The battle against the Evil Wizard Babidi Gohan's Fury

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The day was grand by every definition of the word Goten and Trunks were the final match of the Junior Division in which Trunks won but only by a cheap shot to Goten's back. Piccolo was even matched up with the Universe's own Supreme Kai only to have forfeited in shear fear.  However if a deity such as the Supreme kai was getting involved something was bound to happen. The beginning of this evil made itself known with two enhanced fighters named Spopovich and Yamu. Supreme Kai explains how the two earthlings with the M's on their heads had gotten so powerful since the last tournament. He tells them that Spopovich and Yamu had sold their souls to an evil wizard named Babidi and were tasked to steal the energy of the strongest warrior here in order to feed the shell that contains the ancient Majin Buu!!! "I managed to seal away Majin Buu and defeated the previous Dark Sage his father Bibidi. Afterwards I left the shelled seal on this planet because at the time it was easy to believe that the inhabitants here would never be able to generate the necessary power to unleash him let alone lure Badidi", Supreme Kai explained. The Supreme Kai's prophecy truly came to pass when Videl was matched up with Spopovich. She tried her best but the enhanced brute was too much for her. The more Videl fought back the more Spopovich tried his hardest to beat her to death just to get back at Hercule for humiliating him at the last tournament. Gohan was starting to get enraged more and more by the second while Goku and Krillin plead for him not to step in. RIght when Gohan was on the verge Yamu tells to Spopovich to end it. Spopovich agreed as Gohan raced down onto the edge of the ring as he helped carry Videl off to the infirmary. Goku went to Korin's to get a senzu bean for Videl  as she was taken  to a bed. Gohan got the senzu and used it to heal her as he left for his match against the Supreme Kai's attendant Kibito. 

Gohan stepped into the ring alongside Kibito. Kibito asks for Gohan to become a Super Saiyan but Gohan offers to go to the next level. Videl storms outside in time for Gohan's match only to be severely amazed as Gohan unleashed his Super Saiyan 2 power. Vegeta comments on how Gohan would be even stronger if he did more than just stay in shape. Supreme Kai only responds with asking them not to intervene with Spopovich attacking him and stealing his energy for Majin Buu no matter what. And as the Supreme Kai predicted the two Majins made their move and with the pointu container stabbed into the left side of his abdomen Gohan screamed in pain. Videl tries to rush out to him only for Goku to hold her back. "Hang on kid it's almost over", Kibito says to himself. When it was over Gohan collapsed on the ring floor unconscious as Videl ran to him. Kibito forces the paramedics to step aside as he quickly heals him. As Spopovich and Yamu make their escape to Babidi's base, Supreme Kai and the Z-Fighters Goku, Vegeta (After some convincing), Piccolo, and Krillin set out in pursuit. After Kibito fully heals Gohan they set out to catch up to the others. However before Gohan can take off Videl stops. She twiddles her fingers blushingly and asks him if she can come along. Gohan retests at first but after looking into Videl's puppy dog eyes he caves but only in exchange if things get hectic she gets outta there. Videl agrees and they set off with the whole crowd amazed beyond belief at them flying including Hercule despite this the Tournament continues.

In the pursuit, the Supreme Kai explains the history and origin of Majin Buu in further detail. The Z-Fighters are amazed at what kind of monster this Majin Buu was believed to be at one point but their openly confident that they can take him. Kibito retorts that they would have to fly faster in order to catch up to the others after explaining the same tale of old. Gohan agrees but tells Kibito to give him a minute. He flies backward to Videl and asks her if she's okay. Videl confess that she not as good at flying as he is. Gohan asks her ever so politely to head back given the circumstances. Videl agrees but not without telling him to take care of himself and only asks him one thing. Videl recalls to seeing the Z-fighters at the Cell Games especially the little blonde boy who she asks was him. Gohan nods as to being him which leads to her question. "Gohan were you the one who really defeated Cell?", Videl asks. "Y-yes", Gohan replies. Videl excites with glee as a part of her could never believe that someone like her father could be strong to take down a monster like Cell. Gohan says his goodbyes and heads out to the others. Videl just smiles as the two fly at super speed.

