Chapter 4: Him

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I slipped into a pure white, long sleeved and long train gown. It was gorgeous. Absolutely simple and stunning. I couldn't tear my eyes away from it the moment my eyes landed on the gown.
My maid had placed my hair in braids and then in a bun. So the crown could easily lay to rest on my head. The crown lit for a moment as it did before then went back to sleep, knowing it was on the rightful owners head.
"Beautiful." Estelle smiled.
I grinned. "Thank you Estelle. Is everyone in the throne room?"
She nodded. "Yes your grace. Except Master Tristan de Monfort whom is making his way."
I took a deep breath then we made our way to the throne room. No one knows what I am planning to do. Even though I completely lied to all the Nobles last years saying I had been getting advice from those closest to me. I hadn't. Everything tonight was completely on my own. Was all my doing.
No one had influenced me or even helped me. This was all mine.
"Gwendolyn!" Abigail smiled at me. "How are you? You look exhausted."
I nodded. "Well I haven't had a wink of rest since arriving. Have you? Are your chambers adequate?"
She laughed. "Of course. Their amazing. William's room is in the East Wing though. So the other side of the palace. But after the Summer Season with him, I am glad for some space. I'm with mama and papa on the West Wing."
I furrowed my brows. "I wonder why that is? I'll ask Estelle or George."
"Oh it's because the West Wing is completely full now. All the Nobles are there as well." She informed me.
I nodded. "Oh. Okay. I just thought someone was trying to separate you all."
"Gosh no. Especially when you and my brother are courting!" She grinned. "Did I ever tell you how happy I am that you are together?"
I laughed. "Only once or twice. Okay, more like almost everyday."
"And I will keep saying it." She laughed. "He loves you so much. You are the first girl he loves."
I felt my heart miss a beat. As the God loves me. William loves me. I leaned in close to Abigail. "Let me tell you a secret. William, your brother. He is the first man I have ever loved and love."
She squealed. "You are the epiphany of true love. Of a love we all wish we had." She sighed happily. "I cannot wait for you to be wed."
"Abigail! That is not for another three years." I laughed. "I am only one and twenty."
"One and twenty." Abigail sighed. "We are riping for marriage." She grinned then stopped to look at me. "Well you're already ready for marriage."
I laughed out loud.
That's when I noticed Tristan staring at us. He looked horrified and that's saying something when Tristan does not normally look horrified. He was the Dark Lord.
"Marriage? To William?" He whispered as he placed his Dark Lord facade back on. No emotion was spread across his face any longer. Instead the Dark Lord had once again taken over.
"Tristan I can explain." I stepped towards him but he took a step away from me.
Oh god. I had just lost my friend because I kept this secret from him. He didn't know William and I were courting. He had no idea because I never wrote about it.
He bowed to me and I stepped back away from him. "I hope you and William have the brightest and fruitful of futures your grace." He walked straight past me and to the Great Hall.
Without looking back at me he opened the doors and walked right through. Not even a single glance back at me.
I fell to the ground in that second. Almost breaking down. The crown slipped off my head and into my hands which were on my lap. For a moment it was difficult for me to breath, as if this slip dress was tight around me. The world around me was spinning and I was going insane.
"Oh Gwendolyn." Abigail whispered and kneeled down beside me.
I looked to Abigail. "He's my best friend Abigail. Him. The one who just walked right past me and into the Throne Room. He hates me. Absolutely hates me Abigail."
She sighed. "He does not hate you. He is frustrated with you." I looked to her. "Did you not see?"
"See what?" I asked.
Her head tilted to the sighed and she shrugged. "That he did not hate you Gwendolyn. He was just frustrated that his best friend of all people omitted information from him.
I sighed. "That's true." I placed the crown back on my head and smiled at her, tears dying to escape. "So what do I do?"
"You tell him that you care for him as you friend and you do not want to loose that friendship. Then you tell him how much you love William. He will understand all then." She smiled kindly at me.
I nodded. "And what if he doesn't?"
She looked sadly at me, her eyes wide and expressive. "Then he doesn't care for you as much as you thought he did. All of the greatest friends to a person, will want what is best for their friend."
Slowly I stood up. "Okay, I will deal with that later. For now, I must attend a death." I smiled to her kindly. "Thank you Abigail."
She nodded. "Of course. Whatever it takes for my future sister."
I rolled my eyes and made my way down to the double door throne doors.The throne doors stayed closed as I stood on this side of the double doors taking slow, deep breaths to calm myself.
"Let this begin." I whispered to my Queen's guard.
They nodded and opened the doors for me. On the other side all the Nobles were on their thrones. The young Masters at the bottom of their parents thrones sitting on the step. Immediately they saw me and stood up, bowing as I glided passed them to the True Heir's throne.
I sat down first and they followed my movements. "Good evening everyone. I have gathered you here today to enact upon my first act as Queen."
They stared heavily at me.
"My first act as Queen," I gave them all a small smile. "is to abolish the Elite Circle of Royals."

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