Goku vs Majin Buu Trunks goes after the Dragon Radar

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"I'm really stoked about this Majin Buu but what you see now is my normal state", Goku said as he immediately turn blonde. 'This is a Super Saiyan", Goku continued. Then his power spiked again as lightning surrounded his body. "This is an ascended Saiyan or you could call it a Super Saiyan 2; And this is to go even further Beyond!!!", Goku stated once more as he began to power up revealing his ultimate form. His expanding energy was so massive that it could be sensed by the entire universe. He screamed and screamed further channelling his power. And with a bright light the transformation was complete. "Sorry about that I haven't as much occasion to try out this form. This is what I like to call Super Saiyan 3!!!", Goku replied in a low-toned voice. Buu was beyond excited and so the Epic battle began. While this was going on Trunks was flying off to West City to pick up the Dragon Radar so they can gather the dragonballs after the crisis. The world if not the entire universe was astonished by the very magnitude and realization of the power before them. Super Saiyan 3 Goku and Majin Buu were evenly matched blow for blow. Their energy especially Goku's were so powerful that it could be sensed all the way to the Planet of the Supreme Kais where Supreme Kai, Kibito, and Gohan were alive and well and were carving a plan of their own into defeating Majin Buu. Gohan using sheer will survived the energy blast Buu threw at him and Supreme Kai was able to get away while Majin Vegeta fought Buu and Kibito had to be brought back with the Dragon Balls. As they were sensing the battle, Gohan is training himself to learn and master the power of the Z-Sword.

After a while and a town being destroyed after a deflected Majin Kamehameha, Goku realizes that if this battle goes on he will loose all the energy allowing him to stay on Earth. At that moment, Goku powered down back to normal. "Why spiky guy stopped fighting Buu?!", Buu asked shocked. "Well you see Buu I can't you all day and you're immensely strong. Besides I'm only here for today and if we fought any longer I'd have to leave. So please Buu wait three days and an even stronger opponent will come Okay", Goku pleaded. "Okay Buu wait and won't kill either", Buu agreed. "Thank you Buu see ya", Goku said as he warped away. Buu flew off and began to wait for the strong guy to come.     

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