Go Die In A Hole

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Quick A/N Underlined & italiced shared memories bold underlined and italiced are just point proving moments. Also let me make this clear McGonagall is McGonnagalls from the golden trios years at schools daughter.~The Fluff Pup <3
Blaises pov
"Well, well, well, you Zelenka should leave get your mudblood filth away." Lucius scoffed only noticing Klorissa.
"Go die in a hole." Klorissa glared.
"Do NOT mess with my sister." Sid lunges.
"Ah, you miss. Zelenka have death eater potential. What do you say?" Lucius smirked.
"Never, not now, not in a million years, not ever." Sid hissed.
Klorissas pov
I'm gonna message the rest.
Well hurry up we don't have all day.
We need everyone in the ROR take every risk just come quick. I jot down sending it to everyone. Minutes later they come in.
"Scorp it's been so long." Lucius laughed.
"Grandfather, go die in a fu*king hole, k." Scorp smiled.
Sids pov
I instinctively put my left hand on my right fore-arm I have a tattoo of a normal Phoenix with a black and purple sign on the forehead and a white, blue, and purple Phoenix with a black and red sign on the forehead flying at each other. When they hit it creates a purple and red heart with flames on the purple and ice spikes on the red. It was a few days ago when we turned into animungus. Klorissa and I were both Phoenixs. In the tatto I'm the normal Phoenix and Risssas the un-natural Phoenix. Ali was a Pit Bull, Lily was a bunny, Hu was a penguin, and all the rest are correct.
"Let's go uncle Harry said we need to pack for the summer holidays." James and Fred said in sych. They grab Rissas and my own wrist and drag us away.
"We can protect ourselves boys." I roll my eyes.
"We just don't want you getting hurt." James explained rubbing his chin on my head. Me and Rissa share a look and words.
Their soooooo protective
I know right will they ever not worry?
Probably not.
"Bye James." I say at the same time Rissa says.
"Bye Fred." We kiss them on the cheek then walked the rest of the way to the common room. In the dorm.
"So shipping Sames and Kred!" Rose shrieks. Oh my god.
"Seriously?" I glare.
"You know what I don't care going for a walk." I shudder. Walking down the stairs I feel like I'm being watched.
"Hello can you help me?"
"AHHHHH!" I scream.
"Sorry, one hell of a scream though. But my older brother, my twin sister, and I are exchange students." A girl with a French accent smiles.
"Oh what house are you in?" I ask.
"Well my sister is a Slytherin, my brother a Gryffindor, and myself a Ravenclaw." The girl says.
"I'm Sidney my twin Klorissa and I are in Ravenclaw. Do your siblings know where their common rooms are?" I ask.
"No, I'm Georgia, my sister is Emma, and my brother is Alexander." Georgia smiles.
"Well one of my best friends is a Slytherin, and another one is a Gryffindor so I can show everyone where their common rooms are. Where's your siblings?" I reply.
"Over here." She replies walking away. I follow.
"Ok, I'll show Emma, then Alexander, and I'll walk with Georgia to our common room, K." I explain.
"Sure." They reply.
"Ok Emma this way." I lead her down to the dungens and to the wall where the Slytherin common room is.
"Merlin." I say she thanked me and walked away.
"Alex this way." I beckon. We get to the fat lady.
"Gumdrop." I say. Alex thanks me and goes to his dorm.
"Georgia we have an extra bed in our dorm so you can sleep there." I yawn. When we get back.
"Sidney Jo Zelenka where have you been?"
"That would be my sister." I whisper.
"I was helping Georgia and her siblings to their common rooms." I reply.
"Oh, I'm Klorissa you can call me Rissa though." Rissa smiles.
"Ris did mum and dad answer yet?" I ask.
"Um, yeah they said we can go when training starts." She replied.
"Rose Weasley."
"Ali Shaffer."
"Chloe Waters."
"Layla Waters." We finnish introducing and head to bed.
"Go away nobody loves you."
"Yeah even your sister wishes I was her twin rather then you."
"CRUCIO!" Un-bearable pain screaming this cycle repeats.
"SID WAKE UP!" Klorissa screams. I look around to see my friends looking at me with worry. Georgia looks confused and I'm to tired to explain.
"What-" Georgia started.
"Someone explain I'm to tired." I flop back down on my bed. So they explain and Georgia to say the least looked pained like she knew how it felt.
"I know how it feels. Not the curse but the cutting I know how Rissa feels." Georgia frowned.
"You play quidditch?" I ask egar to change the subject.
"No, I'm a commentary." She laughs.
"That's cool. I'm a chaser and keeper. Risssas a beater, Scorp a beater, Rose a chaser, Albus is seeker." I say.
"Who's Scorp and Albus?" Of course.
"Let's go find them." Rose exclaims. We run down the stairs to look for them.
"They might be in the great hall." Chloe suggested. We walk quickly to the great hall and spot the boys.
"I'll go get Emma and Alex." Alexa smiles.
"You don't know what they look like." I reply.
"Right come on." Alexa sticks her nose in the air and drags me along.
"Em G wants to talk to you." I whisper and go to the Gryffindor table.
