The Third Task

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Rissas pov

"You can't hiiide." A voice rang out. I could hide though. So I did. "I'm coming for you." It was right outside the door. I backed farther in the closet. "I can hear youuuuu." I held my breath, I stopped moving. "I know where you aaare." But it kept walking, if you know where I am why would you continue walking? Is my only thought. So I made a run for it. I quietly opened the door of the closet then started to run, I ran like my life depended on it. But the halls kept going and the screaming got nearer, so I ran towards the screaming. Who was it? When I saw, I started screaming, I can't let this happen. I woke with a start and was about to tell Sid when I saw her thrashing around in her sleep.

Sids pov

I got up and walked to the great hall. It was a pretty normal day. I ate breakfast but when I left the hall someone grabbed me. I spoke in a voice that's not my own. "He is coming back, he is coming for you. She will awaken her parents and they will come for you. Hide the wand of elder. Hide the stone of the past. Hide under your cloak where they can't see you. Take the map or leave it with someone you can trust. Have a secret keeper. And don't let others know." And with those words, I crumpled to the ground. I thrashed around for a bit trying to get up. I woke with a start. I looked over to see Rissa trying to sleep. I got out of my bed. Quite unsteady, and went for a walk. As I was nearing the kitchens I hear footsteps behind me. Heavy footsteps that I constantly remember, footsteps that echo through my mind. I start to run I tickle the pear. And as I reach for the handle I'm slammed into a wall.

"Hello, I told you, do a thing I don't like and I'm coming for you. Guess what you did, go on guess."

"I-I don't know."

"Guess." She lifted me off the wall and slammed me against it again. Her nails dug into my skin.

"Was it- AHHHHHH." I cut myself off with a scream as she dug her nails deeper. She was drawing blood now.


"No! Rissa go!"

"Sid where are you?"

"If you don't leave now I'm going to smack you upside the head!" I hear her running away. Thank god. After a few minutes of being slammed into the wall.

"Sid? Rissa said you were here?"

"For Christ sake go- AHHHHHH." I cut myself off again as I was kneed in the stomach.

"Sid?" He was panicked now.

"Go away."

"Tell him that again I dare you. I wanna meet Harry Potters son." She whispered in my ear.

"Leave. Him. Alone." I huffed through clenched teeth.

"Come here Jamie." She sing-songed.

"Sid who was that?"

"No o-AHHHH JESUS CHRIST!" Black clouded my vision, I felt her grip loosen, I heard her walk away, I heard James come closer. I heard a light gasp, then everything went black. I woke up, what seemed to be a few minutes later in the hospital wing.

"Bye madam Pomfrey!" I called hoping she would just let me leave.

"Oh no you don't."

"But I'm fine, it was one black out."

"You were attacked!"

"I'm fine! It's only been this once I'm sure it won't happen again."

"I don't think you should leave."

"You THINK I shouldn't but I still need to try & find out what the third task is." With that I walk out the door. I walk to the common room and answer the quick riddle. I mean, what could Gjoe uif dvq bme zpv xjo even mean? What are we gonna do? Fly threastles? I mean, that would be easy for me and Rissa but why would we do that. That's a stupid task everyone else would fail. I mean, I would probably fail.

"ALL CHAMPIONS!!! IT'S TIME FOR THE THIRD AND FINAL TASK!!!! PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE CHAMPIONS TENT!!!!" Hermione screamed. I sigh, sad my friends are leaving, happy that it's over with, sad that it even started. I drag Ris out of the great hall and to the tent her complaining the entire way. I'm so over this.

"Ok guys. Has anyone figured out the clue?" I look around. No one easier their hand. Seems everyone was stumped.

"Well, you have to find a cup." Hermione laughs. Everyone else smiles. I don't, it's not going to be that easy.

"But you have to maneuver your way through the forbidden forest riding threastles."

"Are you serious?" I say it quietly but not quietly enough. A few people give me a questioning look. I just roll my eyes and mouth 'ignore me'. As Hermione continues to talk about the task I mentally punch myself. How did I guess this? Why did I guess this? Why couldn't it be getting a werewolf that could control changing to trust you? Or becoming an animungus? You see, I've seen things, alone, with people but I saw them, and they scarred me. But the whistle is blown and I see a threastle tied up. I greet it carefully and untie it. We fly. Through the maze of clouds. I know right? Search the sky that's smart. But as I fly, higher and higher, I felt free and carried on my search. Rissa right by my side.

"I look right, you look left?" I questioned.

"Yeah, that works." She called out. We looked around, we were in second place now. After searching for about half an hour I huffed.

"We should just give up."

"Never Sidney." I was about to retort when something smacked my head. We froze and saw the cup. We reach for it and we lead the threastles to the ground. Everyone hears the announcement of the cup being found and everyone else leads the threastles down. We're congratulated and I head to the library. Everything is gonna be ok, for once I think it is. I forgot what place we came in and I didn't care. I sighed with exasperation and headed to school. Tomorrow class starts again and I couldn't be happier. I can change and make my way to the library I can wait!

A/N this is a Christmas present for my friend Klorissa. You're welcome

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