Gohan vs Majin Buu Demon King Dabura's Final stand

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As the smoke cleared nothing was there and everyone including Babidi were completely shocked. "Ha well Babidi it looks like all this time in that shell has reduced the nightmare to space dust", Supreme Kai quipped happily. However he couldn't have been more wrong. Gohan tells everyone to look up as they see the treacherous Majin Buu above them. Gohan is shocked expecting Buu to be a bit more menacing. Then out  of nowhere a spear impales the blob creature. The launcher was Demon King Dabura!!! Dabura pleads with Babidi to listen to reason in that the moment Buu regains full power completely he will betray him therefore mus be destroyed. Unfortunately Babidi was too much of a daddy's boy to listen. Once Dabura had insulted Buu it was on and it was not a good one. Dabura in all is might was outclassed start to finish and Buu had only unleashed a small speck of his power. With both Gohan and the Supreme Kai watching in fear truly understand (Gohan) the Universal threat that is Majin Buu and unbeknownst to them Goten and Trunks were on their way to the battlefield. After awhile Buu had gotten bored with Dabura and turned him into a cookie and so swallowed him whole. From that point Piccolo and Krillin were free from their stone-bound prison. Gohan and Supreme Kai tried to use Dabura's inevitable downfall as a chance to make a run for it and regroup but Buu was one step ahead leaving Gohan no choice to stand and fight. At this point Piccolo, Krillin, Kid Trunks, and Goten had a front row seat on top of a cliffside not too far away from the battle. Gohan and the Supreme Kai had tried their best against the playful yet destructive Majin Buu but it wasn't enough not even close. However they did put up more of a fight than Demon guy in Buu's point of view. After watching the battle tipping more and more in Buu's favor, Goten couldn't stand it anymore, went Super Saiyan and charges into battle in order to try and save his big brother. Piccolo tries to stop him and Trunks in case Goten'll need backup and he successfully does by stating that there's nothing they can do. Gohan keeps fighting and the moment he goes in for another attack he walks into a vaporize like energy blast fired right in his face and he begins to fad into death but has a fighting chance of surviving it after Supreme Kai negates the blast before it could kill Gohan. To make things legit Supreme Kai was the last lie of defense.

While this was going on Goku and Vegeta were finally beginning to wrap up their battle. 

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