Kibito and Gohan catch up to the others just in time to arrive at Babidi's base. Spopovich and Yamu hand over the energy container to their master and babidi tells them to get inside and help defend the base while Dabura takes care of 'their guests".  The demon looking creature who was revealed to the Z-Fighters to be Dabura the King of the Demon Realm swoops towards them and obliterates Kibito without a second thought. From there he uses his Demon spit to turn Piccolo and Krillin to stone. Supreme Kai states that the only way to save them is to defeat Dabura;  Angered by this Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan swoop down towards the base below alongside the Supreme Kai. they land to the nearest platform and look up to have one of Babidi's top fighters Puipui before them accompanied by Spopovich and Yamu. Gohan angered by the brute who battered Videl so badly. "Here's our game plan; Dad you take the scrawny one called Yamu, Vegeta you get Puipui, and I get the muscle headed bastard", Gohan pitched. Supreme Kai pleads with them to come up with a better strategy but they head in flying  anyway. He also states with every blow they get on them the energy taken will go directly to the unleashment of Majin Buu. However the battle begins with Vegeta obliterating Puipui with the slightest of ease and Goku testing the limits of Yamu's power. Gohan beats the living tar out of Spopovich even worse than he did Videl.  Right when Spopovich is battered and beaten Gohan obliterates him without a second thought. Goku shocked at the very core of his dead body at the he warps down and stabs a ki blade clean through Yamu's chest. "Gohan they may have been infected with Dark Magic but they were still Earthlings; Killing them was pointless!!!", Goku retorts. "They deserved it dad and you know it Dad; Now let's reach the next level already", Gohan replied with a tone cold as ice. Goku just sighs and heads down to the second floor of the base/ ship with the others. Supreme Kai was completely astonished by how the Saiyans no mere mortals have gotten so powerful that Babidi's strongest minions are child's play. Goku calls out to him to come on down in which the Supreme Kai easily complies.    

When they reach the second floor, they are surrounded by complete and utter darkness. Goku decides that he'll take this one considering that Gohan went straight for the kill with Spopovich and Yamu and Vegeta got Puipui. Goku tries to sense for the fighters ki only to be struck out of nowhere by something sharp. The fighters reveals himself to be a monster named Yakon surrounded by darkness and uses it to his advantage and on top of that feed on light energy. Goku uses his greatest disadvantage in fight to an even greater Advantage by going Super Saiyan 2 and with that much Light energy at one time Yakon couldn't take it and imploded under his own meal. Vegeta utterly astonished by this he thinks to himself that a certain plan he has been considering my actually come to pass to close his and Kakarot's power gap. Babidi panics by how in his mind these Earthlings could've gotten all the way to the Third and FInal Floor before reaching Majin Buu so easily. He calms himself saying to himself,"Good thing I got my secret weapon Dabura!!! When the Z-Fighters reach the Third floor they decide that Gohan gets the third and final fighter considering he had slacked off to a degree in his training prior to this. The background changes to somewhat of a shadow world place. Gohan steps forward ready to fight with Dabura just as eager. A dramatic battle ensues with no clear winner in sight as the two fighters were deadlocked in very shape or fashion well on of them anyway. Gohan may be putting up a good fight with a Cell level fighter but he'd be a lot stronger if he did some considerable training. Vegeta could easily see what's really going on and so can Goku. Goku easily comments on how Gohan had really slacked off. "Yes it finally makes sense Dabura's severely holding back but why would he pull such a stunt?", Supreme Kai asked. "Because Gohan is an idiot especially considering how he's forgotten all fighting sense. Kakarot this is becoming irritating let me in I', finishing this", Vegeta demands. "Oh c'mon Vegeta just give a little more time i'm sure he can make a comeback", Goku pleads. "No way Kakarot we both know the only effective thing your son's doing out there is dodging either that or the reason Dabura hasn't allowed Majin Buu to feed off Gohan's energy is because he's toying with him. I could easily handle this demonic possessed bastard myself...", Vegeta retorted continuously. As Vegeta kept retorting, Dabura noticed how the spiky one has a great evil within him and contacts Babidi accordingly claiming that he has made a great discovery that will easily lead to the revival of Majin Buu. Babidi complies and sends the Z-fighters back to the base/ship as Dabura condones with his master. 

Moments pass and out of nowhere Vegeta holds his head while screaming out in pain. The others quickly realize that Babidi is trying to control Vegeta's mind. The supreme Kai pleads with Vegeta to fight and resists Babidi's power even going to the lengths to preach to Vegeta that his not that person anymore. He also tells Vegeta not to think of it be innocent and clear. "How can you say that?! I'm not innocent", Vegeta retorts in agony. His power rises exponentially within each passing second which leads to a massive earthquake under Vegeta's power. When all's said and done in a Super Saiyan state, Vegeta rises but not as Vegeta but as Babidi newest servant... MAJIN VEGETA!!!  

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