Super Vegito

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Even though Vegito was now in his Super Saiyan form, he still toyed with Buuhan to a degree. Not out of arrogance or emotional ordeal but in the fact that now that he's fighting as a Super Saiyan, Buuhan has no chance. Sure Vegito could fire a Goku/Vegeta combo like the Final Kamehameha or the Galick Kaioken Attack or even the Super Big Bang Attack and end the threat right then and there, but he would end up in the same predicament as Gohan did. However the difference being that Vegito with the culmination of two minds merged through the Potara would have thought one step ahead and that is getting Buuhan to absorb him that way he could free the others from Majin Buu's psychological and manipulative control. But in order to do that he would have to bait him first. Buuhan tried and tried but despite all the attacks, Vegito either tanked, dodged, and/or negated everything Buuhan threw at him. He even fired his version of the Ghost Kamikaze Attack and added a little mix to where one ghost would fire a kamehameha while the other would fire a Galick gun. However Vegito was able to use Instant transmission and liberate himself from the blast. 

Buuhan even grew to the point that he was willing to cause a dimensional collapse just to beat Vegito only for Vegito to stop him before he could cause any damage. Buuhan grew more and more desperate with each passing second. "Come on Buu is that all you got?! Unless you're ready to use that trick you've been saving", Vegito quips. Buuhan then baits Vegito and uses his candy beam attack turning into a coffee flavored sucker. However even as a candy Vegito was still able to beat the tar out of Buuhan. Buuhan finally having enough while Vegito makes his count to ten before destroying Buu finally decides to use his absorption technique playing into Vegito's hand. "Barrier!!!", Vegito called making his absorption convincing. Buuhan laughs and marvels at his victory without knowing the trap he just walked into.

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