The Sorting *Edited*

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"Uhm, guys, it's four to a boat and there's like... six of us?"

"It's okay Abe, you, Red, Ferret, and Ali can boat together, I'll find a boat with Rissa!"

"You sure? Cause you've already made them your friends and-"

"And you're my friend too, I get the anxiety thing so I won't tell you to calm down or chill out. You just need to take a breath, befriend the other losers you're with... well not Red you're related and already know each other so it's fine. But Ferret seems to be growing on you so uh, yeah befriend him! I'll make sure everything's okay, don't worry!"

"Thanks, I'll uh, I'll see you later then?"

"Course, I'll be by you at the sporting don't worry... too much, I'll have you help prank people to get your mind off of it, next years I'm thinking we hide in the food at the opening ceremony!" Albus parts with a laugh, climbing in the boat with new friends.

"Sidney what did you do?"

"Okay, Ris don't be mad-"

"That's typically what you say before I get the overwhelming urge to throttle and strangle you."

"T-that's fair, now, we have to talk to new people."


"Albus was nervous so I told him to take a boat with Ferret, Ali, and Rose since it's four to a boat and-"

"You told me not to be mad... because you were nice?"

"... yes."

"You're an idiot, disowned why would I be mad about that?"

"I thought you were gonna freak out and think I was possessed by like... a demon or something."

"I only thought you were replaced by a supernatural creature once-"



"Uh, sorry to interrupt but... would it be okay if we shared a boat?" A girl, with medium brown hair down to roughly her shoulders, and a girl, with black hair flowing down her back, asked.

"Oh, uh, sure yeah sorry! Sidney and Klorissa Yeung, you are?"

"Uhm, I'm Alice Longbottom that's Marcie Finnigan."

"Wonderful to meet you, now I need to yell at my sister and feed her to the giant squid if you don't mind!"

"Wh- Klorris no! I can and will tell everyone about your little Supe-"

"Nevermind, I am doing nothing."

"That's what I thought... bitch." 

"Listen here you little jerk-"

"Uhm, is this... normal?" Marcie asked quietly, obviously confused.

"Worry not you sweet only child! This is completely normal. You're fucking stuck with it now!" Sidney grins wildly like she was planning... something.

"I'm terribly sorry for my sister. She has no filter when she's running on thr-"

"One and a half hours of sleep, seven cups of coffee and three cups of tea. I'M FINE! OOO CASTLE!" A hand is slapped over her mouth before any more words can escape, nails painted a deep blood red.

"Breathe, Christ Sid. EW WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS?!" The screech allows many heads from boats surrounding them to snap in their direction, watching intently as Klorissa wipes her hand on Sidney's robe.

"If you don't want your hand to be licked, don't put it over my mouth." Before Klorissa can retort the boat gently crashes against the shore, causing Sidney to hop out of the boat with no regard for herself, quickly tripping over her own robes. As Alice reaches out to catch her Klorissa grabs her arm, pulling it back to allow Sidney to face plant. She quickly sits up spitting sand out of her mouth.

Rose Weasley And The Bet, The Promise, And The Blackmail ON HIATUS REWRITINGOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora