Eleven: Tom's Home

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I woke up with a hurt neck and remembered getting my drunk dad into the eighteen Wheeler so he could sleep in the back of it, I chuckled and checked my phone I had two messages.

Dad: Morning sweetheart, I need to talk with you later before I leave for Nevada.

I laughed and replied : Hot date in Vegas?

I quickly checked the other message and it was a unknown number, I frowned but opened it:

Hey, Cole gave me your number since we will be practicing our scenes together a lot. It's Tom. I got your script with me, come by my house later.

I saved his number to my phone and eriote down the address before replying Sounds great see ya at one?

I sighed and decided to shower and get dressed. How should I dress?

"If your wondering what to wear, I suggest your pink shirt and black Jean skirt" I turned and saw Rookie whom was leaning in the door of the bedroom "He was staring at you last night -like the other night- and you should show your legs."

"He wasn't.. Staring at me" I said but dressed in what she told me to and slipped on some converse and grabbed my phone "I will be back later, and we will watch a movie or whatever."

She smiled "Will do. I wanna give yiou yiour present though" she said and grabbed something from her purse and put it on my shirt, I smiled "Rolling Stones pin. Thanks Rookie."

I hugged her and she hugged back "Welcome, now go."


I stood on Tom's front porch and sighed as I rang the doorbell, he opened the door dressed in black dress pants, a blue shirt and brown cowboiy boots I put on a smile "Hey."

"Hello, you look lovely."

I shrugged "Thanks. I like your home" I said as I stepped inside and saw his living room, he smiled.

"Thank you. You should see my house in London if you like this."

I couldn't help it but my eyes widened "I have always wanted to see London" I said and he laughed at my expression.

"Maybe you can fly over with me one day and see London."

I lit up "That would be awesome!" I accidentally yelled and bit my lip, he chuckled.

"Sit down. Want something to drink? Tea? Uh, soda? -"

I giggled and couldn't help myself, he smiled "I'm sorry.. But, do all British people drink tea? I thought that was only in movies?" I said as I tried to quit laughing.

He just smiled "Not all of us, actually, I don't know. So soda?" He said.

I shrugged "Tea would be fine" I said as he next deed and walked to the kitchen.

I sunk down into the leather couch and smiled as I looked at the flat screen "Your sxcripot is on the coffee table if you want to look at it!" Tom shouted.

"Okay" I yelled back and picked it up.  I started reading.

By the time Tom got back in the room I was almost done reading, he just stood there looking at me and I didn't look up as I said "Why are you staring?"

"You read fast?"

It was more of a statement than a question "Yeah, why?"

"I got the copies yesterday and I am not even half way through it" he told me, I smiled as I set down the script. He handed me the tea and he sat beside me, I smiled "You got these yesterday and didn't tell me?"

"Well, we all figured that when Cole said it was your birthday we would keep it a secret" he said, I smiled and nodded "Well, thanks I think" I told him with a laugh.

He smiled at me and my phone decided to play Poison Nothin But A Good Time.

"That would be my cousin. This won't be long, trust me" I assured and answered it.

"What do you want?"

I heard laughing and "Ooh, you don't love me I'm hurt."

"Pleakley, tell me why you called" I said, he sighed.

"Your mother is driving me and my brother insane. She can't decide where to put the chairs for the reception" he hissed, I laughed and Tom just raised a eyebrow.

I smiled "Tell mom to quit aggravating you both. I'll be there in four weeks for her wedding and I sent her my measurements in case she asks. If she says I didn't tell her to check her email."

"Yahoo or Google?"

"Microsoft. Yahoo what else?" I said, Tom was chuckling beside me.

Pleak sighed "She says I'm not allowed to wear my hat, she has been bitching..do you think shes knocked up?" He said.

I face palmed and then yelped realizinfg i hit my head too hard,Tom made a face mocking my pain and I scowled .

"Pleakley! I'm kind of busy call me tomorrow."

He groaned "Shit here she comes. Okay bye."


Before he hung up i heard "Who are you talking to-" then silence.

I laughed and looked at Tom "Im sorry,my family is mentally retarded" I said, he laughed and frowned "Is your head okay?" He sounded like he was truly worried.

I smiled "I'm fine. Honestly."

"I have some Ibuprofen idf you need-" I interrupted him.

I just looked at him "Your too kind. Really, stop" I said, he smiled.

"I just- your sure your okay? Nothing wrong with your pretty little head?"

I almost blushed but stooped it "No just what the doctors told me I had wrong with it" I joked, he smiled.

"Shall we act then?"

I nodded "Yes, sure."

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