Chapter 35

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"I don't understand why you're doing this." Timmy said to me after I finished explaining what me and Adrian discussed the other day. "You told me you needed help and that's what I'm trying to do. Just trust me, brother. It's gon work." I said, and he continued to stare straight ahead as if he was in deep thought.

"I'm worried about you." He said after a while. "I don't want you to go to jail because of something I did. It's not worth it." He said, standing up from the couch and walking over to the large glass window that overlooked the city.

"I already told Adrian I was gon do it, so there is no going back from this shit. I just need to know if you're down." I said, getting up from the couch and standing beside him. "You know I'm with you. It's just.. I don't feel like you really thought this shit through. You're not thinking about your family." He stressed.

"If I die or get locked up, you gon look after Assyria and Noah right?" I ask and he nodded. "Ight then. That's settled. Just stop being a pussy, and put your big boy boxers on so we can get this shit over with." I said and he draped his arm around my shoulder as he stared down at the view. "I trust you, bro. And I'm down for any and everything." He stated and I smiled as we dapped each other up.

"Do you trust Adrian though?" He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. "Dudes coo I guess. We talked and came to an understanding. He should know better than to cross any boundaries." I said. "But him and Jay blood cousins. If the time comes he's gon pick her over you." Timmy stated and I smirked.

"He's not because Jay fucks with Domonique. And Domonique is connected to both of us in some way. If the time comes he's gon choose Dom." I explained. Timmy still looked hesitant like he knew something was going to happen and I couldn't understand why he was being like that. This was something that would only take a couple hours then we'd never speak of it again.

"What's going on with you and Domo anyway? I miss my lil nigga." Timmy says with a smile. "She's doing her own thing." I said, nonchalantly. I honestly don't care because I know she's gon come back to me eventually. She always does. I'm just about to sit back and watch her catch feelings for Jay because I already know how it's about to play out.

"And?" Timmy said, wanting me to explain more. "And, I'm coo with it. At first I wanted to fuck Jada just to make her mad but now, I'm really over the whole situation." I said, continuing to look out the window.

"Text me when you ready to meet up." Timmy said before he left and I plopped down on the couch and picked up the remote to find something to watch until I remembered I had to go and drop Assyria off.

"Assyria, come here!" I called, flipping through channels until I settled on cartoons. "Yes?" She questioned and I looked over my shoulder at her and smiled because she's so beautiful. "You ready to go?" I ask and she nodded, going to the back to get her stuff.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket but I didn't feel like talking to anyone so I didn't bother answering it. "I'm ready." Assyria exclaims and I pulled the door open for her and led the way to my car.

"Can we get something to eat? I'm starving." She said, rubbing her stomach while pouting. "I'll get you something." I assured her as she put her seat belt on. "How come you and Mommy don't talk anymore? I liked it better when we were all together." She said and I looked away from the road and at her.

"We don't always see eye to eye on certain shit. We're just taking time away from each other because there's so much going on right now." I said, focusing on the road. "But I want you to come home. Do you think she'll say yes if I ask for you to come back?" She says making me chuckle. "Nah. All that isn't necessary. I'm only one phone call away, Assyria. Just call whenever and I'll drop everything just to be there for you." I said.

"Promise?" She said and I nodded, "I promise." I assured her.

After getting her some food, I dropped her off to Domonique. I didn't plan on getting out the car because I didn't want to look at her at all, but the door was locked and Assyria had knocked like four times already. I got out my car and walked to the doorstep, ringing the doorbell multiple times just to annoy her.
It wasn't long before the door swung open and Domo appeared wearing a long t-shirt that stopped mid thigh. Her hair was all fucked up like somebody was pulling it and her face was red. It was obvious she was getting fucked.

"Hey mommy" Assyria mumbled, sounding sad. She tried to walk in the mansion but I stopped her and told her to get in the car so I could talk to Domonique.

"I'm not leaving her here if you got Jay over." I said and she folded her arms over her chest. "Are you jealous or something? Or do you not trust me?" She asked.

It wasn't a jealousy thing. I just don't trust Jay at all and I'm not comfortable with leaving my baby here while she's around. "Neither. I just don't want Assyria around her. You should respect that." I said and she nodded her head, "Give me a minute." Was all she said before closing the door and I walked back to my car and proceeded to roll a blunt until I remembered Assyria was with me.

"What's wrong?" I asked her, noticing she had gotten quiet all of a sudden. Assyria shrugged her shoulders and looked away from me, not wanting to talk about it. "You know I hate it when you're down. Just talk to me, I promise I'll listen." I said but she didn't say anything. She just continued to stare out the window like I wasn't talking to her. "Baby, talk to me." I said, gently cupping her chin so she'd look at me.

"I'm okay, ma." Assyria mumbled, and I stared at her a little while longer before deciding to drop it. I knew she would call me later and tell me why she was mad so I wasn't tripping.

I looked up just as the front door opened and Jay walked out looking happy as hell. "Ight mamas, call me before you go to sleep," I say before leaning over and kissing her cheek.

"Okay. I love you." She said before getting out the car and I said it back, watching her walk over to where Domonique stood waiting for her. After rolling a blunt I left to go and meet up with Adrian and Timmy so we could handle this shit once and for all.

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