The Beginning *Edited*

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Now, let me begin this by saying I had no idea this was going to happen! I woke up on my eleventh birthday, got a letter from Hogwarts (as expected) and happily told my parents! Sorry, let me introduce myself I'm Rose Granger-Weasley, and this is the story of my first year at Hogwarts.

After we celebrated my letter we had breakfast and went to Diagon Alley! As I was walking around I saw a few girls that didn't seem to know where they were going. One had brown curly hair which made me chuckle, very reminiscent of my mum in her first year, with very pale skin. On her right was another brunette her hair cut at her shoulders and her hair was almost black, she also had dark skin, it reminded me of Dean Thomas and I swear I heard my dad say something about them secretly being related! On the left was another girl, she also had pale skin, though not nearly to the extent as the curly haired girls, her hair was quite a bit darker then the curly haired girls but not nearly as dark as the girl with short hair! I noticed that her hair fell just below her shoulders. It was quite obvious they came here together but didn't seem to know anything or anyone else.

I followed my parents around, getting fit for my robes, getting a wand from Ollivanders, that sort of stuff, but the girls just kept popping up! It was surprising and honestly a bit annoying! I didn't know them yet that kept appearing.

~Big Time Skip to Platform 9 3/4~

I said goodbye to my parents, Hugo, and Lily, reminding them that I'd miss them before walking onto the train with Albus. I wasn't surprised to see our cousins compartment was quite full so we walked around looking for a new one.

"Albus! That one only has like four people in it! We can go there!"

"I mean, we could but what if they don't like us?"

"Albus, you need to make friends! Come on!" I threw open the door with a smile, one girl looked up from her book, the blond boy seemed shocked to say the least.

"Hello! I'm Rose Granger-Weasley this is my cousin Albus Potter, we were wondering if we could sit with you guys?"

"Uh, sure. I'm Sidney Yeung, this is my sister Klorissa, our best friend Alessandra Ambrosio, and that's Scorpious Malfoy."

"Oh, it's nice to meet you!" I smiled as I plopped down in a seat Albus following quietly.



"So I had this idea-"

"Oh my god Rissa no!"


"Depends, what is it?"

"Okay, so I get that we're 'just first years' but what if we pranked everyone? Like, I'm not sure about if we should screw with the teachers or not yet but-"

"Ris you're brilliant and I love you because I already planned like twenty different pranks."

"You guys are so chaotic!"

"Oh, Ali, you say that like we don't know."

"Wait, you've already planned pranks for the school?" Albus cut in.

"Yes! Okay so, I was thinking, I could do something boring like hex everyone so they have birds following them but again, that's boring and predictable. So instead I'm going to put laxatives in everyone's food except a select few people. You guys will be exempted from my chaos, if you help-"

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