Everyone gets a second chance

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"Congrats Raditz it seems that you're going to get a second chance", a strange yet familar voice stirred. "uh uh man King yemma?" Raditz stirred. "Apparently a wish was made to where by a shear loophole you and Nappa were revived and warped to earth by the Dragonballs. If Nappa dies agian he could easly be revived by the namekian dragon whom revived you two. With you however if you die again it's for keeps. You have caused a lot of devestation throughout the universe and for those trangressions you should be left to rot in hell but due to this cosmic loophole I can bend the rules  in your favor but only if you cooperate." King Yemma explained. Raditz knew just for entertainment the gate keeper was enjoying this a lot more than he needed to but Raditz knew damn well he was backed into a corner. "I accept, I will cause no more harm on innocents and spend my second chance peacefully on earth", Raditz replied. King Yemma had a big grin on his face. "However, there's one thing I like to know before you leave me to my new life. How does the cosmic loophole efffect me?" Raditz pitched. King Yemma replied, "Simple the wish was for all the people killed by frieza and his men to be revived and brought to earth. This included Vegeta before he betrayed frieza. Because of this you and Nappa were revived as well. However your death by vegeta was invoulntary compared to Nappa's. Because of this, you will only get this one remaining chance at life. I hope you enjoy yourself but not too much ahahahahahaha." Raditz hated that laugh almost as much as the green man's special beam cannon that killed him. He walked around through the outskirts of a small town not too far from where Vegeta and Nappa first arrived on the planet. As he was walking around he noticed  a blue haired woman with grey-blackish pants being taken advantage of by crooks in the alley way. Raditz appriciating a good challenge fought them but only regulated his power level to a point where he couldn't be sensed by Gohan, Piccolo, or the rest of the Z-fighters.  Launch runs to her hero in gratitude while he's about to recieve the hug of his life he sensed that the crooks travelled in packs and as much as he wanted the thrill as any other Saiyan would, he couldn't risk it with Launch in harms way. Raditz would never openly admit it not even in his own head but King Yemma was laughing his but off to see how quickly and how noble the brother of Goku has become since his return and in Earth time that was a few hours ago.  After flying low and keeping his power level down throughout the escape, Launch aks to be put down at her apartment in south city and aks him to stay so that she can get to know him better. After awhile she said she will go to the  store and buy Raditz some male earth clothes that way he'll fit in better.  apparently Raditz was earth clothes is about the same size if not half a size bigger than goku in the 23rd world martial arts tournament.   As Launch was in town she just so happened to have stumbled upon an old friend she hasn't seen in years. "Bulma hi!" Launch called out.  almost immediately the blue haired lass recognized her long lost friend. "Hi Launch long time no see", Bulma said. They talked and talked Launch sneezed and turned blue back and forth between blue and blonde a couple times. Launch was a bit impulsive when she went blonde but at least it made the conversation interesting. Then out of nowhere Launch spills the beans about Saiyans just to them at capsule corp of course. Apparently ever since the battle on Earth Bulma has somewhat of a lustful attraction for the Saiyan prince Vegeta. She couldn't tell if it was because  of Yamcha's Playboy demeanor or was it the fact that Vegeta had more to him than the sheer savagery of an adult saiyan warrior. Launch (blonde) pretty much tells Bulma that while she was blue  Raditz swooped down and saved her defenseless side against a bunch of punks. Saying further more that he'd probably had to keep his battle power down that way no one would notice they were there. Lauch sneezed again turning back blue and asked Bulma, "Please don't rat him out to the others? He's not a bad guy likethe average Saiyan from their planet, the Saiyans have a combative tendency he doesn't know any better.  Besides with all that power the others picked up from Namek and King Kai he's most likely not even a threat to them. Please don't tell Bulma Pleeeeaaaassse?" Bulma just couldn't say no no matter how bad Tien would act if he found out that Goku's "evil" brother was revived alongside the namekians and if that were true that would mean that Vegeta's partner Nappa the big bald guy was inadvertently brought back as well.  Probably waiting for Vegeta to get back from searching for Goku. Launch sneezed and turned blonde again and saw right through Bulma's semi-expressions. "Bulma you have a crush on Vegeta don't you? or Maybe you two had a moonlight before defeating Frieza on Namek?" Launch (Blonde) pitched.. Bulma couldn't believe what she just heard and with a tomato face used facts and science to cover her tracks. Launch blue nor blonde couldn't withstand a science lecture to save their live(s). Even though blue was always more apologetic about it. "First of all Namek had three suns looming around each other providing continious daylight throughout the planet. And second Why would I even consider the very thought of having a moment with his royal, arrogant ass?!", Bulma quipped. "Bulma you know your face turned heaping red the moment we started talking about Vegeta right?" Launch replied. Bulma instantly starting blushing all the more conflicted by both hidden attraction and flaming frustration. "Alright I may have a little school girls crush on a real man instead of a little boy is that a crime?!" Bulma asked. Bulma closed her yap when she realized what came out of her mouth.  "Okay Bulma if you won't blab to Tien and the others about Raditz,  I won't tell anyone about your little crush on Vegeta the real man", Launch quipped. Bulma knew this was the best bargin she was going to get. "Agreed", said Bulma.

