Remember When... And Summer Stories part 2

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28th chapter OMG. First off, to be completely honest I never thought I would get this far. Like I feel bad for saying this but I didn't think I would even make it past ten chapters, yeah I know I'm horrible for thinking that but it's the truth.
Ok so second, you may (or may not) have noticed this was changed this to mature content, the reason for this is because I didn't plan on having so many cusses and such so I am sorry. Oh yeah. Lastly, I got this message giving me three choices to date Scorp. Sidney Zelenka, Alexa Lovegood, or Klorissa Zelenka. Who I based Alexa and Klorissa off of both said they would punch me so I didn't have a choice. Sorry.
Time moves in one way but memory in another way~ William Gibson
"I wonder what the first task is." I complained. It's 5:00 A.M so many kids aren't up.
"I don't know Sid if I did you would to." Klorissa snapped.
"I'll ask Myrtle if she heard anything." I reply. I was on my way when I heard a Bulgarian accent.
"I figured it out." It exclaimed.
"What is it then Alec?"
"I saw three pairs of blast ended skrewts in the forbiddin forest . We have to get the clue from them obviously." They don't notice who I am as I walk by quickly and one pulls out their wand. I hear one of them wolf whistle and look down to see my skirt inches above my knees.
"You arse!" I exclaim turning on my heal. One raised an eyebrow as if to say 'what you gonna do?'
"Oh apparently my name hasn't got to you. One half of the deadly duo ring a bell?" I snarl.
"Which half?"
"Does it matter either me or my twin could hex you into obliviation." I glare.
"Yes it does."
"If you must know Sidney." I scoff.
"Shit, your in advanced DADA aren't you?"
"Yes Victor and top of my class now goodbye." I snap. When I turn I hear someone start to laugh.
"Shut up Alec. Silenco." I mutter the last part. I run to Myrtels bathroom angerily.
"Sidney what happened to your skirt?" She gasped.
"Alec Krum that's what." I fume.
"Oh I'm sorry."
"By the way do you know the first task?"
"I may have heard a teacher say your fighting blast ended skrewts." Myrtle smiled.
"Have a nice day."
"Please don't go." Myrtle moaned. (Sorry I had to 😊😋).
"Just a bit longer." I agreed.
"So, no more cutting, right?" She asked.
"Right." I mutter looking anywhere but her eyes.
"Sidney show me your wirst right now." So I did. First, my left arm it was cut, yup I started cutting agian.
"Other arm." I showed her the one of the tatto only my wrist was cut on this arm.
"Sidney Jo." She shrieked.
"Myrtle Jo." I mocked the woman who I was named after. I had two middle names Jo, and Myrtle. No one knows my second middle name except Klorissa.
"Yasssss." I scream in Rissas ear.
"What?" She snapped.
"I may or may not have figured out the first task."
"What is it?"
"Blast ended skrewts." I then see the headline of the prophet.
Delphi Riddle Has Excaped Azkaban.
"No." I gasp. At dinner.
"Many of you have seen the prophet so after the first challenge we'll place dementors on all entrances." Toni who I might as well call mum said.
"Girls I'm pregnant!" My mum exclaimed.
"Yes!" I scream.
"Boy or girl?" Rissa asked.
I can't help but feel pained and go for a walk. I see a man outside probably here to visit his kids holding a little boy. I fall down right then and sob.
"Little girl are you ok?"
"Sorry it's just my mum died and she was gonna have a son soon." I cry.
"Oh I'm so sorry." He apologized.
"It's ok." I mutter wiping up my tears. Why was I telling a stranger this? Gawd life is so confusing. I wiped my tears and went for a walk around the halls.
"SIDNEY!?" Yelled a puzzeled River Dursley.
"RIVER!?" I yelled with just as much enthusiasm. I ran up to him he picked me up and spun me in a circle.
"Your a witch?"
"Obviously, Riv. Where's Trev?" I gasp. James, just a few feet away glared at this.
"Went to find Ris."
"Let's go then."
"Where do we go?"
"Well we'll go to the Ravenclaw common room first, then the library, and last the great hall." I reply.
"What has four legs, then two legs, then three legs, then six legs?"
"A crab that keeps getting his legs ripped off." Offered River.
"No you idiot." I growl. "A human."
"Correct." We walk in to see Rissa looking up spells. She looks up only expecting me but sees Rivers lanky frame and shrieks.
"Of course you would be the one to shriek because your friend is back." River laughs.
"Shut up or I'll have Fred go after you." Klorissa blushed.
"Whatever Snape-Zelenka soon to be Snape-Zelenka-Weasley." River smirked repeatedly wiggling his eyebrows. Rose walks up.
"River I advise you shut your mouth right now before I get out my butter-sock." I reply seriously. He looks up in straight into my crazy eyes fear in his.
"Not that bloody sock. I swear if you hit me with it one more time I'll-"
"You'll what hex me. I'm much more cappable of hex's then you I can hex you into obliviation in a matter of seconds and I'll have my butter sock." I warn.
"Whatever." River glares.
"Anywaaaaay, you and Abby hook up yet?" Rissa asks.
"Yes and she is just wonderful." Riv exclaims. BANG BANG BANG BANG.
"Who the hell is banging on the door I need to concentrate." A girl yells. I go push open the door to find.
