Yule Ball pt. 3

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I know for a fact today is dress shopping and I hate Klorissa. That's a fact, I hate her. Dragging me through Hogwarts to Hogsmead to go dress shopping? A little extreme right? Couldn't we just go in jeans or something? Which brings us here.

"Please Sid I'm giving up on you?"

"I will never be satisfied! No dresses. Then maybe I'll be satisfied." Klorissa seriously had to drag me around the school. We got to a dress shop called Dannielles Dresses. We walked in and I was wondering why it wasn't called Dannielles Dreadful Dresses. When I saw Sally and Kim there I ducked behind an ugly pink dress. Oh wait that was the shop keeper. Eh, I don't see a difference.
"Do you need anything?" She asked with a disgusted voice.

"Oh no, just leaving." I replied pursing my lips. As soon as we stepped outside I burst out laughing.

"You two shut it! We found a dress shop!" Rose shouted. Relived to be free I ran after her not checking the name was we walked in. We started looking around when I saw the dress I had been in love with since I was a kid. A strapless, layered purple dress, that looked like a waterfall. I took it up to the counter digging through my change purse.

"Pumpkin!" A voice exclaimed I looked up and ran to hug her.

"Diana! How've you been? We hardly see each other!"

"Oh good Sid. The real question is how've you been?"

"Fine, just fine."

"Now, where's my little peanut?"

"Oh, she's just over here I'll take you." I lead her to Klorissa smiling.

"Peanut! You've grown so big." Klorissa looked up with a grin. Rose gave me a look, I rolled my eyes and mouthed "We'll explain later." We caught up when I realized this must be the dress store. R.S mum and dad had named it after us, on the fact we were born the day they bought it. Our parents would always say they were restarting in life another hidden message in R.S Jack and Bobby never let us live it down.

"Oh, right you two don't go looking for dresses! You're parents made it very clear in their will that you guys would take these two for the Yule Ball." She handed Klorissa a teal one with white flowers on the bodice the casually operate down so there's a few on the skirt. She handed me the purple one.


"Be right back, friends call!" I run over to where Chloe is looking at two dresses. One is light purple and strapless with a pretty design, the other is a dark green with sparkles.

"Which one?" I examine both, the purple has a strip of white on the bodice that I find beautiful.

"The purple one." She nods and heads to the counter. Once everyone meets up after finding their dresses (shown in picture above cuz I'm lazy👍). We head back to Hogwarts as I slowly die inside. I hear obnoxious laughter and just stop. My friends notice and ask what's up.

"Oh, sniviling snide Sidney." I cringe at the name.

"Go on ahead I'll catch up with you guys later."

"No, we'll stay." They say determined. Worried I bolt to Hogwarts and run through the halls. I lean against a wall and just breathe. Wow. This is new hall I don't think I've ever been here. I walk around. There's a huge door with LIBRARY written in large, peeling, ellagant letters above it. I enter. It was beautiful. It was unlike the other library. I walk around and see an interesting book on a pile. I pull in and the two stacks split open. Inside is a poster of food, a nice couch, and a candy dish with some jewelry in it. I see a locket. I open it and gasp. There is Lily Evans my idol, and my grandmother. I'm shocked. But I'm happy. Next I decide on a dusty scroll I hadn't seen before.

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