Chapter 26

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    Two Months Later                

                       Assyria Brooks

Shit just wasn't the same.

It had been almost three months since I'd spoke to my parents, and Noah. This was the longest I'd ever gone without contacting them and vice versa. Any time I tried to call them Kenny would snatch my phone and threaten to kill me if I tried calling them again which resulted in me having to delete their number.

Our relationship started off good. We were in love and I was finally happy but he recently started acting different. I barely saw him these days and when I did he was always high out of his mind picking fights for no reason.

Sitting at the vanity, I covered up the bruises on my face with makeup while Kenny paced back and forth, ignoring the blood that was oozing out from his nose. His lip was busted and he had a large cut above his eye that needed stitches.

"I'm fucking tired of you putting your hands on me, Kenny!" I stressed, looking at him through the mirror. "If you would stop being disobedience I wouldn't have to. Keep playing with me and you'll leave me no choice but to kill you, bitch" he spat as he walked towards me and bent down. He roughly grabbed my face to get me to look at him.

His eyes had gotten dark as he stared at me with anger in his eyes. He lifted his hand causing me to flinch, only for him to gently caress the side of my face.

"I love you, you know that?" He asked and I nodded, avoiding eye contact with him. He honestly scared me when he was high off cocaine because he'd get violent and say hurtful shit.

"You mean everything to me and I'm scared to lose you. You understand that right?" He asked, his eyes searching mine as I nodded my head.

"Good" he said, letting go of my face and standing up. I went back to doing my make-up while he went to sit on the bed, watching me with hooded eyes.

He licked over his lips before getting up and going into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I heard water running and slowly got up from my vanity, sliding my shoes on I quietly left from the room.

Grabbing my car keys from off the hook that was next to the door, I went to pull it open only for it to be slammed shut by Kenny.

"You trynna leave on a nigga?" He questioned, grabbing my arm so I'd turn around. He stood shirtless in just his gymshorts that hung low on his waist showing off his v line.

"Get off me" I said, shoving him away from me only for him to grab me by my neck and roughly throw me against the wall.

"Watch how you talk to me" he scolded, grabbing me by my waist as he pulled at my clothes, wanting me to come out of them. I slapped him across his face only for him to hit me back so we started fighting.

I ended up on the floor with him on top of me, holding my wrists in one of his hands as he used the other to pull my jeans off along with his shorts.

"You always playing hard to get, knowing that shit turns me on." He mumbled into my ear as he roughly pushed himself inside me causing me to hiss in pain.

Tears had started to form in my eyes and he kissed them away, telling me everything would be okay.

"It's alright baby. Daddy gon take care of you, always," he mumbled.


I woke up in my bed, my face still wet from all the crying I did. Kenny wasn't laying next to me and when I tried to get up, a pain shot through my body so I stayed where I was.

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