"Alex Em and G need you." I smile. James glares daggers when I sit next to Alex. I smile at James and walk away.
"Look so Alex first off don't get on James Potter and Fred Weasleys bad side they are very protective." Ris stated looking at Fred. Whom with James was glaring daggers at Alex.
"Ok what else? I don't want to be around a few people here." Alex asked looking directly at me.
"I'll just owl you." I say a little ok a lot to sweetly for who I am. Then walk away and to my class.
"Sid, Sid, SID!"
"What James?"
"What's up? Why were sitting next to the new kid? And why were you so sweet?" James asked.
"My friend aka his little sister needed him and I was acting so sweet so I didn't punch him." I reply.
"Got to go." I say and leave.
"Shelby how are we getting them together?" I ask Shelby Malfoy. Scorps older sister by 2 years.
Scorps pov (ready scorose lovers?)
Today's the day.
"Don't forget she secretly hates roses ok?"
"Of course Al just go get her." I glare.
"Come quick it's important." Al begs running down the hill.
"Chill." A beautiful girl with frizzy red hair, beautiful blue eyes with a hint of green, and the most beautiful smile. Rose comes running after him.
"Al I can't tell you you'll hate me." I whisper. He came to my house demanding my crush.
"Scorp if you like this Rose so much go for it." Oh shit thanks dad.
"I mean I used to like her mum Hermione Granger but never acted on it and she married Ron so go for it." Dad.
"Hey Draco, Albus Potter, also Roses cousin." Al smirked.
"He didn't know." I blushed.
"Sorry just go for it." Dad smiled smugly.
"Scorp, after all this time?" Albus asked.
"Scorp what's going on?" Rose asked. I kissed her.
"YES!" I pull away to see Sid and Shelby slowly walking away.
"What's up?" I ask hotly.
"Al needed help with the plan and we've been shipping Scorose since you two became friends." Shelby explained.
"ALBUS POTTER!" I scream.
"Let me take care of this."
"He didn't tell us that he didn't tell you we were helping him."
"ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER!" Damn Sid does have one Hell of a scream. I just walk away grabbing Rose on the way.
"Can we talk this through?"
"No." Sid growled.
"ATTACK!" Well I know that yell. Shelby.
"Go die in a hole Scorp."
"You go die in a hole Albus."
Hermiones pov
"I call Sid, Ris, Al, Lily, James, and Fred." Cries Ginny.
A few weeks later
Sids pov
"Bye guys." Ris and I smile.
"Pond Palace." I call erupting into green flames. I scream. Mum and dad are dead. On the floor. I owl Rose but apparently Tilly didn't get there fast enough. The children endangerment authorities walked in. They saw Ris and I draped across our parents dead bodies and took us to an orphanage.
"Can we visit friends of our parents?" I ask.
"Sure be back by 9:00." We lived in a muggle village not far from Roses home. We ran and banged on the door non-stop.
"What-" It was Ron. But he saw the fear, and tears in our eyes.
"Ro, 'Mione, Hu get down here." He yelled ushering us in.
"Ris, Sid what's up?" Rose asked. I didn't look up just said two words.
"Their dead."
"Our parents their dead. I mean maybe if we would've been there we could have helped and they wouldn't be dead. We could have saved them and they'd be right here next to us." I sob.
"Sweetie there's nothing you could of done." Hermione says sympathetically.
"Maybe..." I trail off. Remembering the good times and it started raining. It was now 8:45. So we left thanking them for letting us stay.
"'Cause there's holes in the floor of heaven." I sing. Rissa and I sing the rest of the way to the orphanage.
"Your rooms are this way." Riley smiles. Rissa falls asleep instantly. I work on an essay but feel frozen minutes in. Tim Wallis. I didn't know he was a wizard he was probably going in seventh year probably already seventeen. I am not going into detail only going to say I lost my virginity that night. The next day I ran to Hermione my go to person for when I have a problem. Ron answered again.
"I need Hermione is she home?"
"In our room."
"Thanks." Running to her room silent tears slip down my cheeks.
"I shut the door to her private library that's in her room.
"What's wrong?"
"I lost my virginity last night." I whisper shamefully.
"Was it James?" She asked not looking up.
"No." She finnaly looks up.
"Tim Wallis."
"James is gonna be pissed." She warns me.
"I didn't do anything I was stupified." I whisper again more ashamed then before.
"It's ok. I'm gonna contact McGonagall to get you and Ris out of there." Hermione replies. So she does as soon as I get back Ris is getting packed and McGonagall is in the waiting room. Tim is glaring at McGonagall.
"Let's go."
"K, Toni." Toni is our godmother she is so special she saves us from tough times. She knows what I've been through this is what happened to her on her summer to fith year. That is why McGonagall adopted us.
"Toni I'm sorry." I apologise.
"For what you had to go through before your fith year started." I mutter.
"You went through the same thing." She shushed.
"Go die in a hole."
"You too Tim." I smile gratefully I no longer need to be worried.
Well that was un-voteable and a filler so I didn't put that much effort in it. Yup sorry~ The Fluff Pup. <3

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