Remember When... And Summer Stories

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A/N I found a pic that said this but I couldn't download the pic. Also I'm sick of Lysander being the bad guy so I switched it up a bit. No joke. Also is it just me or in almost every single Scorose Fanfic Lysander is evil? Please answer. Lots Of Love The Fluff Pup ♡ <3. P.S thought you should know I was watching the Goblet Of Fire when I wrote this chapter.
Sids pov
"Remember when Rose dated Lorcan?" I ask. That was a tragic. That was also the year Lily came to our group and Syria was kicked out and known as a slut in our group. Luckly Scorp and Lysander were there to save her😉...
Roses pov
Fudge you Sid. That's all I'm thinking. Summer and I want to kill Sid right now right here.
Second Year
"Hey Rose wanna go out sometime?" Lorcan asked.
"Sure." I blush. I've had a crush on him since well right before first year. It was just after our third date. He dragged me into an alley way pinned me up against a wall God I'm not ready for this.
"STOP! Lorcan stop it hurts." I cry. He had pinned me up by my wrists so I couldn't move. Then out of nowhere Lysander and Scorp appeared. Pulling Lorcan off of me. Later Lorcan apologized but when I accepted Scorp looked mad for some reason. But on our three month anniversary I was walking to the Gryffindor tower and heard a bang from a broom cupboard so I went with my wand at the ready. I opened the door without a sound and tears sprung to my eyes. There they were Lorcan and Syria. My boyfriend and best friend tangled up half-naked. They saw me and jumped apart I ran as fast as I could to the Gryffindor tower and collapsed next to Sid and James. They were fighting over Holy Head Harpies being then the Chuddly Cannoes then because Sid saw me and pulled me into a hug they stopped fighting. When you first meet Sid and Ris you get the two mixed up I don't mean calling one the other I mean I still do that every now and then. But you think Sid is ice and Ris is fire but your wrong. Sid is fire Ris is ice. Sid is sympathetic for a specific reason.
"Who made you or why are you like this?" Sid asked.
"Lys- Lysander an- and Sy- Syria i- in a br- broom cup- cupboard to- together." I choke out in beetween sobs. Spitting each word out with more spite then the one before.
Sids pov
I walk to the nearest broom cupboard and heard Syria giggle. I open the door steaming. They look up and gasp. Quickly getting dressed and cowering.
"On the your three month anniversary." I glare at Lorcan. "Your best friend. I see why your perfect for eachother a bi*ch and a di*k." I glare at Syria.
"If you weren't a chick a hot one at that I'd punch your face in." Lorcan huffed.
"I'll do it." Syria volunteers. Lorcan nods so she swings at me. I duck.
"Look girls." I say looking directly at Lorcan. "I don't have time for this I have to help a crying friend."
"Slut." Turn punch, boils, turn, punch, boils run. Well it was a good result I got a weeks detention they both ended with a broken nose, black eye, and a few broken ribs. They were fine.
Roses pov
"What happened to Lorcan?" I ask. For in the school paper it said both he and Syira had broken nose, black eye, and a few broken ribs it also said the person who did this has a weeks detention.
"Sid want to study?" I ask.
"Can't weeks detention." I gasp.
"Did you do this?"
"Yup. Why did you think I asked who did it to you. I mean originally I was just going to give them boils but then I was called a slut." Yup she's got one hell of a temper. I mean a bigger one then mine, mine Rose freaking Weasley.
On the train
Sids pov
Just got back from the prefects carrige and Kevin Renders was the male prefect for I'm the female prefect.
Roses pov
"How was your Summer?" James asked plopping down next to Sid. For some reason she scootched away and Rissa gave her a sympathetic look.
"Oh, won the Weasley summer quidditch cup, came home to find mum and dad dead," cue the gasp (except for Ris and I) "got sent to the orphanage, lost my virginity." Cue James glaring.
"Should we even call it that? I mean Tim pretty much raped you, you were stupified." Rissa pointed out.
"K, fine, sure, I got raped, Toni adopted us, ran into Syira, um yeah pretty un-eventful Summer, oh and I was crucioed." Cue the gasping (from all but Ris.)
"Why didn't you tell us?"
"James it's been hard enough her worrying how you were gonna react if you were gonna be supportive or un-supportive think of it that way." I snap.
"That damn punk is gonna regret messing with my girlfriend!" James exclaimed.
"Um, well I found out Severus Snape is my dad, so my name is actually Allie Snape." Allie (was White) said.
"Awsome sauce." Sid smiles.
"Cuz thank Merlin it's you." Ris fist pumped.
"Well our mum's card didn't say her maiden name because-" Sid started.
"She asked them not too. Her madien name is Snape, Severus Snape is her older brother-" Rissa continued.
"So tell him mum is dead." Sid finnished.
"Ok." Allie smiled. Screeeeeech.
Sids pov
Pain. Bouncing off of Rodent and landing face first on the ground.
"I'm okay." My yell was muffled by the ground.
"Let's go."
"CURSE YOU RODENT!" He picked me up and was carrying me to the carrige.
"PUT ME DOWN!" But he didn't. Everyone laughed at the sight of him carrying me as I yelled at him hitting his back.
"Nope." We just got off the train.
"I need to show first years where to go and I have to be one of the last ones on a carriage." I hiss angrily.
"Fine." And I'm put down. I nodded thanks and went up to Kevin. Cue James' death glare.
"What's up with him?" Kevin asked nervous.
"He's over protective." I reply.
"Let's go rangle up first years." Kevin smiles flirtatiously.
"Oh, you thought I ment like a brother, no he's an over protective boyfriend." I clarify.
