Chapter 23: Aeslin

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"Aeslin!" I shouted as his eyes shut. "Aeslin!" I screamed.
"Get the healers." Someone barked.
I held Aeslin close to me not wanting to let him go.
This was too much. I just got him back in my arms, I needed him again. He had to come back, just as I was starting to need him again.
His eyes were shut so I was unable to his beautiful dark eyes from memory. But his mop of dark hair was a mess unlike what it used to be, his jawline was still as strong as ever and incredibly defined. His unmoving body made me so nervous, he wasn't moving around as he used to. It made me so upset. I needed him wide awake and with me. Telling me what to do as someone who would have a. Either would do.
"No." I sobbed. "No, no, no, no!" I cried.
He still didn't fight back and he didn't say or do anything to me. I had missed him and he had just come back to me, to only die. No, he wouldn't die on me. He wouldn't. Aeslin had to live not for him, but for me. I needed him.
"Gwendolyn." Someone whispered to me. "The healers are here to help him. But you need to let go of him my love."
Whoever that was, wasn't making a compelling statement as they probably thought they were. Their voice was only going from ear and through to the other.
I shook my head. "No. No. I'm staying here with him. He's okay."
"No, no he's not. They'll heal him, but you need to let him go." This person cooed to me.
I shook my head, furiously. No, I could see Aeslin now and I wouldn't let him out of my sight. He was staying here with me where I could see him. I needed him so I was going to keep him in my line of sight.
Tristan. My best friend. He was here. Here with me and he could see Aeslin.
"Gwen, I'll go with him, where the healers will help him. But you need to let him go." He told me.
"No." I sobbed quietly but my hands were already loosening.
"I promise I won't let him out of my sight." He continued on.
I looked down at Aeslin and slowly released him to the healers who took him down the hallway in a stretcher with witch magic. Beside him was Tristan who looked over his shoulders at me, but held on to Aeslin for me as he promised. All I could do was sit there in my large gown and do nothing. Just stare at them in shock.
"Oh Gwen." Chamania cried out and wrapped her arms around me, she fell in beside me and I laid my head on her chest as I wept.
On my other side William, looked at me with sad eyes. One that said something but I wasn't sure what it meant. He took a deep breath and held my hand, to comfort me since I was in the arms of my best friend. Behind him stood Ambrogio and Lancelot, they looked down to me, both extremely worried. And I was so glad that Tristan had gone with Aeslin.

The next morning I dressed in a soft pink dress that stopped just shoved my knees at the front but trailed behind. It was a low cut dress, tight around the waist and had no sleeves.
After dressing myself I walked downstairs to the common room, where no one was. Immediately I took the chance and headed towards the healers wing. No one would be here of yet, due to the late nights celebrations. Which I was thankful for as I was able to escape to the healers wing without anyone disrupting me.
"How did he get here?" I whispered to my Queen's Guard.
Armani shrugged. "It will be interesting to hear his reasoning once he awakens."
That was completely true and I hoped I wouldn't have to wait long. I took in a deep breath, my body was shaking as I finally made it to the healers wing. My Queen's Guard looked through the doors, looking for Aeslin and Tristan. We went down the hallway, door by door.
"He's here." Burnhan whispered.
I turned to the door that Burnhan stood in front of, his eyes wide staring at me. "Both of them?"
He nodded. "Aeslin is on the bed."
I hurried to the door and slowly stepped. Aeslin was indeed on the bed and Tristan sat beside him, his on the foot of Aeslin's bed. "Tristan?"
Slowly he raised his head and looked over his shoulder. He broke out into a smile and I couldn't help but smile as well. That's when he turned his head to looked over to Aeslin. His shoulders sagged and he looked visibly upset about the situation.
"You need sleep Tristan. I'll watch over him." I whispered and placed my hand on his shoulder.
He shook his head and turned to me. "No you're needed at the Tournament today. I shall stay with him."
My heart leapt out for him. I knew there was a reason behind him being my best friend. He knew when I needed him and he knew how I needed him. I placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it tight.
"Thank you." I whispered.
"If there are any changes I shall alert you immediately." He slowly stood up and for a moment all I could do was stare at him. "You'll do wonders out there today."
I blushed greatly.
"Now go, enjoy today and I'll be here by your cousins side." He graced me with a lopsided smile.
"How am I suppose to? You helped me yesterday." I whispered.
He furrowed his brows. "Gwendolyn, you are the Queen. If you do not see yourself as that, I am gravely disappointed in you."
I smiled at him and decided to give him another hug, holding him tightly feeling protected by him.

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