Second Task

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And then there was one. The saying echos through my head as I awake with Rissa gone after a few days of planning it was finnaly the second task and it was time. Of course I knew she would be gone but I don't want her gone anyone could understand that, right? I go to breakfast but I won't eat.
"Sid you better eat." James says. I shake my head.
"I'm not hungry." Deciding I better get ready I stand up.
Sidney Zelenka you better eat or you'll be having a knuckle sandwich for lunch.
Fine Klorissa.
"I'll take you up on that food." I mumble sitting back down.
"It speaks." Fred exclaims drammaticly.
"She's not an it." James glares.
"James is right I'm not an it. I'm a Narwhals " I croak. They stare at me and start laughing.
"NARWHALS NARWHALS SWIMMING IN THE OCEAN CAUSING A COMOTION!" I scream in a sing-song voice very horasley getting applause. How I'll never know. Maybe it was support because my sibling was stuck in a tower (which they didn't know). Either way I'm taking it. I felt pain it wasn't new but what it was is hurt like a son of a bitch.
"Champions who are still left please head to the tent." So I left.
"Did any of you find out the clue?" Mione asked. I slowly raised my hand. She had this 'shit it's a muggle thing.' Look on her face. So we start all go at once.
Sid I'm currently in the 13th castle I go from here to the fifth then to the third.
Meet you at castle three.
And I head straight there. Stunning creatures (not very many) on my way. They knew I was one of them well partly. The scars on my stomach let's just say they aren't from cutting but from a half-breed. I get in and ask the creatures to let me and my sister through peacefully. They agree hand me the clue and we exit the maze another clue in hand. Gjoe uif dvq bme zpv xjo. But the ball come first that's what everyone's excited for right? We come back walking instead of on broomsticks like we planned but came in second. Time to find a date yay. But I'm pretty James is going to ask me. At least I hope he's my boyfriend. It'd be awkward to go with someone else.

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