Gohan steps into action Super Buu's grand plan

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Piccolo looked towards the sky confused as to who this new fighter could be. But then he senses how strong it is and believes it's Goku. Trunks and Goten are both shocked and Buu is forced out of his slumber. However as the figures descends closer to the battlefield the fighter becomes recognizable...Gohan Back From The Dead!!! Trunks is confused while Goten is happy and relieved at the revelation. "Hi Gohan we all thought you were dead", Goten says happily. "I would've been if it weren't for Supreme Kai but that's all in the past", Gohan replies. "I rather focus on the here and now", Gohan continued. Gohan then asks where are the others only to be told that Majin Buu killed everyone. Gohan in his grief senses a faint energy but it's there. Piccolo is absolutely astonished by how far Gohan has become especially when it comes to his will to fight. Piccolo, Goten, and Trunks look in awe as Gohan simply walks over to Buu like Goku did before him with Frieza. "Heh heh so hotshot you wanna fight Majin Buu?!", Buu quips. "Fight you no I wanna Kill You", Gohan replied. 

And so the battle began and despite everyone's shock, Buu stood no chance against Gohan's new bound power. Even Goku on the Supreme Kai Planet was impressed at his usually pacifist son. "Alright right on he's really got him now I'm so proud", Goku states with glee. "Yes soon the threat of Majin Buu will be a distinct memory", Supreme Kai replied. "Yes but since the battle's pretty much assured at this point I might as well tell you. You see I only channelled Gohan's power about half way hehehehe", Elder Kai confesses with a nonchalant smile on his face. "WHAT!!!?", Goku, Kibito, and Supreme Kai replied shocked. "Ancestor surely you didn't?!", Supreme Kai asked still can't believe what he just heard. "Don't gawk you whipper snapper it's rude and disrespectful. Besides If I took the time to channel Gohan's power completely the Earth would be destroyed and Majin Buu's terror would escalate to the rest of the Universe; And based on what we're seeing Halfway is more than enough as long as his Bloodlust doesn't get the better of him like last time", Elder kai retorted. "What not too long ago I was the Z-Sword. Also you should already have known this long before Cell since Because they're able to think emotionally even in battle that Half breeds have an even stronger bloodlust than purebloods", Elder kai continued.  Goku pondered for a moment and finally got at what Elder kai was getting at. Gohan was fighting Buu the same way he fought off Cell all those years ago and it was only a matter of time before Buu outsmarts him. Gohan kept toying with Buu all the more as Super Buu got angrier and angrier at the fact that he couldn't even land a single blow. "It's happened", Piccolo stated. "What do you mean Mr.Piccolo?", Goten asked. "You two weren't properly around or old enough to remember but in the fight against Cell Gohan became the first to achieve Super Saiyan 2 and achieved the necessary power to defeat him. However when Gohan transformed he allowed his Saiyan nature to take over; a power he has feared his entire life to this very day. This is mainly because like Goku back in the day he couldn't help his Saiyan nature from running wild. You two have had it easy during that time of peace following so something like that would be easier for you to control. Long story short when his Saiyan nature manifested outside of a rage boost, his bloodlust overpowers all sense of judgement and because of that Goku had to sacrifice himself. Given the circumstances now it worked out but now Gohan's making the same mistake again", Piccolo explained. "Gohan you have the power now finish Buu off while you still can!!!", Piccolo pleaded with his old student. "What's the point in rushing it Piccolo?! With durability like this Buu can more than take a little beating before he dies. After all he needs to pay for the eons of tyranny all the civilizations he's destroyed", Gohan detests reconcilably. Piccolo grits his teeth in frustration as Gohan begins to toy again. "What's wrong Buu had enough?! Are you gonna cry Buu buu?!", Gohan quips mockingly. Buu screamed as he's finally snapped and raises his power to his maximum. "That's good Buu let it all out; It's only fitting that I destroy you at your best", Gohan replies. "Oh no he's too far gone now and Buu's gonna go for broke", Goku informs the others. "Buu will Not Be Mocked Any MOOOORE!!!!", Buu retorts as he's about to blow. Gohan and Piccolo quickly fly off carrying the boys with them from the blast zone as a strong and pink light engulfs the area. "That no suicide blast; If Buu was serious about going for broke the entire planet would have been destroyed. He's obviously devising a plan in which the others can't figure out yet. All we can do is hope for the best at this point", Elder Kai replied. 

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