Chapter 43: Tristan de Montfort

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I hurried down the corridor, running after Chamania. "Chamania!" I shouted and almost garnered everyone's attention.
She turned around and giggled. "What is the matter? You look like a mad woman!"
I rolled my eyes. "It's a pressing matter that may just turn me into a mad woman." I looked around and everyone was hurrying into their classes. Immediately I took her arm and rushed around a corner. "You need to help me."
In a situation such as this one, all a girl needed was someone to talk to. That someone was Chamania, I needed her at the moment and all I wanted to do was talk to her about all this. She was my closest friend who was a female. Someone who would most defiantly know what to do in this situation. If not, someone just to talk to. A person who could listen to me while I let off all my troubles and doubts from my brain.
"What is it? Is someone injured? Did you have a vision? Oh my gosh, is someone planning an attack?" She rushed out.
I shook my head. "Worse than all that."
It was most defiantly worse than someone planning an attack. Someone could take my life at this moment and I would care. All I wanted was to know what I could do in a situation as this! I had never had to have dealt with this. Tristan, was in love with me and I had no idea how to deal with it. What does one do in this situation?
She furrowed her brows. "What could be worse than someone planning an attack?"
I let out a deep breath. "Tristan confessed to me that he was in love with me."
Chamania's mouth hung low. She gasped. "Oh. My. Stars."
I nodded.
"Oh my stars. This is unbelievable. Though everyone has noticed it. Everyone practically knows that he will be King." She waved it off easily.
I furrowed my brows. "Chamania what do you speak of?"
Chamania sighed. "Gwen, you are so unbelievably clueless and so unobservant. It's incredible that a Queen even has that trait. Tristan has been in love with you since the beginning. Since the day I met you, I knew he was in love with you. Why do you think he has never seen a Lady? Or has ever even shown interest in a Lady, Gwen? 'Tis because that boy is in love with you but no one has ever said a thing because, he needed to tell you himself."
I shook my head. "No, no this can't be true."
She grinned. "It's true. So tell me, how did he tell you?"
I looked up. "He didn't."
She froze for a moment. "B-but you just said he did?"
"He did. But he didn't at the same time. I - I was laying in bed and under the mixture. My eyes were closed, I must've looked like I was asleep but I wasn't. I could still hear everything. Such as, when he told me he loved me. Not long after that, I - I fell asleep. But, I most defiantly hear him say he loved me." I answered truthfully.
Chamania shook her head. "At least you know now. It's been a long three years not being able to tell you. I'm sorry you had to hear it that way though."
I snapped up. "I'm not. Chamania, he will be a part of my council. I cannot be wed to someone on my council. It needs to be someone outside my council. The council are for those who put the best interest of the kingdom first and foremost. Not their Queen's wellbeing."
She stepped back. "Very well. If that is what you wish. So, what will you be doing with this information?"
"Nothing." I answered without missing a heart beat. "I - I will be taking this bit of information to the grave and if you can slowly persuade Tristan to move on, I would be most grateful."
Chamania didn't look pleased but I didn't give her a chance to interject. Instead I turned around and walked away. Walking down the hallway by myself, like a ghost in the middle of the night not being interrupted or noticed by anyone. I kept my head down, not making eye contact with anyone as I wanted to be alone.
I sat on the garden bench by myself. Gripping onto my books and holding them tightly to my chest. I wanted to hide away from the world, in my own quarters but I knew it would still reek of my up chuck from last night. This was the second best place. No, the gazebo would be the best place to go. Slowly I made my way to the gazebo, hoping to be by myself.
The gazebo seemed larger than what I first remembered it to be. It was gorgeous though, at this time of the year. Nearing the end of the school year, it was always beautiful. Until summer hit and it was much too hot to even be outdoors. Or even out of the waters. I would sweat until, I had created my own lake.
My ears must be playing tricks on my. The voice of William Montreal made it to my ears. I closed my eyes and took it in, took it all in and would keep it with me forever. His voice was always beautiful in my ears, a voice I could fall asleep to.
I furrowed my brows. That didn't sound like a distant memory. No, that sounded more like it was coming from behind me. It wasn't possible. He couldn't possibly be behind me at the moment. William was in the Queen's Army. He was training, he was learning new skills and - and a Captain now.
"Turn around." He spoke softly.
My body was shaking now. His voice sounded melodious but if I turned around he mightn't be there. I would know I was going crazy for sure. That was something I didn't want to believe in myself and I wanted to soak this moment in to treasure it forever. He had left me and I was left heartbroken, like a teenage girl. I gripped onto the railing and took in several deep breaths to steady myself.
A hand was placed onto of mine. I looked to my left hand and gasped. It was his hand on mine. He was here. Right behind me. He was holding my hand and I wasn't going insane. William was right here, with me. Oh my stars. His hand, protected mine. The large hands that held me whenever the boats rocked. His hands that had shown me all over different kingdoms and guided me in their cultures.
"William?" I whispered.
"It's me, my love." He answered.
I turned around and looked into the eyes of the man that left me heartbroken. He looked gorgeous, like the God I remembered him to be. The face that haunted me in my dreams because I wanted him, all the time but he had left me. He had walked away from me, called off our wedding, our engagement and left me broken hearted. But he left with his dignity.
"W-what are you doing here?" I chocked out.
"I missed you." He placed his hands on either side of my face. "I missed hearing your voice on our portal calls. I missed these gorgeous eyes of yours, the way they twinkle. I missed your little nose that would move when you were about to sneeze. I missed your tiny ears and the way they turned beet red when you were embarrassed." I laughed. "And I missed your laugh. I missed your smile. But most importantly, I missed that you were mine, that you were going to carry my children one day. I - I realised that I broke my promise to you. That I broke my promise to you, that I would stand by your side through everything. It ate me through, my love and I couldn't live with myself. I - I needed you and I still need you, if you'll have me."
Tears poured out of my eyes. I was creating my own lake around our feet. It was insane, how much happy tears were pouring out of me. As the master of water element, I could not control them at this moment. They were doing whatever they wanted to do and I didn't care.
"W-what about Sultan?" I gasped.
He shook his head. "We will deal with him when the time comes. If you say that you are not in love with him, then I'll trust you."
I grinned. He was the perfect gentlemen and I couldn't do any better than the man that stood before me now. William Montreal was the one I wanted to walk down the aisle to. To have him stand opposite me and say 'I do'. The man who would help me bear children one day. For them to be raised by us. Him, by my side and reigning over Pangea.
"W-will you have me back Gwendolyn?" He asked.
My eyes grew to saucers. Behind him, I noticed Tristan standing at the double doors of the Academy. He had been watching this exchange between us. But it wasn't Tristan who was watching, it was the Dark Lord. More than ever. There wasn't an ounce of Tristan there, like there normally was. His eyes showed that the Dark Lord had completely taken over and for a moment I felt torn.
He had told me he was in love with me. Tristan de Montfort was in love with me. But I had never felt anything more than friendship for Tristan. He was the wall I leant on when I needed to stand on my feet. Is - is that love? Could I see myself falling in love with Tristan? Him being King and reigning over the Kingdom of Pangaea? Was he my King Robin to my Queen Nahaya? Why couldn't I say yes to William now?

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