Chapter 32: Soulmate

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"The mermaids!" Someone shouted.
I was my evening meal with my council in the eating hall, along with the other students. Including the vampires who drank blood from cups. Now with the exciting news everyone dropped their meals and ran over to the large windows. Or ran out to the bridge. We hurried out to the bridges with its large archways above the banisters.
"We should be there welcoming them." Tristan stated.
"Lets go." Ambrogio agreed.
All of the Queen's Council hurried down flights of stairs and down to the side entrance of the Academy where it led to the beach. The mermaids had legs and wet tunics or gowns on. They held their luggage and emerged from the oceans. All of them were beautiful and looked incredibly nervous to be there.
Behind me Headmaster Walter appeared. "We were not expecting them for a couple more days."
The staff behind him, peeking to see their new students, eagerly.
"Why are they here now?" I asked.
"Perhaps Headmistress Melanie had agreed to finally thought they were ready." He answered and we walked to the beach.
Most of them were shaky on their legs and they were defiantly not used to them. I plastered on a smile and stood by the Headmaster. They walked over to us, quite slowly and not used to their two legs instead of a tail. I almost giggled but could not be rude to them.
"Welcome all!" Headmaster boomed and he knew the students could hear from above and behind him. "Welcome to Equites Academy for Pangaeans!"
They looked to me and bowed immediately, I gave them nervous smiles not sure what to do.
"Your rooms are in the new part of the Academy. We have an indoor lake which has been redone for you all. Please follow me and we'll get you settled in for the night." He smiled and led them back into the Academy.
I watched them all follow him and bow quickly to me before continuing on. "Welcome." I said to each and every one of them. So did my Queen's Council. Hopefully they would settle in well.
"Your Grace." A male smiled as he bowed to the ground for me. He slowly raised his head and gave me a pearly white smile. The ocean blue eyes were full of confidence. His body was built and he had a dimple on either side of his lips. I recognised him quite easily, he was one of members of my council in my vision. He would be a council member and I liked him already. "My name is crown-prince Sultan of the mer people."
I nodded. "Welcome Prince Sultan to Equites Academy. We are honoured you are here."
He stood back up and he was a good head taller than I was. "My father sends his regards and thanks. Along with a present which we hope you enjoy."
In his hand was a clamshell which I took politely and opened up. Inside was a genuine pearl necklace and I was in complete shock. It was gorgeous and I couldn't help but gasp. I was in awe and I loved it immediately. Quickly I took it out of the clamshell and handed it to Armani. Chamania assisted in putting it around my neck.
"Let me." Sultan smiled and Chamania handed him the necklace.
He placed it around my neck and for a moment it glowed a soft white colour as it rested around my neck. I turned back around to face him.
"What did that mean?" I asked as I looked up to Sultan.
He was in complete shock as well. "You are my soul mate."
I stepped back and into the arms of Ceslav who held me up. "No. That is not possible."
"But the necklace glowed. Your grace, you are my soul mate and I have been searching for you, for many years." He spoke softly.
Someone around us gasped. I whipped my head around and saw that Abigail witnessed the whole exchange. She ran away and left me standing there completely confused. "Abigail!" I screamed after her and ran away from Sultan. "Abigail!"
She hurried away, not even caring about my screams after her. I turned a corner hoping to cut her off in front of the library. Abigail was running right towards me, she stopped a few metres away from me. Her eyes were brimmed red and she looked horrified at me.
"You are engaged to my brother!" She screamed.
I nodded. "Yes." I squeaked out.
"B-but you are that fishes soul mate!" She screamed.
I shook my head. "No Abigail, I am not."
"The necklace glowed Gwendolyn. He put it around your neck and it shone as bright as the sun. How can you not think you are not his soul mate? Everyone knows that if a necklace is maid by a merman and given to a mer-woman, once it glows they are known to be soulmates." She explained and still horrified by it all.
I took a deep breath. "He is not my soulmate Abigail. William is the one I love. William is the one who proposed and William will be the one I marry. No one else. He will be my King. I have already made the announcement during the tournament."
She shook her head. "That announcement was not official. He is not officially King either. This moment with that fish showed it."
I shook my head. "Abigail, please? I cannot loose William. I love him." I cried.
"But he is not your soulmate!" She growled. "All you are going to do is hurt him and I cannot stand by and watch him be hurt." She looked me with complete loss of hope. "He is my brother Gwendolyn. You may be Queen and I may have to live under your reign but he is blood. He is family."
I looked to the ground and I felt myself about to faint. But I needed to stay strong. She was right, I would do anything for family. Anything; and I had no right to stand by here and let her watch me, rip her brother apart.
"You must know that I need to tell him. He has to know about this. William is my brother, I will not let you break his heart." She whispered.
Abigail was right. Completely right. I could command her not to tell him but I couldn't let that happen. She was my friend. My only friend outside the Nobles when I needed a friend. She was there when the fire happened in my first year to lend me clothes. The only friend outside my Council. She invited me onto her voyage for the Summer Season. It was more than anyone had done for me. I could not command her to do anything.
"You can command me but I will not follow. I will break that command." She grumbled.
I finally looked up and nodded. "Yes, I know and I will not command you. Not a friend who is dear to my heart. Abigail, please know how much you mean to me and I do not want to loose your friendship. Please, know that."
She looked at me warily and nodded. "Yes, I know. But family comes first."
I nodded understanding her actions. She was right. I did not have as much as she did. Her mother and father stood by her. There was John, William and Hemlock as her siblings. Abigail had everything I ever wanted. I couldn't let her betray her own blood and I would not make her.
Abigail walked away from me, sobbing.
It would not be long till William found out and would call everything off. My heart was already breaking for the future I had not seen coming and prayed would not come.

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