Vegeta's Final Atonement

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Once Goku's has had enough with being forced into their grand rematch, Vegeta makes a plea bargain to split the last Senzu and team up against Buu; Goku easily takes up on the offer not fully knowing that it was a trick. Vegeta uses Goku's naivety to his advantage, knocks Goku upside the head knocking him out, and takes the Senzu bean for himself. "Well Kakarot, it seems even you can be knocked down when you drop your guard", Vegeta says to an unconscious Goku. "I did this I let Buu loose I caused this destruction.  Was I really trying to avenge my pride as a Saiyan warrior or was I going through what the Earthlings call a Mid-Life Crisis and I couldn't think straight.  It doesn't matter now in the end there's only one way to make things right", Vegeta says to himself "Gohan I'm sorry", Vegeta says aloud. "Well Kakarot it seems that our little rematch had only made things worse and I was too bound by my pride to see it. I'll finish this so you just enjoy you're sleep and if your rime should expire before I'm done then we'll have to continue this another day; When I see you in Hell", Vegeta monologues to an Unconscious Goku.  Vegeta then flies off to the hub of Babidi's ship and destroys it.

The resulting shockwave pretty much ends any means of surprise against Buu but Vegeta wasn't really one for shadow tactics; a cheap shot here or there but that's it. Vegeta calls out and challenges Buu pissing him off. Vegeta despite all the blows and energy blasts galore, Buu puffed himself right back up. Vegeta question if Buu was immortal.  Then out of nowhere Buu finally got pissed and unleashed a massive energy blast that but vegeta completely at buu's mercy. Buu in his outrage swoops down and beats the living majin out of vegeta whom is already bound in a Buu construct. Trunks angered by this flies into battle and power kicks Buu in the jaw sending him flying. Vegeta now free, blooded, and battered realises the one true way into defeating majin Buu. Vegeta prepared to say his goodbyes hugs trunks for the first time since he was a baby only to smack him upside the head knocking him out. Goten retorts on why vegeta did that only to have been punched in the gut and knocked out as well. "Vegeta I understand what you're going to do and one day so will Trunks", piccolo bequifes reconciably. "Just tell me one thing will I end up in the otherworld like Kakarot?", Vegeta asked. "I'm sorry but I don't know how to say this so I'm gonna say it straight. It's impossible; Goku has always fought for the sake of others Saiyan tendencies or not so when he died he was allowed to keep his body and train in the otherworld. You however have fought for your own desires and on top of that have caused too much pain. Therefore when you die, you will Not recieve the same reward", piccolo replied. "Alright that's enough for now; get the boys as far away from here as you can. I'm counting on you", vegeta retorts. Piccolo nodded and did what he was told. At that moment Majin Buu reemerged from the rubble demanding a fight. Vegeta stood his ground while Buu mocked him for how he's fought so far. "This is the end because now I know just how to get rid of you; I'm going to blast you into atoms so you cannot regenerate", Vegeta retorted. Buu was shocked by the massive energy Vegeta was putting out and he wasn't the only one. "Is Vegeta nuts?! He can't win against a guy like that he'll die", Krillin retorts reconciably. "Leave him be Krillin; for the first time Vegeta is fight for something other than himself, controlling his own fate", piccolo bequifes reconciably in response. Just as the left the rocky landscape the got to see the big show. "Bulma, Trunks I do this for you and yes even for you Kakarot", Vegeta bequifes. And just like that Vegeta makes the ultimate sacrifice ready for his eternal hell as he rid the world of Majin Buu. Long live the Saiyan Prince Vegeta. 

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