Chapter 21: My Father

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I smiled at the crowd, happily with Tristan now sitting by my side. He had finally arrived and grinned at him.
"Your Grace." He bowed mockingly, it was more for show than anything.
I rolled my eyes at him and slowly sat down with the others as well. "Whom are you rooting for ?" I asked Tristan.
He chuckled. "Knight Lancelot."
My eyes widened. "He has returned to the Army? Whatever happened to his siblings?"
He grinned. "David had come of age and wed, his siblings now livd with his wife's family. Lancelot agreed to return to your army."
Again my eyes widened. "This is incredible! Where is he?"
Tristan looked forward and nodded. I turned around and found Lancelot, in the front line smiling at me. Without thinking I stood up from my throne and rushed down to Lancelot who opened his arms for me and I was spun around by the Knight. His arms around me reminded me of the kindness Cedany extended to me. The heroic thing she tried for me.
"How are you, your Grace?" He chuckled.
I grinned. "Wonderful and you? I hear your brother is wed!"
He nodded. "Yes, he is."
"I am so pleased to hear that and you've returned to the Army." I smiled happily. "We will have to catch up before you leave, please."
He grinned. "Of course!"
"My queen." Someone behind me stated. I turned me and smiled at William. "The melee must start."
I nodded. "Oh William, this is..." I looked over to Lancelot and smiled. "This is Knight Lancelot. A friend of mine. Knight Lancelot," I looked over to William and rested my hand on William's chest smiling up at him. "this William Montreal."
"Your future Grace." He grinned at William and slightly bowed at him.
William chuckled. "I am not King, yet. Maybe one day if," He looked over to me and smiled. "if my queen still desires it so."
I smiled at him. "Well we should head back for the Melee to begin." William led me back to where we sat, and I smiled at William. "What do you think of of Lancelot? His mother attempted to save my life from the past King."
He nodded. "That's incredible. I'm glad, to hear his family is so kind hearted."
"Gwen! You need to make a speech!" Chamania interrupted smiling at me.
I froze for a moment and remembered that every year the King did make a speech. Oh my stars. I needed to make a speech. Slowly I stood up and I was shaking a little bit and beside me I felt someone take hold of my hand.
Tristan gave my hand a tight squeeze, a small smile on his face and then let go.
I walked up to the front and smiled, nervously at everyone. "Good morning all." Everyone bowed to me, my eyes widening in shock. "Um, as you all know I recently became...Queen." I pointed to the crown nervously. "So I am not sure about all protocols including what I should say here today, all I can say is good luck and enjoy today's festivities." I smiled and returned to my throne as the crowd clapped for me.
"That was amazing my queen." William kissed the top of my hand.
"Thank you." I whispered and let out a deep breath, that I had been holding in, apparently. "I am just pleased that I did not stutter."
The melee began but my mind was elsewhere. It was on my premonition. It was on Jasimine Abiel. I had finally got a name for the woman whom gave birth to me. The woman who I had idolised for so long and it was all gone when I knew she was alive.
"My father?" I looked to Tristan, my eyes wide. "My father. What about my father?"
Tristan furrowed his brows. "What about him?"
I sighed. "Ever since I was born, I knew nothing of him. Who he was. Where he was. What he did. What he looks like. Absolutely nothing about him and I am shaken now, that it had taken me this long to figure this epiphany."
Tristan nodded. He knew I was right and there was nothing he could do about it. Since there wasn't a single lead to it. The only person who would know anything about my father would be Jasimine Abiel and she was ready to kill me.
"Tristan, I want to know if my father is alive." I whispered.
He nodded and placed a hand on mine. "And we will, I promise. But right now your friend, Knight Lancelot is about to join the Melee."
I looked up just in time for Lance to take a stab to someone. He was victorious and I immediately cheered along with the crowd, clapping and grinning at him. Beside me Tristan and William did too. But the loudest would have been Chamania, cheering from beside William. Lance looked over to us and bowed to me and waved to everyone else. My heart was leaping from my chest, I was so proud of him.
"He's an incredible Knight. Have you ever thought of letting him be part of your Queen's Guard?" William asked.
I cocked my head and looked to my left and right. And down at the front where they were spread out. I know they had heard what William said, but they didn't know I knew. They had frozen in their spots, probably thinking they were not doing well enough if someone had suggested another member to be a part of them. But I didn't need more, they would protect my life at all costs. I just knew and as a seer, I did know a little something about the future.
"No, he does not need to be. Ceslav, Burnhan, Armani and Hope are enough. They were anointed as my Queen's Guard by my people and I will respect their decision." I smiled.
William nodded. "Then Lancelot will be taken under my wing in your Army."
I smiled happily at William. This was why I fell in love with him.

Clueless Nation Creators

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