Chapter 34

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                     Assyria Agustin

"So what the fuck happened? Why you look so damn pale?" Aiden questioned Dakota as she scrolled through her phone.

I squinted my eyes, noticing how pale she had gotten also. "I keep telling her to eat. Just let her dumbass pass out." I mumbled, continuing to bounce Harley in my lap as she giggled.

"I don't eat when I'm under stress." Dakota said, putting her phone in her pocket and looking towards Aiden as he went through a folder.

"Ion know why he had this, or how he even got it." Dakota said, rubbing her forehead.

Aiden twisted his lips to the side as he chuckled, "He was trynna set you up so he could buy the business and shit." He said, closing the folder up and tossing it on the coffee table.

"Look at your aunt, all pale and shit." I mumbled to Harley as I looked over her shoulder at Dakota, seeing she was zoned out with her head in her hands.

"You're so cute." I cooed to Harley as Aiden came and sat next to me.

"Got a bun in the oven?" Aiden questioned me, briefly looking over at Dakota then back at me.

"What?" I looked down at my stomach, wondering how he knew that. "I'm not even showing yet." I mumbled more to myself than him.

"How far along are you?" He asked and I shrugged. "I'm supposed to be finding out some time this week." I responded, still shocked on how he knew.

"Congrats sis." He said, leaning over and  taking Harley from me before he kissed her cheek repeatedly causing her to smile.

"Come on mama, you gotta take a nap." Aiden said as he walked away, leaving me and Dakota alone.

"You're doing it again." I said, moving so I was sitting beside her. "Doing what?" She asked, sitting up straight and brushing her curls out of her face.

"Worrying. I told you everything was going to be fine." I said as she rested her head on my shoulder. "We both know I'll be locked up real soon. I'm not worried tho, ju frustrated." She mumbled.

I didn't say anything as I gently stroked the side of her face and occasionally kissed her cheek.

"You still wan go to the mall?" She asked me, lifting her head off my shoulder to look at me as I shook my head. "Let's do something else." I said.

"Something like what?" She asks, flicking my lip with her finger causing me to scrunch my face up. "Something like, eat before you pass out. And don't fucking do that again," I said, popping her upside the head.

"Why not?" She said, flicking my lip again only for me to pop her hand this time. She laughed as she stood to her feet and extended her hand for me to take.

"Where you wanna eat at?" Dakota asked while she pulled the door open for me, allowing me to walk ahead of her and towards the car that was parked crazily in front of the mansion.

"Anywhere, just not fast food." I said as I opened the car door and got inside, waiting for Dakota to do the same.


I sat Indian style in the center of the bed as I stuffed my face, waiting on Dakota to get out the shower so I could annoy her.

After finishing my food, I got up to throw it away and while I was in the kitchen I went ahead and grabbed some snacks. Noticing all the snacks were at the very top I sucked my teeth, knowing Dakota did that on purpose because she knew I couldn't reach it.

Hearing laughter, I looked over my shoulder at Dakota as she was leaned in the doorway with her arms folded over her chest.

She took the towel that was draped along her shoulder and rubbed her hair, trying to dry it before she got the snacks down from the cupboard for me.

"You're so little, shits hilarious watching you struggle to get stuff." Dakota laughed as I opened up the bag of chips. "Shut up" I mumbled, pushing past her and going to sit down in the living room.

"Come watch a movie with me." I called out as I grabbed the remote and began flipping through different channels. It wasn't long before I felt the couch dip down, letting me know she was next to me.

I rested my feet in her lap as she slouched back onto the couch and stared at the tv.

"Don't go to sleep on me." I said, nudging her shoulder when I saw she was dozing off.

"Okay." She mumbled, running a hand down her face and sitting up, trying to make it seem like she wasn't sleepy when we both knew she would be sleep in five minutes.

                    Dakota Agustin

"I ju don't understand why you always gassin these lame ass movies." I said as I grabbed the remote to turn seeing as how we were watching the ending credits.

"You only watch movies like Scarface." She pointed out as she dipped her strawberry in chocolate and held it to my mouth causing me to bite into it.

Taking her thumb, she wiped the corners of my mouth before gently kissing my lips. When she pulled back, she stared in my eyes and I placed my hand on her thigh as I pressed my lips to hers.

Hearing my phone vibrate, I pulled away from Assyria so I could check my notifications. After seeing that it was nothing important, I tossed my phone aside and picked up where I left off.

"Did you hear that?" Assyria said, looking towards the window. "Hear what?" I say, kissing along her neck as I gripped her thighs. "It sounded like a car door being slammed." Assyria said, getting up from my lap to check until I stopped her by gently grabbing her waist.

"Lemme check." I said, pulling the door open to see at least five squad cars parked out front with officers holding guns.

"FBI, freeze!" The officer shouted, cautiously walking towards me as if he was worried I would run. He wasn't wrong tho, I was definitely about to run.

Before I could even go anywhere, one of the officers had aggressively forced me against the wall. Everything happened so fast. My heart was beating out of my chest as I looked around for Assyria.

"Dakota!" I heard Assyria scream causing me to look up to see she was on the ground being handcuffed also. Seeing them man handle her like that sent me into a rage but there was nothing I could do, seeing as how I was already handcuffed and being forced into the squad car.

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