Christmas Break part 1

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             ~Roses pov~
Dear Mum and Dad,
Can Sid and Klorissa come over for Christmas? They don't want to go home in fear of putting their parents in danger. I had to beg them to let me ask you. They just got out of St. Mungos today. Sid hasn't been getting enough sleep. Klorissa sleeps fine but Sid wakes up screaming, in a cold sweat, and crying. I'm worried shes keeps having nightmares but won't tell us about them. But the main point can Sid, Klorissa, Ali, and Chloe, come over for Christmas we already know Alice and Alexa will come.
Sincerely, Rose.

At lunchtime a reply came from mum.

Dear Rose,
We would love to have all your friends over and gradma Weasley invited them to the burrow too. The more the merrier she said.
Lots Of Love, Mum.

"She said yes she said yes!" I smiled to my friends.
"What your mud-blood of a mother invited your mud-blood friends over?" The damn Rodent asked. Thats it hes dead.
"Rose let me handle this, ok?" Sid told me and I nodded.
             ~Sids pov~
Rodent calles me a Mud-blood agian he's more dead then Voldemort or so he'll wish.
"Rissa your helping." I stated calmly then I dragged her and Rodent out of the great hall not wanting Rissa to get detention.
"Two words Rodent and your free." I tell him.
"I'm NOT sorry." He replies. SMACK. Not me, not Rissa it was...
"Alexa? What are you doing out here?" Klorissa asked.
"Umm. Smacking rodent." Alexa replied.
"Good job. Time for ice cream! Rodent I'll get to you later got it?" I told him in a threatening tone.
"Sure mudblood brat." He replied.
"Look you pure blooded rodent if you want another slap I'll be the first to volunteer." Alexa growled clenching her fists. We skipped into the great hall with rodent next to us the whole great hall laughed what rodent didn't know I was in advanced DADA and used the non-verbal boil spell so everyone laughed at him. When he looked down and screamed.
"WHO DID THIS TO ME?" He screamed.
"You should get that looked at, well bye." Alexa told him pushing me away before I burst out laughing. We went to the kitchens got ice cream then ran to the common room and I burst out laughing.
"The look on his face when you smacked him though!" I gasped out in between laughs.
"It was way better when he saw the boils though!" Alexa laughed.
"Tie for best?" I ask.
"Sure." Alexa agreed.
"Good." I tell her.

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