"Oh, let's go." Kevin frowned. In the hall.
"So we need you all to send in representatives two per team for the triwizard tournament 15 years and older." McGonagall starts.
"SIDNEY AND KLORISSA ZELENKA!" Someone yells. I bang my head on the table.
"SHUT UP DARNEL!" You do you Chloe.
"Now meet Dumstrang, and Ilvernorny. Now, you are to write who you chose on a slip of paper and give it to the head of your house. Whoever wins must put their name in the goblet we have the minister of magic and we have 2 head aurors watching the game for protection. Miss. Hermione Weasley, Mr. Ronald Weasley, and Mr. Harry Potter." She continues. "Now tuck in." We eat and eat and eat then head to bed.
"First years this way." Kevin and I yell in sync.
"What's the base color of a zebra?"
"I have no idea you Sid."
"White." A pudgy first year I know as Bella Highland. The doors open.
"Girls your dorms are upstairs on the right, boys same on the left." I call and head to my dorm.
"I hate Kevin."
"Me too. I mean did you see the way he looked at you. Like he was a fish and you were fresh bait." Rose yelped.
"Or like uncle Harry the bludger and Dobby." I say.
"Or a lollipop." We turn our heads to look at Rissa smiling. We turn in names for reps and head to bed. The next morning.
"Sid their telling the reps before breakfast."
"Fine." Only because I won't be one. I add in my head.
"Don't be me, don't be me, don't be me." Rose kept whispering.
Roses pov
"The representatives for Dumstrang, are Aleczander Krum, and Victor Krum Jr. For Ilvermorny it's Claire Frenzi and Georgia Downsen, lastly for Hogwarts it's Sidney and Klorissa Zelenka." McGonagall called.
"Oh shit." Sid murmured. She and Klorissa put their names In the goblet and I couldn't help but felt pitty for them.
"If you pity me I'll punch you."
"I don't pity you Sid." I teansed. As we leave the hall.
"Guys wait up." That's 2/3s of the idiotic trio.
"Why'd you put your names in?"
"Are you fuc*ing deph we had to or were you not listing." Ris hissed.
"Well we were ignoring everything unless we heard it say our names." James huffed.
"Who's it?" Sid asked.
"That bi*ch McGonagall." Fred and James replied in sync.
"Run." I warn.
"That's our godmother aka the one who adoppted us after I was raped." Sid glared.
"RUN!" I yell. So they do. Not far behind Sid and Ris. Dude they insulted the wrong woman.
"What's going on?" Scorp muttered in my ear sliding his arm around my waist.
"They insulted the wrong woman in front of the wrong girls. They insulted McGonagall infront of Sid and Ris." I clarified.
"Shut up their coming back." Dragging the boys by their ears 😊.
"I think it's funny they're scared of them." Scorp laughed.
"Shut up nimrod you're scared of them too." I smirk.
"Oh yeah, Sid, Ris, Al, Lex, Chloe, and Rose father has invited you for Christmas, would you like to come?" Scorp says.
"I'll ask Toni." Ris says.
"Well we'll ask mum, dad, Uncle Harry, Aunt Ginny, Uncle Nevile, and Auntie Luna."
"I was gonna be staying with Toni, so if it's alright I guess." Chloe shrugs. The next day their announced.
Klorissas pov
"For Dumstrang, are Aleczander Krum, and Victor Krum Jr. For Ilvermorny it's Julian Harty and Alexia Jones, lastly for Hogwarts it's Sidney and Klorissa Zelenka." McGonagall frowns reading our names.
"Oh shit." James frowns as Victor and Alec wink at Sid and I he then points that out to Fred. Boy if looks could kill Alec and Victor would be dead. We walk to the champions room frowning. Ginny awaits us for she is the journalist for the Daily Prophet who will be interviewing us.
"Now who first? Any Volunteers?" Ginny asked.
"We'll do it." Sid obgiled.
"Would you have put in your names if you didn't need to do so?"
"Why do you think you were picked as representatives?"
"Because litterly the entire school knows us as the deadly duo."
"Have you owled your parents about this?"
"Our parents are dead."
"Sorry for your loss. How did you react? Your exact words of you spoke please."
"Oh shit is what we said." Sid replies.
"That's it thank you." We later met up with Allie and went to the headmistress office.
"Can we please talk to Snape?" Allie asks.
"Sure I'll leave." Toni smiled.
"Hello I don't know if you remember me but-" Allie started.
"Your Allie Snape. Allie Beth Snape. Most of your life you were Allie Beth White your mother and I were dating when she told me. We agreed if I was dead you would be a White until you were ready to know." Snape says.
"Sidney and Klorissa Snape-Zelenka." I introduce.
"Ah, how's my wonderful little sis Beth?"
"That's what we came here to talk to you about." I reply.
"Well spit it out then."
"Her and dad were killed. It was proven by the wizarding police that she and dad were crucioed until there was hardly any air in their lungs and then Avada Kedavraed them." Sid frowned.
"Well come again soon." Snape cried wiping his tears. Later.
"Remember when Blaise was our friend?" Sid shut up.
"Hey Blaise." I smiled. That was also the year someone hooked up with rodent. The year Sid almost died, the year we brought a dog to school, the year Sheaikta did die, the year our brother died, the year was dreadful.
"Sheaikta come here!" I call. But She didn't come running oh well maybe when we get back. I shrug with disappoint.
Present time
"Well let's go look for information on the first challenge." Sid says.
"K." I smile and follow her. Tomorrow is our first challenge I'm worried to say the least.
A/N So yeah I'm gonna make a part two. Lots of love. The Fluff Pup <3 ♡

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