Otherworld Survival Gohan unleashed

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Goku, Vegeta, Dende, Hercule, Bee, and Kibito Kai all arrive back on the Supreme Kai planet with Vegeta in immense grief and retorts at Goku for saving a namek and an afro wearing idiot over his own sons. "Hey spikey I take offense to that. See if it weren't for my bond to Good Buu, the Earth would have been blown up long before now", Hercule retorted. "Well if your bond to fatty was so strong how about I save Evil Buu the trouble and kill you right now!!!", Vegeta retorted in response. "Go ahead why don't ya?! You're not the only one in fact when all's said and done for me I got a whole Hell to answer for so why don't you get me on my merry why?!", Hercule baited reconciably. "I don't believe any of that will be necessary", Elder Kai replied. The others stood in confusion. "You see your sons and the Namekian made it out safe and sound", Elder Kai continued. "How is that even possible when they got caught in the Earth's explosion?!", Vegeta detests. "Of Course!!! Raditz was involved in the battle wasn't he?!", Kibito Kai asked. "That's right he gave up what little useable and life energy he had left to warp the others to the Grand Kai's planet in otherworld leaving himself to die in the explosion", Elder Kai revealed. "Wait then if Raditz still has that death pact with King Yemma then...?! Kakarot I'm sorry", Vegeta reconciled. "Raditz knew the risks he was going to die from Buutenks' Special Beam Cannon anyway so he might as well gone out on a good whim. And right now Buu's destroying planets and lives left and right just to get to us eventually he's going to go to the Grand Kai's place in hopes there. Even with  Gohan and the others being living world fighters alongside the otherworld fighters they won't last long and Buu will just destroy the planet and be done with it but if he does that the dead fighters won't exist anymore and I'm not going to let that happen", Goku replies. "Wait instead of searching after him and putting the otherworld fighters at risk why don't we simply lure Buu here and be done with it", Vegeta pitched. Goku just glances at Vegeta in confusion. "Oh use your brain Kakarot it's obvious like Cell Buu inherited the Instant Transmission all we have to do is raise our power until he senses us and he'll come running", Vegeta explains. "Brilliant Vegeta and even if the boys and Piccolo die trying to hold Buu off until he senses us they'll be warped straight to the checking station with King Yemma and ince Buu finally senses us the otherworld fighters will no longer be in danger", Goku concludes. "Yes a perfect plan", Kibito Kai comments. "Just one small problem... Like HELL If you barbaric Idiots think I'm letting you numbskulls use a and my sacred world for your final battle", Elder Kai retorts reconciably. "Oh come on elder remember backfire or not you're still bound by that deal know what I'm talking about", Goku quips manipulatively. "But didn't she die with the rest of the planet?", Elder Kai asked. "True but remember we have the Dragon balls once this is over", Goku baits. Vegeta just grits his teeth in annoyance and frustration. "Kakarot surely you aren't talking about nor did you drag Bulma into this did you", Vegeta asked sparingly. Goku just replies with a freaked and or busted look on his face. "You fool you did you?! Have you no sense at all have him kiss your Woman!!!", Vegeta spats in retortion. "Don't take it like that Vegeta; Besides Bulma is way prettier than Chichi; see it's a compliment hahahaha", Goku reconciles in an attempt to save himself. "Well gives what I've seen so far with the way you go about energy and everything will Buu even be able to sense you from this far away", Hercule asked. "So the fraud is learning the right way after all", Vegeta spats. "He's right and you know it Vegeta. We'll raise our power but it'll still take time for Buu to sense us. Piccolo and the others are just going to have to hold out.", Goku replies. on that note Goku and Vegeta begin to raise their power in the hopes that Buu will be able to sense them before it's too late. 

After destroying a bunch of planets left and right, Kid Buu finally got annoyed and warped over to the Grand Kai's planet and of course with the otherworld fighters a fight ensues and Kid Buu comes out on top however out of nowhere Buu was kicked upside the head by some green guy but without a halo. "Gohan take the otherworld fighters off this planet while Goten and Trunks get ready to do your Fusion I'll hold him off", Piccolo plans. "Live Green man Me Buu kill you!!!", Buu replies. And so the fight between Piccolo and Majin Buu began. Piccolo used literally everything he had it was since his fight against Android 17 since he was had such a bout. In the end with a single energy blast but not strong enough to destroy the planet Piccolo is engulfed and then obliterated by Buu's attack. "Mister Piccolo!!!", Goten cries. Goten taps into his inner power and in his anger he transformed into a Super Saiyan 2!!!

In his anger Super Saiyan 2 Goten lunges into the fray and gave it everything he had only to be smacked and knocked around by Buu. However before Buu could finish Goten off, his cousin Kosho and the son of Nappa Suigetsu step in alive as well and fight off Buu. "Goten form your Fusion we'll take it from here", Kosho states. Goten calms down and flies off with Trunks to perform the Fusion. Kosho and Suigetsu put up a brave battle but were still killed by Kid Buu. Raditz, Nappa, and Ranfan with halos above their heads put up a good fight only to get pounded back into the dirt again. Gotenks now steps into the fray and again puts up a massive fight. He even took the fight seriously but no matter what Gotenks threw at him no matter how many times Gotenks blew Buu to bits, Buu kept coming back for more. And with a good cheap shot to the back Knocked Gotenks to the ground separating them on impact. "Mine mo die!!!", Kid Buu states menacingly. Right as the energy blast was aiming for them Goten gets up ready to stand his ground. Goten uses what little energy he has left tries to negate the blast as best as he can and right as the blast was able to win over, Trunks was able to help Trunks and give Goten's attempt a bit more of energy bt again Buu it didn't matter the blast overpowered them and they died in the end. Vegeta engulfed in grief tries to surge his power even more to finally lure out Buu. "No Vegeta if we force our position to Buu he'll just blow up the Grand planet and then head for us. We have to keep the increasing energy flow steady ", Goku reconciled. Gohan engulfed in rage rather than charging into the fray, Gohan channelled that anger and used it to further channel his power thus stabilizing his Super Saiyan form on top of his Mystic form thus becoming a Mystic Super Saiyan!!!

Mystic Super Saiyan Gohan and Kid Buu were evenly matched blow for blow but Buu had one ace in the hole...Stamina and Gohan being a normal mortal and an alive on at that eventually tired out giving Buu an opening and thus fired his Kamehameha. Gohan fired an all out kamehameha in response and a beam struggle ensued. Gohan gave everything he had but Bu overpowered Gohan and killed him on the spot. Goku was bound by grief but again they would just be warped to the checking station they can easily bring them back when it was all over. Goku still could feel a massive surge in his heart. As Buu finally got bored and decided to destroy the Grand planet with a dead fighter Yamcha and Krillin for some reason still on the planet finally notices Goku and Vegeta's energy. "Ah dumb dumbs", Kid Buu beckoned with glee and just like that, Kid Buu Instant transmissioned to the Sacred Planet of the Kais and so the Final battle begins     


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