Chapter 28

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                       Assyria Brooks

I felt my palms grow sweaty as I walked towards the door. I wanted to turn around and leave, but I knew I couldn't because Dakota wouldn't allow it.

I rubbed my hands on my jeans and took a deep breath before reaching for the doorknob. I didn't know how they would react, or if they would even talk to me.

I took a step back, about to tell Dakota to take me home until my phone began ringing from my back pocket.

Seeing Dakotas name across my screen, I immediately accepted the call. "I can't do it. What if they don't love me anymore?" I panicked into the phone, placing my hand on my forehead as I paced back and forth.

"You're over thinking this. Take a deep breath, calm down. Then go in whenever you're ready" she said, and after taking a deep breath like she recommended I was somewhat calm.

"You'll wait for me right?" I asked, glancing towards Dakota's car as she occupied the drivers seat holding her phone to her ear while watching me from a distance.

"Maybe" she says before hanging up and I frowned, knowing she would really leave me if I took too long.

Tucking my phone away, I rang the doorbell multiple times before looking down at my shoes, waiting for someone to open the door.

After about two minutes went by I heard the locks turning on the door causing me to look up. Ma stood there grinning foolishly as she leaned in the doorway. Her smile made me smile too, so we were both grinning like fools as we stared at each other.

She motioned for me to come in, and so I did being sure to close the door behind me. She led the way into the living room as I trailed behind her, playing with my fingers as I walked.

"So wassup with you?" She asked, taking her seat on the couch and grabbing the remote to turn the TV off.

"I need to clear my conscience" I said and she leaned forward, giving me her undivided attention as she kept her gaze fixated on me.

"I'm sorry for everything. I knew better, but at the time I didn't care. I realize now that I was wrong, and I can't sympathise how sorry I am" I apologized, and she looked away from me so I took that as an opportunity to push the tears away from my eyes, not even giving them a chance to fall.

"I know it seemed like I didn't care, but I did. I just ain't want you doing the same shit I was doing cause that shit ain't for everybody, especially not you." She said, finally looking at me, "You're done with that shit right?" She questioned.

"Yeah" I said, causing her to nod her head.

"Are you gon look at me differently?" I questioned nervously, biting down on my bottom lip as I lowered my gaze down to the floor. I couldn't look at her because I was too scared. I felt like I let her down.

I heard her sigh and soon the couch dipped down, letting me know she was now beside me.

"I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a hypocrite. You couldn't possibly fuck up as many times as I did, and hurt as many people as I have. You're my lil princess, there's nothing you could do that would make me look at you differently" she explained, cupping my chin to get me to look at her as she spoke.

"What about Mom, is she mad at me?" I asked, watching as she rubbed her hands together and shook her head. "She was more understanding than I was. Which is rare because shordy really crazy as fuck." She said, seeming to go into deep thought.

"That's my baby tho" she mumbled, reaching over and grabbing the remote to turn the TV back on.

"Is she coming back anytime soon?" I asked, hearing my phone start to ring. I pulled it from my pocket thinking it was Dakota only to see Kenny's name across my screen.

"She'll be here in a hour or something" she said as I declined the call from Kenny. Right after, he sent a text threatening me and I was contemplating letting Dakota kill him.

"Did you hear me?" Ma asked, and I nodded even though I wasn't listening. "I gotta go, tell Mama I stopped by" I say, leaning over and kissing her cheek before standing up to go.

"I love you mamas" she cooed, causing me to laugh. "I love you too" I responded, turning to walk away.

As I walked back to the car I held my phone in my hand, looking at all the texts from Kenny.

I knew Dakota would end up killing him anyway, so I tried not to sorry myself, but it was hard not to. Kenny was really crazy and I belonged in a mental institute. The way he thinks just isn't normal, and the drugs only make shit worse.

                      Dakota Agustin

"You ight baby? You look like you bout to pass out" I said, reaching over and grabbing her hand as I drove. "I'm okay" she said, continuing to stare out the window with her phone sitting in her lap.

She had been acting weird since she got in the car and wouldn't tell me what was going on. "If it's that bitch ass nigga stressing you out let me know, and I'll handle it." I said, turning down the street she lives on.

"Everything's okay" she said, sounding like she was trying to persuade herself. Deciding to drop this subject, I leaned over and kissed her cheek. "You know I love you right?" I say, and she nodded her head, still not looking at me.

"I love you too, Dakota. I always have" she said, finally looking at me. "Real shit? Cause I used to hate you" I said causing her to gasp and punch my shoulder.

"I'm being honest." I said as I rubbed the pain away, "When I first saw you I thought you were beautiful tho." I admitted, trying to lighten the mood as she looked like she was about to cry.

"I was in love with your eyes and I couldn't stop looking at them, but then you spoke to me and I got a whole attitude because you were rude. I don't even think your mean ass realized you were being disrespectful." She said, smiling small at the memory. 

"I still don't know what I said wrong. But I was really trynna bag you, then you shot me down like I wasn't shit. It's coo tho, cause look where you at now" I smirked, watching as her smile grew wider. "Don't get cocky. Especially when we both know you're bound to do something stupid and lose me for good." She said causing me laugh.

"Never" I said, my gaze lowering down to her full lips that were coated in lip gloss. "You sound so sure" she says as she leaned in so our lips were only inches apart.

I licked over my lips, leaning in closer and pressing my lips to hers. Before I knew it, she was straddling my lap and I was trying to take her clothes off while she kissed and sucked on my neck.

"Now I know your hoe ass ain't doing what I think you doing!"

Assyria glanced towards the porch and cursed under her breath as she started adjusting her clothes. She opened the door and got out, and I did the same. I leaned against my car as I eyed her lil boyfriend that stood on the porch holding onto an alcohol bottle.

"Let me know if he put his hands on you" I said, grabbing her arm as she was starting to walk towards her home. "Okay" she mumbled, pecking my lips before she walked away from me.

I folded my arms over my chest and smirked, realizing he was staring at me. Squinting my eyes, I made a gun gesture with my hand as I stared back at him.

He didn't know how bad I want to kill his ass and the only thing saving him right now was Assyria.

Nobody could ever understand how much I love Assyria, or what she means to me. Except her. She told me she didn't want him dead right now so I have no choice but to respect her decision. Until she changes her mind, I'd continue to plot on how I was going to kill him.

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