Two can play that game

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Chapter 26 - Two can play that game

This chapter has some M rated sections I will highlight for safety.

The next day at work Kyle goes over to Ravi's office to talk.

K: Ravi I need to talk to you.

R: (sarcastic) Should I call Lydia?

K: I want to talk to you about that.

Kyle closes the door behind him knowing that this will not be easy.

R: (arms crossed over) Nothing to say Kyle your choice speaks volumes.

K: You have misunderstood the situation Ravi.

R: Really? How so?

K: Will you stop interrupting me?

R: (rolls eyes) Fine but no cheap excuses. I'm not one of your one night stands Kyle I will know the second you are lying.

K: (smiles) Okay truth time. I chose you to go with me. Not Lydia but you. Francois told me to take Lydia because she is good with the clients, he said she has a softer side dealing with people.

R: (grunts) Francois! What the hell is his problem? What the fuck does softer mean? Because she's a girl? Because she has tits?

K: I guess! who knows? I couldn't argue with him because you were my choice and there was no one else I wanted to take, also you are not a woman.

R: (small smile) Certainly not.

K: So we cool?

R: How do I know you are not lying?

K: (chuckles) Because you mean more to me than a one night stand. No seriously I chose you because I know you are very thorough, I rely on you. Ofcourse you would be my choice to be honest I didn't think Lydia was even an option but had I known I would have still picked you. We cool now?

R: (huge smile) Yep better than that I want to have you guys over for drinks at my place.

K: You sure? You don't have to.

R: Yeah man totally. I have been a complete dick to you? I haven't seen Lydia otherwise I would have probably been the same way with her. Please let me host the drinks I'll just call our immediate team, Lydia and Gio.

K: Thanks I think that is a great idea. Besides it will confirm that everything is cool with us. No one can drive a wedge between us bro.

R: (fist pumps Kyle) No fucking way man. It is set then, I will send out the invite text.

As Kyle leaves Ravi's office he has a sense of happiness knowing Kyle has his back, it also massages his ego to know he was Kyle's first choice. Now the phone call from Francois makes sense. 

Later that evening everyone settles in to Ravi's apartment then Lydia arrives half an hour later with 3 bottles of Presceco. Kyle can't wait to put his arms around her, touch her again, kiss her, slip his tongue inside her mouth. But with all the people around them he settles for walking over to her kissing both her cheeks slowly smiling seductively as he says.

K: Hey princess.

L: (blushes) Hey.

Ravi interrupts the heated gaze they share by clicking a spoon onto his glass.

R: Attention everyone Kyle and Lydia thank you for coming. Here is to you getting everything you set out to achieve in Asia. Bring us gifts.

A very drunk Violet interrupts.

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