Quidditch Mistakes And Truth Or Dare

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Alexas pov

"Why that, why that? Never again am I letting her do that." Sid looked so scared.
"Who do what?" I ask suspiciously.
"Letting Rose straighten my hair." Sid replies looking deadly sirius (exscuse my pun).
"Sidney, Sidney!" Allie called.
"Yeah?" Sid asked.
"Angle needs to talk to you." She panted.
"K, I'll be back." Sid smiled.
~Angles pov~
"Sidney, I know you prefer keeper but I need you to play chaser." I panic.
"What, why?" Sidney asked confused.
"Taylor Lucas got a broken ankle, and her understudy got hit in the head by a bludger during practice." I exclaimed.
"So I have to play chaser." Sid frowns.
"For the best." I reply.
"Wait! Can't someone else's understudy play?!" Sid calls. I shake my head grimly.
"Taylor should be good for next game though."
~Alexas pov~
"What's up?" I ask seeing Sids frowning face.
"Say hello to the third chaser." She says.
"I'm sorry." I apologise.
"Not your fault. Anyways now I can kick James arse on the field and not just by blocking his goals." Sid smirked.
"Your always finding the bright side, aren't you?" I laugh.
"Yup. Now I have to find Rose to get various tips, and formation information." Sid says matter-of-factly walking off.
"Ok." I frown.
Klorissas pov
"If I get hit by a bludger I blame you entirely." Sid glares. Man if looks could kill I'd be ash.
"What did I do to you? Your keeper." I say.
"Oh, she didn't tell you. Angle needs me to play chaser because Taylor got a broken ankle, and her understudy got hit in the head by a friggin bludger during practice." Sid laughed harshly then punches a wall.
"I am going to be killed if I don't leave now aren't I?" I ask her.
"Yup." She whispers in a deadly tone.
"MALFOY!" I yell banging on his dorm door.
"What?" He snaps.
"We need to save my sisters arse or we die." I say pushing past him.
"What do you mean? She's keeper." Rodent says.
"No dip Sherlock. Taylor and her understudy are in the hospital wing. Which means Sids chaser." I glare.
"Scorp, Rissa get every Potter, Scamander, Weasley, Lovegood-Longbottom, and Zelenka you know. It's truth or dare night be cheeses'."
"Be cheeses? Seriously." I laugh.
"Mum and dad won't let me swear." Albus pouts.
"Come on let's go." I laugh and Al leads us to.
"The room of Requirement?" I ask.
"Yup, James found it." Al says.
"Awsome." I say impressed.
"But the problem is someone discovered it before James. He found it last week. So we don't know when the person who first found it is gonna be here." Al cries as the door opened.
"I wonder when Luna wants us to visit next." I recognize that voice. Sid.
"Well mum said she was probably going to the cabin next week." Alexa replied.
"You guys discovered the ROR and didn't tell us." I gasp. Sid turns and I recognize the face it's one where she had just realized her secret was lose.
"I just needed some time alone and Merlin knows I can't be alone in the library. In the attic is the one place I can be alone." Sid explained.
"Well sis then why did you tell Lexa and not me?" I ask hurt.
"It's not my fault. This is where I went the night when you sent Lexa with me." Sid muttered.
"Well let's go play truth or dare." James smiled walking up.
"We are not finished Sidney." I glare.
"What'd I miss? Did you figure out the pricks who discovered this place before me?" James asked.
"Thanks for calling Alexa and I pricks James." Sid muttered.
"Wait, you two found it?" He asked confused.
"Yes you num nuts." Sid glared.
"Sorry." He apologizes with a feeble atempt of a smile.
"Yeah, whatever. I'll see you later." Sid says and begins to walk away.
"Pumpkin, you my love are staying for truth or dare." James winks and grabed her arm.
"One don't call me pumpkin or love. Two I don't play truth or dare it's not my thing." Sid growls.
"Yeah whatever love." James laughs. I gasp.
"You shouldn't have done that." I whisper.
"Why?" He all but yells.
"Th- that's why." Al stuttered pointing at Sid. She had pulled out her wand and was in dueling position.
"Oh shit." James looked un-confident for once.
"Wait a minute." Sid states and begins to pace three times and the door appears. She pushed it open with so much confidence in her smile and walk. We enter the room and there in the middle of the room is a dueling mat.
James pov
"Told you so." Klorissa laughed.
"Shut up." I snap.
"I'll go easy on you Sid, K?" I question. She nods.
"Ditto, idiot." She smiles. We battle until she admits defeat. Ok I lied, I admit defeat. The room changes so it's a cozy room with beanbag chairs all in a large circle.
"Well, tah tah." Sid winks.
"Your staying." Fred laughed tackling her.
"Rude." Sid remarks.
"I'm sitting next to Klorissa." Fred smirks. He gets off Sid and runs next to Rissa. Sid shoots him a glare. Then stalks over next to me.
"I'll start. Klorissa truth or dare?" I ask.
"Ummm. Truth." She decides.
"Wait everyone drink this." Fred says and passes around a flask. We all take a drink.
"You didn't!" Sid the last to drink exclaims frowning.
"Oh, yes I did." Fred replies.
"What?" I ask completely clueless.
"Vetrenisim." Sid frowned. Oh crap.
"So Rissa. Who do you have a crush on?" I ask.
"Fred." She whispers.
"YES!" Fred yells with a fist pump. As Klorissa blushes wildly.
"Al, truth or dare?" Klorissa smirks.
"Truth." Al smiles.
"Who's your crush?" Klorissa questioned.
"I like Alice." Al whispers. Alice looks gobsmacked.
"Sid, truth or dare?" Al asks.
"Doesn't seem like anyone's gonna do it so. Dare." Sid replies.
