Back to Hogwarts and a Pain of the past

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                    Second year
                  ~Rissas pov~
"If you dye my hair one more time I'm making yours permanent, got it?" Sid asked.
"Slow your roll cutie." James winked. To that everyone rolled their eyes except the boys who smirked.
"James come with me." Fred demanded.
               ~Freds pov~
"If you don't ask her out someone else will." I told James.
"But-" James was cut off.
"Wheres Rose?" Malfoy asked.
"In the compartment, why?" I asked.
"I'm gonna try to make a truce." He replied then walked in and screamed.
"If you ever. Ever. Wrong us you are dead." I heard Sid and Rissa reply simultaneously.
"Right um is it to late now to say sorry for calling you a mud-blood? Twice?" Rodent asked.
"Still waiting for that apology Rodent." Sid told him.
"Ok sorry. Also, um, why do you call me Rodent?" He asked.
"'Cause it's fun. But mostly because your a pure-blooded rodent. Even if we make a truce I'm still calling you rodent." Sid spat.
"Me too." Rissa stated.
"Ok whose top of DADA in your class?" I asked walking into the compartment with James at my side.
"Jake Jordan." Everyone but Sid replied.
"You too Miss. Zelenka." James told her.
"Me." She replies rolling her eyes.
"How?" I ask.
"I'm in advanced DADA with third years I was with second last year and still beat James." She smirked.
"Is that why you wouldn't tell us Jamsie?" Hugo asked.
"Whatever, I'm gonna be top of the class this year." James muttered.
"Sure you are." Rose replied voice dripping with sarcasm. I burst out laughing Rose hardly uses sarcasam. Unless the Zelenka's are rubbing off on her.
"Rosie-Posie will you help me with the body-binding curse? I don't remember it." James told her.
"Merlin James! I don't know it I'm just starting second year D.A.D.A have Sid help." Rose replied.
"It goes like this. Petrificus totalus." With a flick of her wand James froze.
"Fred I'm sure you know the counter-curse." Rissa stated dryly I shook my head and Rissa gasped as my mouth fell open.
"Don't worry I memorized the textbook. Finite." Sid smirks.
"You are DEAD!" James yelled.
"As if I can do alot of non-verbal spells slick." Sid  told him playing with her wand.
"Just you wait." James glared.
"Oh I'm so scared because you memorized the textbooks." Sid muttered opening some app on her phone called Wattpad and reading  A Hogwarts Train To Nowhere.
"Anything from the trolly dears?" A voice asked.
"Five chocolate frogs please." Sid told the lady. Everyone else ordered.
"Who are your cards?" Rose asked.
"Kill me." Sid whispered.
"Who Sid?" Hugo questioned giving her a pointed look.
"Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger-Weasley, Neville Longbottom, and the last one I can't believe." Sid replied. Rose snatched her card and muttered.
"Are you a half-blood?"
"I don't know." Sid answered. I snached the card and read.
"Beth Zelenka. Deadly Duo whats your mums name?" I choked.
"Beth." Rissa muttered.
"My card reads. Helen Shaffer." Malf- Scorpius yelled.
"I'm pissed." Sid tells us.
"All this time we thought we were muggle-born but were fricking half-bloods." Rissa fumed.
"I'm owling mum to ask her about it at Hogwarts. Now, I'm going to find something to punch I'll be back." Sid said angrily.
                 ~Rissas pov~
"I've never seen her so mad!" Rose exclaimed.
"I'm the only one who has it was this summer." I peeped.
"I remember it clearly as if it were yesterday. We were outside and someone came to pick us up from the park.
'Come on your parents sent me.' A voice had told us.
'Whats our code?' Sid asked.
'Tessa, Dexter, Zeus, and Shadow Wilbur.' The voice stated blandly. We got to an old house a bit later. We went in it was falling apart.
'CRUCIO!' The voice yelled I blacked out super quickly so I don't remember much." I finnished.
"It was like a never ending pain non-stop yelling and pleaing them to stop but they wouldn't. Like knives cutting you open on both the inside and outside. Crying but not giving in to close your eyes and to black out. Praying it's a dream but you never wake up. It could have been seconds, minutes, or hours I was tortured but it felt like days, weeks, months. Mum and dad found us after I took Klorissas phone to call them then blacked out. When we woke up we were in St. Mungos I got up started punching thing's asking myself why my sister I can deal with the torture but why my sister. Then I went in shock. When we were out of the hospital I fumed I was even angrier then I was a few minutes ago." Sid told not just them but me as well.
"Why didn't you tell mum, dad, or I?" I whispered.
"I didn't want you to wake up still having nightmares you stopped quickly. Just before we went to school the first time. But I was just getting over the first ones. But now I have a mixture of nightmares from when I was hit with the first spell, falling from the broomstick, and from the summer. I didn't tell you because I don't want you to feel the pain I feel every night even in my dreams I can still feel the burning shoting pain throughout my body even in a dream. I didn't tell you because I don't want you to get hurt and have a fear of falling asleep everyday and everynight. I'm sorry but it was for your own good." Sid told us fear in her eyes as tears rolled down her cheeks.
"Sid I'm so sorry you still have to experience that dreadful curse." I cried.
"Well thats not how I planned our truce." Scorpius muttered.
"Hey can we call you Scorp?" Al asked.
"Sure." Scorp nodded.
"Shut up Scorp." Al told him as Sid and I cried in fear, anger, and many more botteled up emotions. The train lurched to a halt.
"Lets go then." Sid wimpered drying her tears.
"Therstals." I gasped.
"Theres nothing there." Al said.
"Unless you've seen someone die then you can see the nargels." Rose told him matter-of-factly.
"Great aunt Marry." Sid whimpered.
"Whos that?" Al asked.
"She died at dinner last weekend. I mean way to add too our bullshity lives." Sid told him.
                   ~Sids pov~
The sorting and feast seems to drag on for forever when you know your friends are watching you with worry and pitty the two things I hate the most.

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