Goku's Return The Dragon Team Assembles

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Seven years have passed since the Cell Games and Goku's death and the Earth has seen seven years of constant peace. Gohan has spent the last Seven years studying and training at least periodically just to stay in shape. He also had a baby brother named Goten who was born not too long after Goku died and developed into being the spitting image of him, Present or Kid Trunks has grown a lot at the age of eight, and everyone else was either Training their butts off as if nothing happened or have enjoyed the peace. Krillin had finally got the girl and Android 18 and together as Husband and Wife have a little girl and currently live at Kame House with Master Roshi. Tien went his separate ways from the Z-Fighters to focus more on his training. Piccolo trained constantly everyday at the lookout and meditates with Dende whenever he can.  Yamcha had pretty much retired from the Z-Fighters after the android threat; Sure he played it off to make sure Trunks would exist but losing the love of his life to not only the guy who ordered a Saiyan plant to blow him to bits but also the same barbaric bastard who destroyed countless worlds and lives in order to fulfil his own blood lust pretty much destroyed his warrior pride but by the bound of Vegeta and Bulma's marriage he must hold his peace. Besides even if he had fought for her during the three year gap for the androids it wouldn't have mattered. Bulma would have given one more chance, he would have messed it up again leaving a heartbroken Bulma in the arms of Vegeta thus Trunks slightly later than he was originally supposed to be. Vegeta will spare with Trunks in order to get out of Bulma's dog house but for the most part he's trained himself viciously and ferociously for seven years straight. Yajirobe still crashes at Korin's Tower doing absolutely nothing other than stuffing his face with Senzu or food all day. And Raditz him alongside Kosho and Suigetsu either trained in the capsule house him and Launch got from Bulma that one time or train in space. If he wasn't training he was working for the South City of Capsule Corps Progression Industry. The job pays good money about $530,000 Zeni a year; Kosho's ten and Suigetsu's nine.  Everyone was beginning to get used to have normal lives outside of fighting on Earth. Until Gohan secretly fighting crime as Great Saiyaman gets exposed and blackmailed by a classmate Videl the daughter of Hercule the big ox who won an insignificant fighting tournament and thought he was the greatest got smacked around and got all the credit for defeating cell. She keep the whole thing a secret if he agrees to teach her how to fly and that he will compete in the World's Martial Arts Tournament. Gohan agrees in teaches her how to fly and compete in the tournament and he sets out to ask Bulma to give a costume alteration for the tournament.

Upon arrival Gohan tells Bulma about his dilemma and she alters his costume to where he'll be within the tournament's regulations. The same green and black overall but with sunglasses and a white bandana instead of the helmet. Gohan thanks Bulma for her help and is stoked with his new look.

Gohan asks Kid Trunks if he thinks he's cool in what he's wearing and out of respect Trunks tries to stay as neutral as possible

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Gohan asks Kid Trunks if he thinks he's cool in what he's wearing and out of respect Trunks tries to stay as neutral as possible. At that moment Vegeta emerge from the Gravity Chamber in the other room. "Hey Gohan, I couldn't help but overhear something about that Martial Arts Tournament this planet used to have; Didn't the old man say they stopped having it at the 23rd when Kakarot and the Namek destroyed the arena in their battle?", Vegeta retorted questionably. "Oh yeah that's right Vegeta they must have started it back a couple of years ago that would explain Hercule being the World Champion anyway over the whole Great Saiyaman thing Hercule's daughter a classmate figured out my identity and she blackmailed me into competing in the tournament or she'll expose me", Gohan replied. Vegeta had a smug grin on his face. "Well with a ridiculous outfit like that it was only a matter of time before someone figured it out and her I thought the common Earthlings were pure idiots", Vegeta quipped. "C'mon Vegeta cut me some slack will ya? Besides the whole Superhero route is the only way I can get some fighting in without getting grounded for in mom's case acting like a delinquent. Please guys outside for the sake of the Tournament can we please keep the whole Superhero thing quiet Please?!", Gohan pleaded reconcibly. "So all that aside Vegeta, are you willing to sign up for the Tournament?", Gohan asked. "But of course a true Saiyan warrior could never resist a challenge. Besides you may have surpassed me against Cell but in the past seven years I'm confident that I closed the power gap between us", Vegeta stated pridefully. Bulma just shook her head in a reconcilable sigh. "A Martial Arts Tournament sign me up!!!", A cheery voice echoed through the air. "That voice I'd know it anywhere Dad is it really you?!", Gohan shouted out. "Yep it's really me and I can't wait to see how much you guys improved since I've been gone aren't you Vegeta?!", Goku asked from Otherworld through King Kai. "But of Course Kakarot I've waited seven years for this opportunity and there's no way in Hell I'm missing it count me in for the Tournament", Vegeta stated proudly. "But Dad how are you supposed to get here I mean you're in OtherWorld with King Kai?!", Gohan asked shockingly. "That's simple Gohan you see if I ask Fortune Teller Baba nicely she'll let me come down to Earth for one day to see and fight you guys how does that sound?!", Goku asked quippingly already knowing the answer.  "AWESOME!!!!", Gohan shouted out in excitement. "Sorry to take off like this Bulma but I gotta get home and tell mom the good news", Gohan said respectfully. "It's alright Gohan thanks for stopping by", Bulma replied as Gohan flew off.

