Aftermath Yamcha's ordeal

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Shortly after the ordeal the Z-fighters regrouped at the Lookout and the others were made aware of the situation. Goten and Trunks were going to be alright but Vegeta and Gohan were both killed by Majin Buu. THe others were immense shock and grieved accordingly. Chichi was on the verge trying to stay strong for Goten's sake, Videl began to go through denial in the fact that Gohan could be lost so easily, while Bulma just balled into tears. Everyone was in grief for their loss except for Yamcha who ran off somewhere. Then all of a sudden Yamcha walks out in front of everyone in the old Gi he wore in the fight against the Androids with the hole to match. "When the boys wake send one of them to get the Dragon Radar while I go after Babidi and Majin Buu. Goku we all know with whatever little trick you got under your sleeve from the last seven years that you have the best chance of defeating Buu. So please as a fellow warrior, Z-Fighter, and friend I ask you not to go after Buu until you can confirm that I'm dead not a moment before got it?!", Yamcha pleaded. "Yamcha you've been out the game for so long you can't", Krillin retorted. "Uncle Yamcha!!!!", Marron yelled crying.  "It's alright guys like Vegeta I had this coming for years now because of my ego and selfishness. It's about time I accepted it. Goodbye guys", Yamcha replied. He gave a kind smile as he flew off to combat the enemy

Yamcha flew right in front of Babidi and Majin Buu; He put up a brave battle but in the end it wasn't enough as Buu fired a Majin Kamehameha and it struck him right in the chest and in a instant obliterated him into nothing; He went out with a smile on his face that he could be a warrior one last time. "Yamchaaaaaaaaa!!!", Krillin screamed in grief. "That fool!!! He knew going after Buu was a suicide mission but just like Nappa did against Cell he sacrificed himself so that Goku wouldn't have to go into the fight blind even if it was just as a diversion", Piccolo replied. At that moment before Babidi can unleash Buu to cause more chaos, Goku used Instant Transmission and headed straight for them. Babidi noticed the strange fighter appear to them out of nowhere. "Hiya", Goku greeted. "Just who the heck are you?", Babidi asked arrogantly. "Oh no one really just a friend of the guy you manipulated Majin Buu into killing", Goku quipped. "How Dare You?! Majin Buu and his great power is my birthright;Mine to command and do my bidding!!!", Babidi retorted mocked. Buu grew angry at this and how Babidi wasn't the nice man he thought he was but the son of magic guy who manipulated him into causing destruction for him with promises of cake eons ago. "Sure magic guy came through for Buu but Buu got tired of him. Just like Buu tired of meanie now!!!", Buu retorted angrily.  "Now Buu let's take a deep breath here maybe your friend Babidi can...", Babidi tried to plead before Buu grabbed him by the throat with a menacing grin on his face. "Buu has a better idea",Buu implied. Before Babidi could say more in his desperate plea, Buu with a single punch smashed Babidi's head clean off. 

Buu growled in anger as if he was on the verge of becoming something much worse. Luckily Goku's always one step ahead when it comes to fighting. "Majin Buu I know you're angry but please not all people are like Babidi there's good in people. Besides I you be good and wait three days without killing anyone a warrior stronger than both of us will appear; And on top of that I'll even fight you myself", said Goku. Majin Buu easily got excited and was thrilled that if he does good that he would to fight a guy stronger than both wolf guy and spikey guy. Buu was very eager and so the epic battle of Goku and the potentially Majin Buu is about to begin.    

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