Chapter 33

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                      Assyria Agustin

"She's not mean" Dakota assured me as we walked hand in hand towards her mothers home. "Nah, I'm lying. She's mean as hell sometimes but I'm sure she'll like you." She added once we reached the front door.

"But what if she doesn't?" I asked, and she shrugged her shoulders. "Then she gotta go." She said with a straight face causing me to laugh even though I knew she was dead serious.

Dakota turned the doorknob then pushed the door open, pulling me inside the nicely decorated home. "Mama!" Dakota called, pulling me towards the back of the home where the kitchen was.

"Don't come in here yelling." She said, looking up from the pot on the stove and at Dakota for a brief second before her gaze landed on me.

"Who's this pretty woman?" She smiled, pulling Dakota into a hug.

"This Assyria." Dakota said simply, going over to the stove to see what her mother had cooked.

"I've heard so much about you." She said, about to hug me until she noticed the ring on my finger. Grabbing my hand, she held it out as she eyed the ring.

"Don't look right at it, you can go blind." Dakota said, causing her mother to laugh. "It's beautiful. When did all this happen?" She asked, looking to Dakota for answers as she pulled a chair out for me to sit down.

"Not too long ago." Dakota responded.

As they talked I admired how much Dakota resembled her. They shared the same dark blue eyes, mocha skin, and facial features. 

"You're so beautiful." She cooed, taking a plate from Dakota and putting it in front of me. Everything looked so good and I didn't know where to start.

"Thank you." I said as Dakota sat next to me, placing a drink in front of me before kissing my cheek. "I've heard so much about you, I feel like I know you." She said, looking towards Dakota who stared back at her with a look of annoyance.

"Go ahead and eat." Her mother waved her off and Dakota sucked her teeth as she lifted her fork and began eating.

As I ate, I had to pry Dakota's hand off my thigh because she was being nasty under the table as if her mother wasn't sitting in front of us. "Stop." I mumbled lowly, kicking her leg under the table causing her to hiss.

"Excuse me real fast." Her mother said as she got up from the table, leaving us alone.

"I told you she would like you." Dakota smirked, trying to take food off my plate causing me to scrunch my face up as I hit her shoulder. "The fuck are you doing?" I snapped, politely sliding my plate closer to me.

"You ain't even eating." She said, trying to take my cornbread. "Because I keep having to pry your damn hand off me, fucking perv." I mumbled, flicking her upside the head.

"I don't care no more. I'll get my own." She said, standing up and walking over to the stove as I went back to eating.

After eating and making small talk with Dakota's mother we were leaving.

"Watch your leg." Dakota said as she closed the door then went around to her side to get in.

I put my seatbelt on just as Dakota sped off, making the tires screech. Twenty minutes later we were pulling up in front of the condo and I wasted no time in getting out.

"Hol' on," Dakota said, wanting me to get back in so she could talk to me. "Yes?" I said, trying to hide my annoyance.

"I gotta handle something, so I'll be back a little later," she informed me. "But you're supposed to be taking me to the mall," I pouted and she tapped her fingers on the steering wheel, seeming like she was thinking about something.

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