The epic rematch Gotenks vs Super Buu

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Piccolo took Majin Buu all the way to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber where Goten and Trunks were waiting for them. Super Buu glances confused at what's going on before him and before he could say anything, The boys perform a dance that combined and gave them extraordinary power. Piccolo was concerned as to why they didn't fuse as Super Saiyans. But when Gotenks appeared from the smoke, he was convinced considering how in their combined base, their power had increased dramatically. Buu was more than impressed. "Ahh there's my fighter it's a shame that there's no one here to witness your final hour", Buu replied eagerly. "Final hour that's pretty clever guess you can tell jokes now now that you're not a tub of lard", Gotenks quipped. "But I've been changing too and you're in for a big surprise when my fists start flying", Gotenks continued. And so the battle began as Gotenks unleashed a barrage of blows and kicks Super Buu simply stands there tanking every bit of it. "You said you'd tell me when I can start fighting", Buu replied. Gotenks steps back and reconciles to himself as to after everything he's done so far Buu's not even bruised. However Gotenks doesn't back down and reveals to Buu a few of his little "secrets" such as the Nuclear Kick and the Adonme which was an explosion on contact attack. Despite this Buu just regenerates and shrugs it off like it was nothing. Gotenks continues on with the spindle top punch as he winds his arm around and around and around. "Wait", Buu says before being hit. Gotenks stops confused only for Buu to tell him to hit him in the face. "Don't tell me how to fight!!!",Gotenks retorts angrily. Gotenks then begins to wind his arm back up and floats to Buu's height accordingly. "How do you like a chop on your chops wimp?!", Gotenks spats as he Punches as he told. Buu takes a step back and laughs it off as his Dark and Red eyes finally begin to form. Buu then fights seriously and alters the Chamber's environment as a result. Gotenks then tries for his Charging mad bull attack only to realize that when Buu altered the Environment it turned Ice like and Gotenks could barely balance himself. He uses his momentum to charge right back up to Buu to fire his Swinging Disaster Blaster attack as he Smacked Buu in the jaw as well as a series of combo bound super attacks only for Buu to regenerate and shrug off and that's if they did any damage at all.After a while Buu gets tired of Gotenks' games and slaps him across the face demanding he takes this seriously. Gotenks asks for a couple of minutes as he walks off into a huddle with Piccolo. Buu retorts as he overhears the hard truth that Gotenks was severely holding back. "All you ever do is TALK!!!!!", Buu snaps as he releases a massive amount of power. "Fine then let the second round begin!!!", Gotenks replies as he jumps into the fray.  As the battle begin anew Gotenks unleashes a barrage of punches only to once again have no effect on Buu. He then goes for a twirling spin attack only for Buu to simply move out of the way and have Gotenks in an attempt to stop himself crash into the Chamber floor.  After Buu gets annoyed Gotenks Finally takes the battle seriously and transforms into a Super Saiyan thus Super Gotenks!!!

With Gotenks now a Super Saiyan the real battle is about to begin. The two go at it with energy blasts and fight galore. Gotenks even unleashes an attack that does heavy damage to Buu....The Ghost Kamikaze Attack!!! This attack nearly obliterates Buu however he's still able to regenerate and the battle continues. Eventually things get desperate and Piccolo decides to destroy the door to the Chamber sealing them all in for all eternity. Gotenks and Super Buu freak out. And by a strange ordeal of events Super Buu makes a scream of energy so massive that he creates a dimensional rift that leads him to the outside. Gotenks and Piccolo try to follow him only for the rift to close before them. Majin Buu emerged with a vicious grin. The others quelled in fear as the saw death in the face. Krillin knew what he had to do in order to save the others. "18 I'm going to charge at Majin Buu. While I'm holding off you get everyone inside okay?!", Krillin pleads to his wife. 18 nods and so Krilin charges for the monstrous Buu. Krillin gets a few blows in as well as his Destructo-Disk Barrage attack which slices Buu to pieces and blows him up at every contact point. The others are trying to find safe spots inside the lookout while Krillin's risks his life once more. After Buu regenerates he punches Krillin right in the gut causing him to bleed. Buu keeps beating the living Hell out of Krillin again and again until he finally gets bored. "Well earthling you proved better than Buu expected but now your little game is over", Buu quips menacingly. Krillin tries to go for another punch before Buu Warping and twirling his body around Krillin and turns him into chocolate and ate him shortly after. Buu then swooped down and devoured the others one by one. However, Mr.Popo was able to save Dende and the dragon balls  before getting eaten himself.  

After a while Piccolo and Gotenks are giving up hope of getting out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber until Gotenks reveals that he was holding back again and was about to unveil his true power and the reason that they're in this situation is because Piccolo got desperate. Piccolo immediately smacks Gotenks upside the head. "This is NO time for your games", Piccolo retorted. Gotenks then unleashes his true form his true power...Super Saiyan 3!!!! Piccolo is dumbfounded that Gotenks was able to come all this way in power despite being a cocky idiot. Gotenks then does an energy scream of his own creating a rift and together they escape back into the physical world just in time for them to realize that Majin Buu killed the others. And so the new round the true battle begins as Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks is unleashed. While this climatic battle continued Elder Supreme Kai finished unleashing Gohan's power and told him to transform and believe in himself. And so Gohan finally becomes Mystic Gohan!!! Goku states that this might be the last time he'll be able to see any of them since a dead fighter or a deceased whom was able to keep his body can only inhabit the physical world for a day every one hundred years or so. "Make me proud son give Majin Buu what's coming to him", Goku replied. "yeah", Gohan answered. After being dropped off on Earth Gohan then sets out to battle.

Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks and Super Buu are evenly matched toe-to-toe, blow for blow. It even escalated to the Lookout being destroyed after Gotenks deflected Buu's Buu ball attack. They then relocate and continue fighting blow for blow. And like Goku and Vegeta would in this ordeal, Gotenks' pride got the better of him and baited Buu all the way until his Fusion wore off. Buu after this fell asleep probably due to exhaustion. Piccolo believes that this could be great time for the boys to gather their strength for when they Fuse again but the boys want to see whether or not Buu's faking it. But before any of them could do anything a new power closes in on the battlefield.

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