"Safe" Preface-- coming soon

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                      Dakota Agustin

"Agustin." The guard called out, and I continued to lay there and stare up at the ceiling with my arm resting behind my head.

"You have a visitor." He spoke again and I slowly sat up to look at him. "If Assyria not out there, then I'm not going." I stated, about to lay down again until he said, "Your brother says he needs to talk to you about something important. It seemed serious."

I sat there a little longer before finally getting up and walking over to the cell, allowing him to handcuff me before he opened the cell up and escorted me to the visitation room.

Seeing my brudda sitting there alone with his head in his hands let me know that something was wrong. Normally he brought Harley with him, and sometimes Assyria, but she stopped coming months ago.

I held my hands out for the guard to take my handcuffs off and once he did, I took a seat across from Aiden. "So what's going on?" I asked, watching as he forced a smile.

"You doing ight?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "My wife cut all communication with me, and ion even know why. I haven't slept in days, and I've been annoyed since I got here. Other than that, I'm good." I said, slouching back in the seat as he got this look of guilt on his face.

"Ju tell me what the fuck going on." I said, beginning to bite at my nails as I waited for him to speak.

"It's Assyria..." He said, "She lost the baby."

I chuckled as I twisted my lips to the side and nodded my head. "What the fuck that got to do with me?" I said, unable to sympathize for Assyria. I didn't know what was going on with me, but lately I ju haven't been able to care about anything.
"You serious right now? Regardless of the terms y'all on, that's still yo wife." He said, getting defensive causing my eyebrows to push up.

"You fucking her?" I asked, hoping my accusation was wrong, but the look on his face told me otherwise. "Damn" I mumbled, scratching my eyebrow before rubbing my forehead then running a hand down my face.

"We kissed, but it ain't mean nothing. She was drunk and in her feelings." He said, as if that was supposed to make it better.

Mad wasn't even the word for what I was feeling. My hands had started shaking and I couldn't do anything but laugh.

While I was locked up, Assyria was kissing my brudda and getting drunk every fucking day. I need her now more than I ever have, and she don't even answer the fucking phone when I call. Shit was funny to me cause when she was at her lowest, I dropped everything to be there for her.

"Both y'all some fucking clowns." I laughed, standing up and calling the guard over so I could go. "Dakota, I'm--"

"Fuck you, nigga." I cut him off as the guard handcuffed me.

"Take him and Assyria off my visitation list." I said as he escorted me back to my cell.

"Anything else?" The guard asked and I shook my head, stopping in front of my cell so he could take the cuffs off me. "Nah, that's all." I mumbled, as I stared down at the tiled floor.

Feeling eyes on me, I looked up to see one of the female guards staring at me. She licked her lips at me before giving a smile and I scrunched my face up into a mug as I stared back at her. I knew about the guards fucking inmates and I wasn't with that shit at all.

"You sure you don't need anything else?" The guard, Apostle asked me and I nodded my head. "I'm coo, man." I assured him, walking into my cell and going over to my bunk.

Nothing felt the same anymore. Everybody was starting to change up on me, including the one person I thought would always remain loyal. I couldn't fake like I was innocent though, especially when I knew I was changing also.

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