"Oh, one sec I thought you were gonna say truth." Al ponders.
"I dare you to jump in the black lake... fully clothed." Al grins.
Sids pov
"Ok." I glower one thing you should know if I never back down from a dare.
"Lets go." I tell them. We sneak to the black lake.
"Al, when Sid does dares she goes all out." Klorissa whispers thinking I can't hear.
"I thought truth or dare isn't her thing." Al replied.
"Not after she was dared to jump out of the top of a tree. It was like 20 feet and when she jumped she went into a comma because she landed on her head. It's a miracle she didn't die she broke her neck Al, ever since she's hated truth or dare." Klorissa replied.
"Stop talking about me like I'm not here Al, Ris, OK." I state.
Klorissas pov
"I'm flipping out of the marauders tree." Sid says and that's exactly what she did. A triple frontflip into the lake. I smile it's been so long since I've seen her this happy.
"Lets go." Sid says doing a non-verbal drying spell.
Sids pov
"Fredy, truth or dare?" I smirk.
"I'm putting your dare to shame, dare." Fred smiles.
"I dare you to spend ten minutes with Rissa in that closet and I don't mean talking." I wink. I love playing match-maker it's fun. He looks like he craped his pants and I laughed so hard.
"How do you know I even like her?" He asks.
"Because when you heard Rissa say she likes you you shouted yes." I reply like he's an idiot.
"Ummmmm. Ok?" Fred sends a questioning look at Rissa who shrugged. They then go into the broom closet.
Ten Minutes Later
Sids pov
Klorissa and Fred walk out of the closet hand in hand, smiling, and with their hair messed up. Klorissa leans over to Fred and whispers something in his ear.
Freds pov
"Do you know who James crush is?" Klorissa asked.
"Of course I do." I whisper back.
"Who?" Klorissa looked determined to know.
"Sid." I reply.
"If he says dare, dare him to take her on a date. If he says truth make him admit to his love for her. I also thought James was a ladies man." Klorissa replied.
"He only started when you guys came to make Sid jealous." I tell her.
"Oh, it makes her jealous alright. She comes to our dorm almost every night in tears. Because she sees him with his girl of the day. Because that girl isn't her." Klorissa states.
"James truth or dare?" I ask.
James pov
Fred has that evil smile on his face oh crap.
"Dare." I state knowing truth would be much worse.
"Ask your crush on a date right now." He smirks. This is definitely the doing of Rissa.
"Sid will you go on a date with me?" I ask.
"Sure." She replies.
"Really? Who's your crush?" I ask knowing she can't lie.
"Yes really. Guys I gotta go see ya." Sid smiles and runs out.
"I'm gonna go check on her bye." Klorissa says and gives Fred a kiss on the cheek.
Rissas pov
"Why did you run out Sid?" I asked.
"I told him I'd go on the date with him. But then he asked 'Really? Who's your crush?' I said. 'Yes really' but I'm not ready to admit my crush on him yet so I bolted." Sid replies as we fall in step.
"Yes! Told you so James." Fred yells.
"Shut up Fred. They know we're here now." James yelled. Sid stopped in her tracks.
"You have got to be kidding." She wispered and sprinted away. I spun on my heal and walked towards the two.
"You IDIOTS!" I screamed.
"EVERYONE BUT ALEXA OUT!" I yell and they do as I say.
"Alexa imagine where you and Sid always go." I command. So she does but Sids not in the cabin.
"Lets check the dorm." Alexa suggests. I'm our way back we hear a scream from the quidditch pitch.
"That's Sids scream." I say.
"Accio firebolt." I yell.
"I hate flying go without me I'll get Rose." Alexa told me. I nodded thanks and flew away. There they were two Slytherins hitting bludgers at Sid. Two girls I recognise them from Sids memories.
"Come on Annie let's see if we can break her broom." A girl says.
"Ok Gloria." Annie smiles.
"NO! Get away from her you bi*ch." I say. They look at me and I nod at Sid one... two... three. I count in my head. I zoomed to Annie and Sid to Gloria. We grabbed the bats and smacked the bludgers away we then flew to the open box on the ground. The bludgers flew to us but we caught them.
"Who are you?" I ask.
"I'm Gloria Rilley. That's Annie Hopkins. Why?" Gloria asked.
"Because I'm reporting you to professor McGonagall she may need last names if she finds out you are attacking her goddaughters." I reply.
"What do you mean?" Annie asked.
"My dear sister Klorissa and I are professor McGonagalls Goddaughters." Sid says.
"Tah tah." Sid and I wave.
"Let's go I promised I'd visit her." Sid says.
"Who?" I ask.
"A friend." Sid winked. She lead me to.
"A bathroom." I state.
"Yeah, come on." Sid pushes open the door.
"Myrtle I'm back and I came with my sister Knorissa." Sid calls.
"Oh, Sid how nice to see you. Tell Beth I said hi." Myrtle smiled.
"Your moaning Myrtle aren't you?" I say.
"I prefer Myrtle after your mum and Luna helped me make friends darling." Myrtle grinned.
"Oh and mum said hi." Sid smiled.
"How often do you come and when did you start coming?" I ask.
"She comes everyday since the bullying." Myrtle told me.
"How come you came here?" I ask.
"Well I came in and Myrtle heard me crying. Then one day when it was really bad and I was cutting I came here to wash the blood off but Myrtle made me to to McGonagall." Sid says.
A/N My phone was being stupid and wouldn't let me update, post messages, or comment I could vote though Happy New Year. ♡ The Fluff Pup ♡

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