I have high respects for you. The one reason shows me you have the best interest at heart for the kingdom. I would like to anoint you a part of my council. The Queen's Council, to represent the fearies both seelie and unseelie."
Her eyes widened and a slowly a smile formed on her lips. "Are - are you certain?"
I nodded. "Yes, I am certain."
She grinned. "Yes, I will join."
I leant forward and hugged her tightly. "Welcome to the council."
Chamania squealed. "Another female. Welcome to the council Gardenia." She grinned. "We'll add her name to the list being announced tonight."
Gardenia squealed happily, so much so that her wings popped up as she was shaking so much. I laughed as she jumped in surprise. We spoke together for a little while longer, as we were the three females of the Queen's Council at the moment that were here.
Estelle and George arrived in the afternoon, I greeted them upon their entrance and they bowed to me. We began walking towards the Council Chambers where the others were.
"How is the palace?" I asked.
"Wonderful your grace. It is being kept busy as you requested. The servants are being paid well and they are also being fed enough. You enabling them to go home for one month of the year with pay has lifted their spirits." She engrossed me with this new information.
I smiled happily. "This is all raising my spirits."
Once we arrived we stepped through the mirrors and to the heart of Equites Academy. I smiled at all my Council including Robin and Tristan. Aeslin had also been released and was sitting between Chamania and Gardenia as he was still healing. The brute force were sitting on chair by themselves as the muscle on them wouldn't allow anyone else to be seated beside them, Conri the large man and Robin.
Ambrogio was walking down the stairs as the sun set, as we were walking. He smiled happily at everyone and bowed to me. "My Queen."
Tristan narrowed his eyes at him.
"Calm yourself protector." Ambrogio rolled his at Tristan as he sat down beside Tristan.
I took in a deep shaky breath and sat in a singular seat, with Estelle and George sitting on either side on me on small chairs. "Thus far you are all my Council, some may not be publicly announce but you must all know I take your suggestions into consideration."
Ambrogio, Tristan and my Queen's Council and I said nothing about Lancelot being on my Council as well. This would just upset the balance of everything that I had now. It was all, already on a single Wolves hair, I could not break that. So, for now, we kept our mouths shut.
"To show that I trust you with my life and that it should be returned, I will tell you something few know about me. By that I mean only those in this room. I am Pangaea and Seer."
Some in the room gasped shocked by the announcement, especially Gardenia.
"But I am not just a seer who see's the future. I also receive premonitions. I have received one, one that frightened me." I spoke softly.
Not even my Queen's Guard knew about the premonition yet.
"Upon my birth, my mother detested me the moment she held me in her arms. My father took me away and gave me to Cedany, the woman who died trying to protect me. I was hidden from my mother as she was and still is trying to kill me." I finished and took a deep breath.
"Gwen, why did you not say this before?" Tristan was the first one to break the silence.
"How long have you known this?" Conri was next.
I shrugged. "Since the first day of classes. Classes had not even finished yet that day and I knew."
"Oh my stars!" Gardenia gasped.
Beside me both Estelle and George took either hand and softly squeezed it. I gave them a small smile, silently thanking them. They had no idea either but they wanted me to know that they stood by me no matter the situation. It gave me comfort knowing this and they would never know, however much I gave my gratitude, what they did today helped me.
"The first day of classes was the first time I received a premonition. Something that is hereditary. The last Seer to receive premonitions was Jasamine Abiel. A strong and powerful Seer but also insane. So I ask you, as my Council if you ever come upon her to walk away. I would blame myself if any of you were ever hurt because of me." I spoke softly.
"But you are our Queen." Ambrogio stood up quickly from his seat, his voice was firm and frightening. He spoke slowly but with ferocity. "If I ever see her, I will kill her."
"And she will see that coming." I snapped and everyone turned to face me. "She is a Seer and a powerful one at that. I will not have your blood on my hands. If anyone is to kill this woman, this Seer; it will be me."
All heads were in awe and frightened of me. I imagined myself looking like an insane nut maniac, a rampaging werewolf, a hungry vampire, a vengeful Pangaean, an unseelie faerie or mermaid at this moment.
"Will you be able to kill her Gwendolyn? She is your mother." Chamania whispered.
I looked up to her, her eyes were full of sadness.
"No," I answered truthfully. "but I must; and I will."

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