Chapter 23

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I ran my fingers through Jordan's curls while she slept in my arms. She chose to break in my house at five in the morning because she claimed she couldn't sleep. Now here it is, going on one in the afternoon and she still hasn't woke up.

I glanced at her phone that was on the nightstand before leaning over and grabbing it. Up until last night, I was positive Jordan wouldn't cheat on me but her mother told me her and Nala still talk from time to time. I wanted to believe Jordan when she told me she hasn't cheated on me with Nala but I can't. Not when her Mom was telling me all them stories about the 'love' they once had.

I unlocked her phone and went to her messages. She talked to a few people about business then there was Kilo and Timmy. As I kept scrolling, I saw her contact name. I stared at it, debating on if I was going to go through and read the messages or not. I shouldn't, because if I see something I don't want to see, imma be pissed and try to kill her and the girl.

I leaned over and got the ashtray off the nightstand so I could get the blunt I left in there. I put it between my lips and lit it, inhaling deeply, and blowing the smoke into the air. I let out a few coughs as I admired the perfectly rolled blunt.

Hearing my phone ring caught my attention and I grabbed it off the nightstand to see my favorite cousin calling.

"Bitch, you been on instagram?" she says and I could hear the smirk in her voice. "No, why?"

"Jordan's ex bitch on there wildin. You want to pull up on her?" she asked,

"Hold on, imma call you back." I said before ending the call and going to instagram. I couldn't see her posts because she blocked me so I used Jordan's phone to go to her page. I saw she was posting old pictures of her and Jordan with cute captions and tagging her in the posts. I rolled my eyes at her child like behavior before locking Jordan's phone and putting it down.

Normally, I'd be heated about shit like this but I honestly don't give a fuck. Jordan doesn't give a fuck about that bitch, at least that's how she makes it seem. I'd hate to find out that she's been going behind my back talking to this girl let alone fucking her.

How would she even have time to be around this girl when she's always with me or working? I need to stop tripping, Jordan is nothing like my ex and she promised she wouldn't ever cheat on me so there's nothing to worry about.


"Bae where you going?" I asked, Jordan. She was dressed in khaki pants with a black shirt and black Ferragamo loafers. She was wearing the belt to match and around her neck was a chain that had a jesus piece on it. A gold rolex with a mixture of gold and silver diamonds occupied her wrist and she wore her hair in a bun showing off her fresh taper.

"With Alex to check on a few things." she said without looking up from her phone. She rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed with whatever she just read. "You seen the shit Nala been posting?" she asked as she approached me, showing me the tweet Nala had made.

"She's only doing it to make you mad." I said, calmly.

"It's working. I been pissed since I woke up." she said and I chuckled lowly causing her to narrow her eyes at me and I knew she was silently daring me to laugh again. "Baby, you should calm down. I can't be happy if you're not happy, so please calm down, for me?" I say before kissing her lips.

"But she keep bringing up old shit and it's not fair." she whined, sounding like a child. I could honestly say that she looked like she had been stressing, despite how well she was dressed. It was all in her eyes and it made me feel some type of way and the only reason why I haven't pulled up on her ex is because I can't go to jail again.

Hearing her phone vibrate got both of our attention and I watched as she picked up her phone and stared down at it with an expression of anger. She slipped her phone in her pocket before leaning down and kissing my lips. "Text me if you need anything." she said, "I love you."

I said it back before sighing and getting up. Last night I had a dream about Zach and I needed to go check on him. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if he were to die and I hadn't been to see him once.


I took a deep breath before walking into the room Zach was being held in. He was eating a fruit cup while watching some show that was in black in white. A bandage covered his jaw and another bandage was on his chest. It hurt a lot to see him like this but I knew I had to put my pride to the side and be here for him like he would for me.

"Wassup playboy." I say before smiling and sitting next to him on the hospital bed. He stared straight ahead as if he hadn't saw me walk in and I sighed, knowing he was mad at me and he has every right to be. Shit, I'd be mad at me too if the roles were switched.

"I know I haven't been here but there hasn't been a day when I don't think about you. I just couldn't see you like this." I said and he finally looked at me before he began to grin. "I can never stay mad at you." he mumbles, "But I understand Dom, it's all good." he said.

"So tell me what happened." I said.

"Jordan didn't tell you?" he asked, and I shook my head, "Only that her brother was the one who did it." I said.

He finished off his fruit cup before tossing it in the trashcan that was in the far corner of the room. "I just know I was talking to Jordan about clothes and other shit, then shots started ringing." he said with a shrug, "What's done is done, now we gotta get revenge." he said.

"We can't do that, Z. That's still Jordan's brother and I think she's gon handle it. Plus if we were to do it, it would start a war and we don't need that right now." I explained, hoping he would really hear me and think twice about his decision.

"Jordan's a coo ass nigga, and I get that you love her but this not about her right now, Dom. It's about her punk ass brother. It will get handled whether you like it or not." he stated and I sighed, knowing I wouldn't be able to say anything to change his mind.

Zach could be so stubborn when he's mad and not think things all the way through like I be telling him to. The day he learns it'll be too late.

"I'm not asking you to choose sides or no shit like that, but I need to know if you're with me." he said.

"You don't even have to ask me that." I said.

"So I'm trusting that you'll be by my side through this whole thing. I should be out this bitch tomorrow so we'll start making moves then." he said and I nodded, feeling the weight of a thousand men on my shoulders. I couldn't go behind Jordan's back and do this but Zach was asking me to. Loyalty is everything and there isn't anything I wouldn't do for him.

We come from same place, we grew up around the same shit. This my brother we talking about. He knew me before the money, before Jordan.. It wasn't blood that made us siblings, it was loyalty. Hopefully Jordan will understand.

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