"Trev." I exclaim. He walks in and is ambushed with hugs.
"Be careful I was just threatened by Sid with the butter sock." Riv warned quitely.
"You probably deserved it." Trever pointed out. Rose gives me this look and I face palm.
"Duh, Guys this is Rose Granger-Weasley. Rose this is River and Trever Dursley." I reply.
"Oh, by the way I saw Harry he said he wanted to see us." Trever exclaims.
"Oh, we were just on our way to see uncle Harry you can come." Rose smiles happily.
"Yah we need to see mum anyways." Rissa grinned.
"Beth works here? Also we haven't seen you guys around where you been?" Riv asked. That's when I lost it I broke down right then for the second time that day. Rose wrapped her arms around Rissa and I glaring at Riv in the process.
"What did he do?" Trev asked.
"Beth and Daniel were killed summer break you idiot. Yes I understand you didn't know but it doesn't take a genius to figure that out." Rose snapped. I dried my tears quickly.
"I have to check on Addilyn." I whisper and walk away. In the Hufflepuff common room.
"He did WHAT?!" Shrieked my little sister😲. Yah she gets that from mum that really loud screech that mum and I have yah.
"Let's go punch some people." She smirked.
"After I talk to Rose." I smile.
"Ok." Addi frowns. I walk out and hear a few kids talking.
"James, surely you can't be serious?" A boy I don't know asks.
"Of course I'm Sirius and don't call me Sherily." James gasped. So immature I think. I walk up to James and cover his eyes with my hands.
"Hiya James, Sid." Our friend May Hartings greeted. I growled literally growled.
"Sid did you just growl?" May laughed.
"Maybe." I smirk.
"Are you gonna uncover my eyes?"
"Oh yeah sorry." I seem to be using that word alot now a days, sorry. I don't know why but I hate using the word for no reason. Probably because I'm not very touchy-feely like most the girls I know.
"Bye May. Bye babe." I go to find Ro, and Ris.
"Remember when Rissa dated Blaise?" Rose gasped.
"Nope no sirry I don't remember a thing!" I exclaim the thing is I remember it all to well.
"Of course you do."
"No I do don't."
"Sid she's gonna find out sooner or later." Rissa called.
"I'd prefer later rather then sooner." I reply.
"She'll just be angrier!" Rissa exclaimed.
"Whatever." I reply with a growl as I glare at my twin. She just smirked.
"That's it I'm burning you Supernatural poster." I yell (Yes it's a fandom I dare you to search it b/c I'm that evil).
"You burn that say bye-bye to your Firefly poster." She replys.
"Don't you dare you know not only is it a one of a kind but it's also autographed by the cast." I gasp.
"What will I find out sooner or later?" Rose asked.
"Right back to the topic at hand. Scorp and I dated." I say but as I said it I had my face in my pillow. So it came out more as "Corp pan I hated."
"God Scorp and her dated." Rissa rolls her eyes.
"HOW COULD YOU!?" Rose shrieks.
"God you Ro you are being way to dramatic." Ris says.
"You guys weren't even dating!" I exclaim.
"Its not like I wanted to. I played truth or dare I was dared to go out with Rissas crush or your crush. And guess what family is more important then friends. So I'm sooo sorry I chose to date Scorp instead of Fred." I say the last sentence sarcastically tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.
"Wait what?"
"Yeah Rose, Ris already knew so just shut the hell up." I snap. Rissa being the ice to my fire took me away so I could calm down.
"GOD DAMN IT!" I scream. I punch the wall so hard not only is my fist bloody but part of the wall came off with the anger in my veins. Rissa was trying to calm me down but failing as I repeatedly punched the wall. Finnaly I went up to the dorm hoping I was calm but turns out I wasn't I flipped when I saw Rose and accidentally turned into a phoenix angrily and flipped out. Skawking like a mad bird regret not even apparent in my eyes. I change back to human after a bit of angry skawking only Rissa knowing what I squawk and I don't skawk very nice words. As Ris glares I remember I promised I'd tell Rose the whole story.
"No 'buts' about it you are going to tell her."
"Ugh." I flop on my bed this was going to be a long night.
Five minutes later
"So as a re-cap you and Scorp went out on a dare. You only held his hand when you were near James but if you wanted to make him extra jealous you would kiss Scorps cheek. You thought it wasn't making him jealous but it really was. But when you went on dates you just talked about how cute a couple Scorp and I would be?" Rose questioned.
"Yup, pretty much." I say as Ris nods.
"Its ok just let go of my jumper I love it and I don't need it to get dirty." I reply pushing her red mob of hair off my Weasly jumper glaring.
"Bu- but." She continues.
"Please just shut up I want to get some sleep." I reply tossing on my P.Js. (shown bellow)

Rissa laughs uncontrollably knowing how much I hate drama

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Rissa laughs uncontrollably knowing how much I hate drama.
"Shut up Rissa." I say and throw my pillow at her.
"PILLOW FIGHT!" I then scream and attack Rissa with my pillow. All was well... or so we thought.

Rose Weasley And The Bet, The Promise, And The Blackmail ON HIATUS REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now