Chapter 34

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"I don't want to get involved with you if you're just gonna get back with her. I really like you, and I want this to work." Jay said as we walked hand in hand throughout the beach. "Me and Jordan aren't speaking right now, and I don't see us getting back together any time soon." I explained. Jordan was my first everything and she'll always have a place in my heart but it's not working out between us and I don't think it ever will.

"But are you ready for a relationship?" She asked and I looked over at her, "Let's just take it slow and whatever happens, happens." I said and she nodded, agreeing with what I said.

"Can I ask you something?" I say and she nodded. "Why aren't you and Jordan friends anymore? You said you've known her since you were thirteen."

Something wasn't quite adding up and I meant to ask Jordan but I forgot. "I was always there for Jordan, through everything. We were tight, blood couldn't make us any closer. But then she got injured and her whole mindset changed. The Jordan I knew wouldn't have picked up a gun. It was always books and basketball. We ended up going our separate ways after highschool and never spoke since." She explained and I remained silent, taking everything in.

"She's not a bad person. She was my nigga at one point in time. We just outgrew each other. You know?" She added. "I get it." I said.

That still didn't explain why they don't like each other but I guess I'll just leave it alone. We had been kicking it for a few weeks now and I was somewhat feeling her. She was like Jordan in so many ways but I kept getting this weird vibe from her.

My phone started ringing from my pocket and I pulled it out to look at the caller I.D. seeing it was Adrian. I wasn't about to answer until I remembered he has Aalejah and was more than likely calling to ask a question. "She keep crying. What am I supposed to do?" Adrian asked, sounding stressed out. I could hear Aalejah crying in the background and I sighed, wanting to be there to comfort her.

"Has she ate?" I asked. "Yeah, I changed her diapers and everything but she keep on crying. I don't know what to do." He said. "Hold on, I'll be there in a minute." I said before ending the call.

I knew she more than likely misses Jordan because she usually only cries when Jordan isn't around. I had to figure something out though because Jordan isn't really going to be around her as much as she was before.

"You're leaving already?" Jay asked and I nodded. "I have to go and check on my daughter." I said, letting go of her hand and Jay kissed my lips before we went our separate ways.


"This shit stressful as fuck." Adrian says as he watched me try to get Aalejah to stop crying, but she just wouldn't stop. "It's not that stressful. You just have to calm down." I said and he placed his hand over his heart and smiled. "That's the nicest thing you've said to me in years." He said, and I playfully pushed him. "I'm not a mean person. You're just always on that bullshit." I said as I adjusted Aalejah in my arms. She had finally stopped crying and I was glad because it was giving me a headache.

"Give her to me." Adrian said, holding his arms around and I allowed him to take her. "I been thinking about some shit lately, and I've decided to dead my issues with Jordan. We talked earlier, and she's real coo. I see why you with her." He said, making me smile.

"We're not together anymore. It's just not working." I stressed, sitting on the couch and he did the same. "You think we could get back together? I know my actions say otherwise, but I do love you." He said.

"Adrian I think we're better off as friends." I said. I tried to be with him but I couldn't. It was too frustrating and I didn't have the patience needed to deal with him. "I understand." He said before leaning down to kiss our daughters forehead. "Thank you for giving me her. She's a blessing." He said and I glanced over at him. "Why you being so nice?" I ask, reaching over and pulling at his beard. He laughed as he pushed my hands away from his face.

"I had that talk with Jordan and it really opened my eyes to a lot of shit. I don't want to be a deadbeat father because I grew up that way. I want to be here for my daughter, and you." He said leaning over and kissing my cheek. I really wondered what Jordan said to this nigga because just last week his mindset wasn't like this.

"Well, I have to go and get Assyria. Call me if you need anything else." I said as I got up from the couch. "Let me walk you to the door or something." He said and I leaned down to kiss my daughter. "I love you," I said to her and Adrian put her down on the couch before following me to the front door. He pulled it open for me and gave a smile, showing his dimples.

"Be safe girl." He called while I walked to my car.


"Wassup?" Jordan says once she pulled the door open. "I came to get Assyria, remember?" I say, stepping past her and into her condo. "She just went to sleep. I meant to call you but I forgot. I could just bring her to you tomorrow instead of waking her up." She said and I nodded.

"Yeah just do that." I said, turning on my heels to walk away. "Be safe, Dom. And call me if you need anything." She said, which caught me off guard because just last week we couldn't look at each other without cussing the other out. Now here she was being nice and shit.

"Okay." I said, knowing I wasn't going to call her because she never answers her phone. It always rings twice then hangs up so I know she's personally declining the call. Unless it's one of the women she's been messing with lately.

"Ight, be safe." She said before closing the door and I got in my car deciding to just pull up on Jay to fuck since I didn't have shit else to do.

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