Chapter 12

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Delia's POV:

I felt like I was falling, down, down into a never ending hole of blackness, but then light came and made it brighter, I look closer and saw that it was Harry.

I walked closer to him, but then someone came up behind him, I tried screaming his name, but nothing came out, and then a green light came and Harry fell to the ground and the person walked closer and closer, then it all stopped and I woke up screaming like before.

I looked around and saw Neville laying down looking at me, Seamus with a bruise on his cheek and then Harry, Ron and Hermione looking at me worried.

"Oh Delia I'm so happy you're ok," Hermione said coming over and hugging me. "Thanks Hermione," I said.

I looked over at Ron, "So glad your awake Delia, we've been worried sick, when we brought you in here you was pretty bad thought Madam Pomfrey wouldn't be able to help," he said, "you wouldn't even be in here if Malfoy hadn't provoked Harry."

I looked over to see him just staring at his feet. I looked over to Ron and Hermione and they seemed to know what to do so they went over to Neville and Seamus and started talking.

"Harry I know you didn't mean to do it, Malfoy got the worst from you, but just remember I'm here for you," I said taking my hand and lifting his face up to see him crying.

But before I could say another thing Harry stood up and kissed me. I didn't know what to do, I didn't want to make him feel bad, plus he kissed really good for 11.

He moved his hand to my cheek and I still didn't know what to do because Harry was my first kiss and you know I don't really know what your supposed to do.

He pulled away, but before I could say anything he walked away with his head hung low. I was staring at him gobsmacked, while he walked away.

I looked at everyone they were staring at me gobsmacked while Seamus was just smiling. Hermione came over to me, "What was that?" she asked me. I couldn't think of anything to say, my mouth was moving, but nothing was coming out.

They looked at me, and I was thankful when Madam Pomfrey came in, "come on everyone leave, the girl needs to get her sleep," she said.

They walked away, but then stopped, "Is she going to be able to come to class tomorrow?" Hermione asked. "No, not just yet, now leave go," she said shooing them away with her hands.

She came back and gave me some nasty flavored medicine, then closed the curtain. I rolled over, but couldn't seem to close my eyes and get some.

I turned over to face the door, but Madam Pomfrey didn't really close the curtain and I saw right into Seamus's side. He smiled at me, I smiled back then turned around and fell asleep.


Harry's POV-

I walked inside the castle with Professor McGonagall and was awaiting the punishment that was coming. But instead she walked to Professor Quarrel's class. She stopped me then walked inside, "Can I see Wood for a moment?" She asked. "Ye- yes," he said.

Some boy walked out with Professor McGonagall, "Potter, this is Oliver Wood," McGonagall said then smiled, " Wood I have found you a Seeker." The boy smiled back, then walked back inside.

"Ms. Diggory is probably waiting for you when she wakes up," she said to me. I looked at her, but all she did was walk away, I ran to the hospital wing to see Neville in there with a cast, for some reason Seamus with a black eye and what looked like a broken jaw, and the back's of Hermione and Ron surrounding a bed in the far back.

I walked over to them and saw my beautiful Delia laying on the hospital bed with a red and badly bruised cheek and a red almost bruised throat.

Hermione and Ron turned around and saw me, they moved out of the way and pulled a seat up. I sat down and just looked at her.

It seemed to be forever when she had finally woke up, her eyes fluttered open, then closed, then fluttered open and stayed open this time

She looked around at Neville and Seamus, then looked at Hermione, Ron and then at me

"Oh Delia I'm so happy your ok," Hermione said going over and hugging her. "Thanks Hermione," she said.

She looked over at Ron, "So glad your awake Delia, we've been worried sick, when we brought you in here you was pretty bad thought Madam Pomfrey wouldn't be able to help," he said, "you wouldn't even be in here if Malfoy hadn't provoked Harry."

She looked over at me and I just stared at my feet. She looked over to Ron and Hermione and they seemed to know what to do so they went over to Neville and Seamus and started talking.

"Harry I know you didn't mean to do it, Malfoy got the worst from you, but just remember I'm here for you," She said taking her hand and lifting my face up, I tried to keep my head down so she didn't see the tears I had, but she got the best from me.

I looked up and saw her face filled with compassion, but all I could see was her beautiful lips. I don't know what had over come me, but before she could say another thing I stood up and kissed her.

I had been dreaming about this ever since I had meet her and seen those marvelous lips. At first she just laid there and did nothing, I put my hand on her cheek and she still didn't do a thing.

I pulled away then walked out off the room knowing everyone was staring at me I felt like a such an idiot, but I had to do that before I went to find Malfoy.

I was trying to walk and find Malfoy and I had spotted him when someone came and pulled me back. It pulled me into a room and shoved me in and locked the door, "What happened to my sister Potter?" Cedric asked.

"Malfoy, he provoked me, he made fun of Delia and I was going to tell him off, when I accidentally hit Delia, but not on purpose of course I would never hurt her, even if my own life depended on it," I said hoping he didn't think I would hurt her on purpose.

"I know you wouldn't hurt her, but who made fun of her?" He asked with suspicion and anger in his voice. "Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," I said.

He had this horrible look on his face, and I thought he had calmed down, but he went and opened the door and slammed it. I followed him out and saw him heading straight for Malfoy.

Malfoy didn't see him coming, but when Cedric got closer, someone elbowed him and pointed to Cedric.

Now the look on Malfoy's face was priceless it was soaked in fear, "Now you listen here Malfoy, if I ever so see you talking, looking or making fun of my sister ever again, you will wish you hadn't been born," he said through gritted teeth.

I walked over and pulled him away from him, even though I didn't want to, but for Delia's sake I didn't want to see her brother get expelled from Hogwarts.

I took him by the shoulders and pulled him away, and we walked back into the castle. "Yea run away back to your little girlfriend," Malfoy said.

I walked over to him and raised my fist but Cedric got in the way, "come on Harry," Cedric said pulling me away.

I didn't even look back to see Malfoy's face to know that if I did Cedric wouldn't have stopped me this time.

The Diggory Sister (Part 1) A Harry Potter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now