It was late when she finally got back. She looked all around her and noticed that her apartment was the cleanest it had ever been with blue being so clumsy and blonde being such a snob.  In her amazement she noticed Raditz who had fell asleep on the couch.  Launch now blue haired, decided to lay back with him until she fell asleep which she did. All was peaceful until Launch just so happened to have sneezed in her sleep turning blonde. At first she noticed how adorable Raditz looked when he was asleep and decided to give a sense of gratitude for cleanning up the place with a little "excitement"; and the first thing she did was grabbed Raditz's tail and clung it as tight as she could waking Raditz with a massive yelp. "Launch wat do you think you're doing?!" she let go just smig and clung tight again earning another yelp. "Oh considering everything we've been through I just thought that I'd return the favor this time. Now be a good boy and enjoy and by the way you're responding right now not just physically i'm confident you will love every second.  Those were the last words spoken before their shared moonlight began to glow.

The next morning, launch was blonde as she was the previous night. However she had a feather from the couch stuck on her hair. She looked over to see that raditz was gone.  "Huh well spikey left me a morning letter", launch quipped. "Dear launch I didn't want to wake you so I put some earth garments and I left for the store to get u something that allows a woman to know after mating whether or not she's bearing. Back on planet Vegeta we didn't have such thing you either found out your mate was bearing or you didn't. That aside I also restocked the food box. I got hungry in the 5 hours you were gone. Don't worry I'll be back in 3 hours ill be training in the wastelands. Just take the test for me while I'm gone will ya." - Raditz.  "Oh not only did he enjoy our night together but he went the extra mile to restock the fridge.  And they say the Saiyans were savages. Well if I know Goku he's going to be expected a feast when he gets back. Well might as well let blue take over. I bet he's still sore from what happened heheheheh", launch responded and with that she grabbed the couch feather and aimed it to where she would sneeze. However when she did so she was still blonde. "What gives!?", Launch replied. "Now it all makes sense", said another old friend of launch's but not quite as known as bulma. "Chi-Chi what are you doing here!?", Launch asked. "Bulma told me everything. Don't worry you're secrets safe with me. I guess the best way for me to put this is that the only reason you, me, and possibly bulma are sexually compatible with Saiyans is because we are strong willed enough to endure it whether we realize it or not. When a earth woman hooks up with a Saiyan male, she suffers a few aftereffects kinkyness included. But the only time you would suffer Saiyan bioeffects is when you become pregnant with a half Saiyan child", Chi-Chi explained. This may be the first science lecture she has been able to keep up with beginning to end in her entire life. And she was pissed. "Chi-Chi, U MEAN TO TELL ME THAT THE REASON I CAN'T TURN BLUE IS BECAUSE I'M p.......". Launch tried to get the word out but she was so frustrated she couldn't. "Yes you're pregnant with Raditz's child. You may at first wanted to hook up with Raditz just to get back at Tien. But I could tell in your eyes both as blue and blonde hair as the day progressed you really started to like him." Launch and Chi-Chi turned to see Bulma walk in. "Don't worry I helped Chi-Chi through Gohan. How hard can Raditz's kid be?" Bulma quipped. Launch was about to get mad but before she could unleash her fury, she had her first baby vomit session coming on. Chi-Chi and Bulma ahhhed in happiness for the new mother. When launch got cleaned up, bulma pitched, "launch I think I figured out why you can't turn blue when you sneeze." "You're theory better be pretty on point if you want to live to hook up with vegeta," launch threatened. " Oh you didn't tell Chi-Chi that part did you?",she quipped. Chi-Chi was completely shocked. "Sorry Chi-Chi but I'm just so sick of yamcha's flirting and secretly sneaking out to other women. Maybe me being with a real man will take that brat down a peg", Bulma explained. Although she could understand why bulma would want a night of passion with a "real man" but vegeta!? The Saiyan Prince who slaughtered countless lives?!  It just doesn't make sense. " Alright remember when said the reason that we're sexually compatible is because of our strong will? Well because of your personality(ies) it's possible that since your blonde side is Stronger willed then your blue side, you'll be blonde until the baby's born," bulma explained.While bulma and Chi-Chi talked it out, launch snuck out in order to have a little chat with Raditz. Ki blasts and explosions were all over the place. Raditz in his Saiyan armor battered and bleeding, tries to calm her. " Launch please take a deep breath", he pleaded. "You got me pregnant and now you'll have to face the music", launch aggressively quipped. She fires a massive energy blast and of course Raditz tanks this saving the surrounding area but was knocked out in the process. "You just stay there spikey. I'll be back for us in 3 days. Enjoy your sleep and keep training until then. ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha", launch said as she flew off.

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