The rest of the day, Gohan flew off telling everyone about the tournament and that on top of it Goku's coming back for the day to compete and just about everyone agrees to arrive to greet Goku and compete except for Yamcha and of course Raditz. His excuse was that they were thinking of getting a full scale house and he needs to be there with Launch in support to seal the deal and the whole thing takes place the day of the Tournament. Yamcha however, didn't have much of an excuse at all but given the circumstances as to why Yamcha doesn't fight anymore, Gohan can forgive it. That evening, Gohan comes home for dinner and tells his mom and brother that dad will be coming back to compete in the tournament. Chichi erupts with so much joy and excitement it was enough for the mountain side to have heard her ten times. She then goes into a ramble in how since Goku's been dead he hasn't aged and she has and what she needs to wear and etc... While she's rambling Gohan takes this as his golden opportunity to ask his mother if he can compete in the tournament and he also mention the prize money for winning as insurance in case she got protective again. When she heard the amount of Zeni the grand prize for winning the Tournament was worth Chichi went nuts. 

The following morning Gohan decides to get up bright and early to start his refreshers course of training with his little Goten to accompany him. A few hours pass and Gohan decides to have Goten now that he had revealed himself to have the ability to go Super Saiyan throw rocks at him as fast as he can and he would dodge them. Goten throws the first rock from the preset distance Gohan gave him to be on only for Gohan to have realized his mistake for underestimating his little brother twice in one day and decides for him to throw from a little further back. After all the rocks have been thrown, Gohan and Goten begin to spar going upward towards a cliff over for it to come to a screeching halt when Gihan leaps for higher ground and Goten can't fly yet and because he spent most of his training under Chichi that's the one thing he never learned. Gohan laughs hysterically at the revelation while Goten just pouts in anger demanding his big brother to teach him how to fly. At that note an old debt was waiting to be paid as Videl has been spotted flying towards their house. The Son brothers race back home as fast as they can. 

And so as promised, Gohan began to teach Videl and Goten how to fly. However Videl need to utilize proper use and control of ki before she can start flying. The first lesson goes well although Goten in his excitement for flight shows off just a little bit. After getting floating right she asks Gohan if her being there is a problem or burden but Gohan of course says no; though he did advice for her to cut her hair so it won't get in the way. Videl blushes at the statement believing that Gohan was flirting with her. She asks him if he liked short hair but Gohan just stated the fact that long hair in a fight is a heavy disadvantage. Videl in a blushing wit yells at him enters her capsule plane and flies off. Gohan looked at the sky dumbfounded like an idiot until Goten broke the silence, "What's with her?" "I don't know but I do know this We Won't Have Time To Train!!!

The next day Gohan and Goten try to get some training in before Videl showed up only to have just landing in front of them as they enter their training grounds. She exits the Capsule plane she actually had cut her hair. "alright let's pick up where we left off", Videl said eagerly. Gohan and Videl while in her training took time to bond and get to know each other better. And so eight days later, Videl had mastered her flying skills well to Goten's level at least. After a proper thank you she flies home and can't wait to see him in the Tournament.  With a few days remaining before the World Martial Arts Tournament and Goku's return, everyone was giving it their all in their training waiting more and more for the big day.

Finally the big day had arrived fighters, fans, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls gather from all over the globe far and wide at the South City Island to see who's the strongest fighter in the World. Upon landing on the Island the tournament will take place the Z-Fighters agree to NOT turn Super Saiyan during the matches. They walk around the civilian are leading to the sign ups but wanted to wait for Goku or at least hoped he had already shown up; However they do spot Piccolo. "Hey Piccolo have you seen my dad yet?", Gohan asked his old friend and mentor. "Oh hey Gohan he's not yet though you're going to compete in that?", Piccolo reconciled. "Well yeah I'm still doing the whole superhero bid you know. Besides it's not I could compete as me or anything I have this nerdy reputation at the school to keep", Gohan replied. Piccolo nodded and looked over as Goku finally made his return. "Hi guys", Goku stated. Everyone watched with glee especially Chichi as she saw her husband back before her eyes whether he had a Halo over his head or not. Goku missed Chichi a lot as well and gave proper bonding time to his now second son Goten. Despite everyone's tearing up and happiness all good moments must come to an end. "I hate to break up the reunion but unless we're part of the audience I'd suggest that we signup", Piccolo said. They went to the signup both and everyone was ready to go except Goten and Trunks they got stuck in the Junior Division for being under fifteen.  And so they made their preparations for the great battle and reunion to begin. 

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