Yule Ball PT 2

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                  Sids pov
"Okay since we didn't do it last night we're getting Yule Ball dress shopping today." Rissa smirks.

"Nooooooooooooo." I grown. I had just put on a bright blue shirt, white shorts, and my gray tennis shoes.

"Let's go."


"YES!" She screams.

"Do you remember what today is?"

"What today isn't a special day."

"Oh yeah, that's right you weren't home, you were to busy hanging out with Gabby." I murmur but she doesn't here. I walk out of the dorm pretending everything is fine like usual. Ali runs up to me flipping out.

"Sid are you doing all right? Just tell me if you need anything."

"Ali I'm fine." I say with a pointed look. Then she remembers Rissa wasn't there she wasn't there a lot during our childhood. But that was a story for a different time as Klorissa dragged me away.

"Can I go to the book store real quick?" I beg.

"Fiiinnnne." Ris sighs. I walk away and into the book store.

"I mean honestly she's over reacting her dog died boo hoo. It happens to a lot of people what's the big deal?" I know that voice it's Fred.

"Honestly maybe that dog was there when no one else was."

"As if dad Rissa would always be there for Sid?"

"But she wasn't. That dog was there for me when my sister wasn't." I snap.

"Shut up it was just a dog." That snapped my last nerve. I slapped him hard. And continued to attack him hitting, kicking, punching, scratching, anything to hurt him. George pulled me off him so I didn't hurt him to bad.

"And you're just an idiot." I say before walking away knowing he's gonna wake up with bruises. I let a tear slip down my cheek as I walk out of the store. Rissa sees me and runs over. I don't want her to see I was crying.

"Sid I'm so sorry I just remembered what today was god I was such a shitty sister. Wait are you crying?" She gushes.

"N-n-no," I stutter.

"Why are you crying?"

"No reason."

"Sidney you answer me right now." 

"It doesn't matter I took care of the problem, crap I left my book in there!"

"I'll go with you."

"Ok." We walk in and I head straight to the counter grabbing a book I had prepaid for last month. It was called My Happily Never After by LikkleAngel (you guys actually need to read this it's really good). Fred comes up to me and starts to fume.

"Listen here you little-"

"Oh, Fred, why do you have a black eye? And scratch marks?" Klorissa asked. My eyes widen to the size of saucers.

"Oh, um... I fell into a bookcase."

"No you didn't it was my fault and I'm gonna take the blame."


"But first I'm going to take her away from you." I drag Rissa away planning on locking myself in the bathroom so I don't get attacked (I plan on using a spell that can't get unlocked by Alohomora). You know... maybe I can lock her in the bathroom or dorm. We get to our dorm and I can feel she knows somethings going to happen. I close the door and mutter the spell then do the same after I walk into the bathroom.

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