Christmas Break part 3

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                    ~Roses pov~
"ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER." Sid was fuming I on the other hand was smirking. He, James, and Fred had died everyone's hair spakling black, pink, or purple. Except Sids which was died black, pink, purple, platinum blonde, Ravenclaw blue, and bronze all sparkling.
"JAMES SIRUS POTTER, ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER, AND FRED PERCY WEASLEY YOU WILL REGRET THIS!" Sid bellowed chasing the three idiot's who thought it was a good idea to prank Sid and her friends.
"Oh wow, yeah 'cause were so scared of a first year." James yelled even though Al was a first year and him and Fred were only second years.
"Remember Malfoy and the boils?" She asked innocently.
"Duh, it was hilarious." Fred called back.
"THAT WAS ME!" Sid screamed grabbing her Flamestrike running out the door after the three who were laughing about what happened to Malfoy. Then realisation that it was the person chasing them who did it and screamed running out the door ( the original broom I got this from was the Flamestrip from Hogwarts: the next Generation agian great book).
"Idiots." Chloe muttered rolling her eyes even though Chloe was staying at the Burrow Layla didn't want to oh yah and Chloe had sparkling black hair where mine was sparkling pink I HATE pink and the boys knew it.
"Their gonna get hurt." I replied chasing after Sid and the idiotic trio. I grabbed my firebolt and was off.
                       ~Sids pov~
"Sid come off it it's not that bad." Al yelled.
"Yes it is." James yelled.
"Shut up I don't want to get killed." Al muttered.
"Sid you don't know the killing curse, do you?" James called.
"As a matter of fact I do. But I'm not using it on you nooooo. I'm gonna make your life HELL." I yelled the last part still chasing them when all of a sudden. I'm hit with a spell I don't know who hit me but I see Rose was also hit and I scream.
                      ~Als pov~
Sid and Rose never scream for know reason not even for a trap. I look back.
"JAMES!" I yell he looks back and sees them falling.
"Catch Rose." He tells me and flies to Sid.
"Rosie your firebolts broken." I whisper in her ear a few minutes later.
"WHAT?!?" She screams.
"I needed to get you up and look it worked." I state. She looks over to see her hair still pink. For the first time she looks at me then bursts out laughing.
"What?" I ask clearly confused.
"Your hair." She sputters in between laughter. I pick up a mirror and scream.
"What is it Al." Sid asks without even looking I can see her smirk. My hair because she knows I despise it is Slytherin green and silver. When James walks in I burst out laughing. His hair was now a yellow, green, pink, brown mix.
"What?" He mutters before I hand him the mirror.
"Fred helped." Rose tells him. Then in walks Fred with platinum blonde hair.
"He just didn't know he was being pranked too." Chloe muttered. The boys scream when they all see their hair.
"I told you you'd regret it." Sid laughed and in walked gramma Molly. One look at James, Fred, and I she burst out laughing muttering something along the lines of 'probably won't prank them agian you idiots.' Oh god today was pretty good.

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