Chapter 24: Lieutenant

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Knight Lancelot won.
I cheered him on happily and he handed me every flower just as he did in my first year here. Which I gladly took, even with William beside me. He didn't mind since he knew I love him and he would be my future King. Knight Lancelot wowed William with his skill and talent.
"Congratulations Knight Lancelot." I smiled happily at him on the second level of the balcony as I climbed up the stairs.
He grinned at me. "Thank you, your Grace."
I walked over to him and stood beside him happily, we smiled down at everyone down below. They were dancing and smiling and laughing. Everyone looked so happy and possibly a little bit drunk. It made me so happy to see everyone relax.
"They are all so lucky." I whispered.
Lance nodded in agreement. "They are."
I let out a deep breath and looked to Lancelot right in the eyes. "Lance, I apologise." He furrowed his brows. "For - for not finding out who's killed your mother yet."
He gave me a small smile. "Do not fret Gwendolyn."
This time it was me who gave him a small smile, I looked up from the ground. "But as I promised you, my friend, I will find whoever did that to Cedany."
He nodded. "That day will come, I know you Gwendolyn."
"Thank you for trusting me." I whispered.
His smile gave me renewed hope, one I had lost especially in the last couple of months. My mother was haunting every waking and sleeping moment of mine. It nearly broke me.
"Gwendolyn, my love," William's voice rung through the air. I turned around just as he got to the top step and was looking between Lance and I. "I had hoped you would be here."
I walked over and he took me in his arms. "My apologies for walking off. I needed to speak to my friend."
He nodded. "Of course. Lancelot means allot to you. I understand. I was hoping he would be with you, I had need to speak to him."
I furrowed my brows and looked over to Knight Lancelot. "Hopefully about something good?"
William only smiled at Lancelot. "Knight Lancelot, I am becoming Captain within the fortnight and I was hoping you would become my Lieutenant?"
Lance's eyes became wide with amazement and wonder. His mouth opened and shut a number of times, every time no words came out.
"I believe that is a yes my love." I grinned a William and placed my hand on his chest. "Shall I leave the two of you to discuss details?"
William smiled at me. "That sounds grand."
I stood on my toes and pecked his cheek. Then I walked over to Lancelot and pecked his cheek, a huge grin on my face. "Congratulations my friend." I spun back around and passed William on my way down back to the bottom floor where the banquet was.
Chamania slowly made her way towards me. "How are you my friend?"
I smiled. "Fine. William just asked Lance to be his Lieutenant."
Her eyes widened. "But that would mean William is Captain."
"In a fortnight he shall be." I grinned.
Again her eyes seemed to widen. "Incredible! Oh Gwen, I am so pleased for the both of them."
I nodded. "So am I. Speaking of Lancelot, is there something going on between the two of you?"
She bursted out into laughter. "Oh my stars no. Never in a million years." I furrowed my brows in complete confusion. "Oh, Gwen, he is kind yes but he is not the one for me. As a matter of fact we work 1quite well together but I do not think of him in that manner."
I sighed. "Oh. Ow!" I grunted as I nearly fell to the ground.
"Your Grace, I apologise." Someone muttered.
I looked up and looked right into the pool of green eyes that I had never seen before. She looked incredible and envy immediately crept up on me, it made me feel like a horrible person for envying such a beauty. "'Tis fine." I mumbled and stood back up on my feet. "What's your name faerie?"
She bowed to me. "Gardenia, your Grace."
I smiled. "It's a pleasure to meet you Gardenia."
"An honour, your grace." She smiled happily.
This faerie had something about her that I couldn't quite explain. It was a pull of needing to know her and knowing that a friendship would emerge. I cocked my head and hid my arms behind my back, a vision was coming.

"Your Grace." Gardenia smiled. She bowed to me as she entered the room I sat in.
Around the table were many faces I had seen before around Equites Academy, including Ambrogio, Conri, Robin, Aeslin, Lancelot, Chamania, Tristan and myself. We sat in a large, open room, the sun was out and yet our vampires did not burn. I slowly stood up and stood in the middle of the open table and faced them all.
"My Council," I smiled happily.
Oh my gosh! This was my Council! My Queen's Council.
"I never thought I'd see the day where so many were on the Council of mine. Two of every species. My pure, circle. I am so very pleased." I smiled happily.

I stared at Gardenia and grinned. "It is a pleasure to bump into you. I've seen you around school and have been meaning to say hello, but I have been busy."
She smiled. "Understandable your Grace. You are a young Queen, with no upbringing to the lifestyle you have been thrusted into."
Chamania beside me smiled and bowed to Gardenia, she was chuckling. "Gwen, Gardenia here is the young crowned Princess of Fae."
My eyes widened. "Oh, oh your highness. I apologise."
She giggled. "Do not fret. You had no idea."
"But I should, as the Queen of Pangaea, I should know who and who are not royalty. I'll speak to Estelle, again I apologise your highness." I nodded slightly since I was Queen and she was a Princess.
She only grinned, happily.

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