The Bet (For realsies ok)

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It's scary how accurate this is for my friends and I this is.
                  Sids pov
The blood rushed from my nose why did I agree to this? The pain I feel being hit. It all started right after my third task ( I know I'm going to be doing the tournament and ball in the next three or four chapters). Another blow to the gut and I scream again and agian wishing I didn't agree to that stupid bet but it was the bet or die I would never leave my friends and family alone so I went with the bet. He's just standing there I knew he was a horrible person but this this was worse then horrible this was and evil malicious person who only cared about one thing Delphi Riddle.
      Just after the third task
I'm roaming around the library shelves in boredom looking for a new book seeing as I probably read the whole library already including the restricted section. I feel a hand grab me by the arm. It's none other then Blaise Zabbini and Tim Wallis the two boys I've been trying to avoid.
"Bet or we kill you." Tim says.
"What's the bet?"
"You will join the death eaters or you die." Blaise.
"That's not a bet it's blackmail." I sing-song
"If you live through this you join the death eaters if you die well yoh obviously can't join us."
"Wait what?"
"Crucio." After and hour or two of this I know because I was watching the clock.
"Fine I'll join." I huff grabbing my ribcage hoping breath will come easier. Yes I but my lip to stop the screaming I didn't need anything to happen for anyone else to be hurt.
"Meet us in hogsmead the twenty-third and 12:00 pm." They say in a threatening tone. They leave and I shiver and walk away going to find Harry to tell him I will be leaving but hopefully returning and explaining why.

Well that was an extremely short chapter but keep it in mind for my next 4 or 5 chapters p.s this is gonna be like 50-70 chapters long yeah. LOL~The Fluff Pup <3 ♡

Rose Weasley And The Bet, The Promise, And The Blackmail ON HIATUS REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now