Chapter 30: We Will Be By Your Side

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"Aeslin is there anything else you can tell me?" I asked him as he sat in the chair and I sat opposite him.
He shook his head. "When I think of anything else I'll come to you cousin." He sighed and took a swig of water.
I wrote down everything he said, ready to look over it later. "Thank you and I promise no harm will come to the family. They'll be safe. We just need to get them out of there first."
He nodded. "On another note."
I looked up once I finished writing the last of it.
"Are you sure you want me on your council? I had not been raised to be so like everyone else." He shrugged. "Tristan and Chamania. Born Nobles, part of the Elite Circle of Royals. Conri and Robin, soon to be Alpha's of Blood Moon Pack and the Sun Warriors. Ambrogio, one of the oldest living vampires who has seen everything. Princess Gardenia, hers is self explanatory in her title."
I sat there not saying anything. "Have you finished?"
He nodded. "Yes, I've named everyone on the council."
"You have yet to name Estelle and George. They are on my council. Though, yet named. You have forgotten yourself. A witch who has just gone through hell," I pointed to the scrolls in front of me that were still drying. "put his family at risk and most importantly himself, to warn the Queen of the upcoming revolution. It does not get any braver than that cousin. You have the Kingdoms best interest at heart, that is what I seek for my council."
He gave me a small smile. "I feared it would be because I was your cousin."
I shook my head. "We may be family but I need to have the Kingdoms best interest at heart and in mind. I am Queen to those who reside in Pangaea, they look up to me, they put their faith in me, their lives are in my hands."
Slowly he stood up and we hugged each other. I hugged him tightly, smelling him, I had family with me once again. He let out a deep breath in my arms and I squeezed him tightly for a moment. Just having this moment, rejuvenates me. Strengthens me.
"I am so glad you are alive." I whispered.
He lets go and smiled at me. "The same with you. I have to go do some study, I need to catch up quite a bit."
I chuckled. "Of course. I'll see you for dinner tonight."
He nodded and left me to be.
I sat back down and stared at the scrolls before me still drying. We had sat here for hours upon hours as he retold me everything and I wrote it down. The Council and I would have to look upon this and figure out our tactics. This was my first battle as Queen and now decisions were upon my shoulders. Everyone's lives were in my hands and it frightened me. One decision could destroy everything. It could destroy everyone's lives.
I stood up and piled the scrolls once they were dried up and held them tightly in my hands. George and Estelle had returned to the palace and so now I was on my own again. I handed the scrolls to my Queen's Guard. They took the scrolls and hid them in their uniforms.
"Hide and protect them with your lives." I nodded and they returned it.
We walked down the hallway to the stables. The stable servants nodded to us. "Five horses."
It only took them moments to prepare the horses which we jumped on and rode off. There were students so we trotted around in their eyes but once we were in the cover of the forest, the Queen's Guard followed my lead. We rode as fast as we could handle and we didn't stop. None of us looked back.
After we rode for a while I came to a slow stop. I stopped in front of nothing. My eyes wandered around because it was once something. It was once a bustling village full of life and energy. This was a home to many Pangaeans who loved this place and called it their 'home'. It was my fault they no longer wandered this earth and my fault they no longer breathed and walked amongst us. All of it was my fault.
Slowly I slid off the horse and quickly I wiped the tears away and took several deep breaths.
"Your Grace?" Armani asked.
I whipped my head around and Armani was right behind me. She wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug. I cried in her arms and she didn't let go. All she did was keep her arms around me.
For a moment I felt safe in her arms. I knew she would jump in front of a flaming arrow for my safety. Along with Hope, Ceslav and Burnhan. They would do it, without a second thought.
"I did this." I whispered into Armani's chest and slowly I lifted my head and faced them. "This was all my doing."
"What do you mean?" Burnhan asked and picked up some gravel.
"Norte were not pleased that I wanted to release the dwarves. They wanted me dead. One morn' I was here with the other Nobles watching the theatre and they stormed in. Not a single soldier was sympathetic they killed anyone who got in their way. Wether they were a male, a female or a babe. I got away with my life - just." I explained. "But not many were and those who did not survive are amongst all this." I choked out. "What if this happens to my kingdom? I am Queen now and one decision I make could kill Pangaea!" I took a deep breath. "This - this all rests on my shoulders now." I shook my head. "And I cannot do it. Mayhap I am not ready to be Queen? Mayhap I should not be Queen? Mayhap I should not of released the Nobles and the Elites? Mayhap I should just let Lady Sansa still be Queen?"
"Stop." A new voice spoke.
We all spun around, the Queen's Guard ready for anything.
"Step forward intruder." Ceslav growled, stepping forward.
From the shadows emerged Tristan. He had a horse behind him and looked at me. "How could you say those things?"
The Queen's Guard calmed down and stepped back. While Tristan stepped forward and came to stand in front of me. "You may not be ready to be Queen but Gwen, you have your Queen's Council to depend on. You have your Queen's Guard as well, who are there for anything. They are teaching you to use your Seer strength. Whilst you, Chamania and I will continue to strengthen our elements." He gave me a lopsided smile. "We are here for anything. Nothing you go through, you must do alone. You have so much around you and Gwen, we are all here for you. We support you as Queen and want you succeed." He took my hands in his. "And through your reign as Queen, we will be by your side."

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