Chapter 17: A True Master

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Tristan grinned wickedly at me as I stood aside and let him take the middle of the arena. He turned and faced me and I watched from the sidelines. One moment I was standing there not doing anything or saying anything, just staring at him. The next thing I knew I was grinning, hoping he would outdo me and I was completely confused.
Tristan raised his arm and snapped his fingers as a single plank of wood began sizzling, smoke appeared and the plank of wood fired up. I stepped back and so did Chamania. Wait, Chamania was still here with us. Right.
"Awesome job Tristan. Just the single one nothing else." Chamania spoke softly but we all heard.
He didn't reply just concentrating as he kept the fire to the single plank of wood and not more around it. Once the wood died out he turned and smiled at us, his eyes on me. "That is how it is done, your highness."
I cocked my head. "That was impressive, I shall admit. But I believe," I turned to Chamania remembering she was here still. "my dear friend can do better than thus."
Tristan smirked. "I would like to see her try."
Chamania barked out in laughter. "Not only will I try, but I will." She narrowed her eyes at him and stormed straight past him."You may be able to learn a thing or two if you watch carefully."
She grinned wickedly and suddenly raised her arms without warning. The plants grew over a hundred feet tall and spiralled to one large stalk to stabilise itself the higher it grew. The flowers were bigger than myself, which I had to admit wasn't much of a challenge. But still, they were much much larger than a normal flower.
In the past, out of all of us Chamania had, had the most practice and of course the most experience since she received her gift first. She had been able to master her element before we were gifted with ours. And ladies and gentlemen, that is why our friend Lady Chamania is the master to us all. I happily bowed to her skills but Tristan smirked, he rolled his eyes but I knew he respected her.
She bowed as if she had just started in a play and giggled as she did so. Even more amazingly the plants began to shrink down in size as if nothing happened. That is what you call a master of her element.
"We should head down, so we can get our classes and schedules." Tristan grumbled and started heading towards the staircase.
I looked over to Chamania who was eyeing me as well with raised brows. When I was closer to her, I spoke softly in her ear. "Somebody is grumpy that he is not the best at the element they were gifted with."
She laughed at me. "Absolutely."
We giggled as we made our way down the stairs and back into the Queen's Council Chambers. Tristan was already grabbing his satchel as we entered still giggling at me. He spun around and glared at us. Chamania and I grabbed our satchels and followed after Tristan down the now familiar hallways of Equites Academy for Pangaeans.
"Tristan how are you feeling?" Chamania asked and looked over to him.
He simply shrugged his shoulders but there was a touch of pain in his eyes. I raised my arm up slowly and slipped my hand through his giving it a tight squeeze. He looked over at our joint hands then up at me. Slowly a small smile appeared on his lips.
"This is our second last time walking through these halls on the first day." Chamania whispered softly enough for us to hear. "Who would've known coming to the end of our time at the Academy could get emotional." She chuckled and we all did. "Oh god, will I one day miss this place?"
Tristan chuckled. "None us will have time to with being on the Queen's Council Chambers."
I laughed aloud. "That's true. I'll be working all my council members to their graves."
Chamania barked out in laughter. "Oh dear, are we under the rule of a future for mad Queen? Should we run and hide now?"
I rolled my eyes. "Come, we have class schedules to retrieve."
We continued down the hallways where students would now acknowledge the three of us and nod towards me in respect. It would be difficult and annoying for them and for me to see them bowing all the time. Plus, it made me feel semi normal now that they wouldn't be on the ground every time I walked by. That was something, right?
Finally we arrived at the line and retrieved our class schedules. I skimmed over it smiled happily at my classes. Swords, Politics, Court, History, Species History and Study Hall. Immediately I looked over to Chamania and Tristan, they were looking over their schedules.
"I have study hall, I believed that was only for sixth years." My voice was quiet as not to raise suspicion.
Tristan nodded. "The same with myself."
Chamania took a deep breath. "Myself as well."
We lined our schedules together and furrowed our brows. "We also have them on the same hour." Tristan noted.
"You have seen schedules, marvellous." Headmaster Walter stood before us smiling and we all stood properly.
I looked over to Tristan and Chamania, then over again to Headmaster Walter. "Why have you done this Headmaster?"
He smiled. "During this hour I would like you to use your elements. To train yourselves and become better than you already are. Gwendolyn," He nodded to me and I straightened up. "Tristan," His eyes slowly wandered to Tristan who stared blankly at me with his Dark Lord facade. "And Chamania, I would love for you all to become Masters of your elements. A true Master knows that one can never fully know everything in their gifted element. There will always be something you can work on and something you can always develop."

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