Freedom of the Future!!! A new Beginning?!

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After the defeat of Cell, Trunks returned to his time to defeat the androids and free his future. Stronger and wiser than he was when left he's now ready to avenge the Future Z-Fighters and save the world. Upon arrival, he greets his mother and tells her everything that had happened while sharing a pot of tea. In Future Bulma's mind at least the most shocking part was when Trunks said Vegeta went fully insanity at Cell for killing him. Right when they were bonding good and having a normal conversation for once the radio goes off saying that the androids are attacking. Trunks without a second thought heads off to face the monsters that had tormented him and this world for so long. "This time it is truly their turn", Trunks says to himself as he gets ready for battle.

Upon arrival he notices Future Android 17 is about to shoot a handgun to the skull of old man for trying to face him. But before 17 can shoot, Trunks steps in by firing an energy blast to distract both him and Future 18 from the old man. Trunks now standing in his Super Saiyan glory before the oppressors of his world tells them it's over and their time has come and he hopes that they enjoy it. 17 brushes off still going by the calculations of their previous battle with him; Not too much time has passed since he went to the past. 18 gets annoyed and charges at Trunks not able to even aim or land a single blow. Trunks actually fights back and sends the both of them fighting across the city ruins. 17 compliments on how much Trunks had improved in a short amount of time. Trunks charges at Android 18 while she firing at him and with a ki blast of his own obliterates 18 killing her. Angered by this 17 charges at Trunks only to share the same fate with the utmost of ease. After destroying the androids he then sets out for the old man and helped him grieve for his late son. Although the immediate threat may be over Trunks knows that there's one more Trunks must face in order to truly free the future.

Three years later, reports indicate that civilians are literally being eaten alive and absorbed by a Lizard like creature. "Cell so he's finally revealed himself", Trunks says to himself while preparing for to head back to the past to tell the others the good news. Right when he's about to leave Trunks senses Future Cell trying to get the drop on him and asks his mother to get inside. Of course Future Bulma thinks that Trunks was trying to hide a girlfriend but when she looks at the seriousness of her son's eyes and heads straight inside. Trunks calls Cell out of hiding and tells him that he had already destroyed the androids. Cell took the news hard and tells Trunks that he'll absorb him an an appetizer to many before completing his evolution. Trunks decides to fight it out at another location and with a single force push from his ki Trunks send Cell flying all the way out to the wastelands. Trunks transforms and Cell raises his power level from all the innocent life energy he stole from the people of Earth.  A fight ensues and despite Cell's tricks, he was no match for Trunks the savior of the Future and with a single energy blast aimed upward he obliterates Cell and finally frees the Future. He thanks all the people who helped him along the way as he looks towards the sky. 

As he's about to leave the Wastelands however, he spots a pink toned figure calling out to him. She claimed herself to be the Supreme Kai of Time and she was angry with him because he had upset the cosmic balance and broke the taboo of the Kais by normal circumstances she should kill him and his timeline before him and his Time Machine can do any further damage. Trunks just bows down honorably ready to accept his fate. "When i think about it you did make things better for everyone especially how destiny can easily be changed in itself. Maybe we can find a compromise; tell you what I'll spare your world if you agree to the deal I'm about to pitch to you", the Supreme Kai of Time quipped reconcibly. "Anything you're Goddess", Trunks pleaded respectfully. The supreme Kai of TIme just laughed at Trunks hysterically. "Oh you're so sweet!!! Ok I'll spare your world if you agree to leave the Time stream and become a commanding and leading member of my Time Patrollers whom are an Elite Fighting force who spend all of time honing their skills and fight to protect all of TIme and History How's that?!", the Supreme Kai of Time pitched. "Of course you're Goddess but if I may I would like to ask for one simple thing", Trunks pleads. " I already have a remedy for what you're about to ask. I'll create a time induced clone of you with a slight change that will continue to fight for the Future and the memories of everyone you interacted with will be altered accordingly how about that?!", the Supreme Kai of Time pitched. Trunks was ever so happy that he gets to make up for his sin as well as protect everyone like he wanted. "Yes ma'am that will work just fine ma'am", Trunks replied respectfully. The TIme bound Kai was eagerly excited to have a new fighter to help defend time. "I just want you to know before you fully accept that if we agree to do this you can never return to this particular timeline whether you're clone's in trouble or not. Are you sure you want to do this?!, the Supreme Kai of Time asked reconcibly. Trunks pondered for a moment thinking of everything he had worked for and been through. But then he realized it's not about him; Good or bad things have to remain in balance thus he would become a Time Patroller and accept his fate. "Supreme Kai of Time I Trunks Briefs son of Saiyan Prince Vegeta and Earth scientist Bulma Briefs humbly ask to become a member of your Time Patrol!!!", Trunks replied. "Then it is decided", the Supreme Kai of TIme responded. With a flick of her wrist, she created the clone and altered the past and future's memories accordingly. "Are you ready to go?", the Time kai asked. Trunks nodded saying goodbye to his home and leaving the fate of the Future to his clone but little did he know of the terrible ordeal his clone would later face.

 Trunks nodded saying goodbye to his home and leaving the fate of the Future to his clone but little did he know of the terrible ordeal his clone would later face

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