Author's Note

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Hello i actually believe that what you're reading would have been a much better filler arc in Dragonball than simply Garlic Jr's revenge. For starters The Dead Zone film had no considerable placement within the official Dragonball Z story. Now earth's Strongest Warrior or Tree of Might i would consider since they're post Saiyan arc placed and they had a good dynamic and slice of life throughout prior to the action of course.  But when have a cosmic loophole within a wish to the eternal Dragon and don't carry it out. Come on all they did was pull a sequel on the most ill placed movie villian within the dragonball movie cannon just for the sake of it. If you going to pull that crap couldn't you have at least considered a rehash of Lord Slug?! I get the fact that Slug was bound to Guru or the Grand Elder as he's named in Kai but still at least the fact that he would have been reborn when bound to morri would have some actual consistency to it. Toei, Toeeeeeeei come on people. Honestly with this potential plot hole you had a year at most window before Akira Toriyama wrote Future Trunks, the Androids all this and that and you could have used the same idea but you decided to go with a basis story that would play out as the worse ten episodes in Dbz maybe all of Dragonball with certain depictions within Dragonball GT as the only exception. In GT's defense, Toei was trying to end of the Dragonball story the way it began and that was the grandness of Son Goku. However the reason it flopped so badly almost Dragonball Evolution bad was the fact that it had No" Z "element whatsoever other than the in Z established characters whom were completely downgraded. Long story short, it was a complete rip-off of Dragonball;the executions and dynamics were portrayed the exact same way. The tyrant of planet Mecca  was a modern take on commander red and the red ribbon army, Super android 17's death where he got dragon fisted before being obliterated by a kamehameha was a take on how Goku defeated and killed Piccolo Daimou, and the Shadow Dragons although were a great concept were pretty much piccolo's brothers and how Goku defeated them one by one with drum as the only exception as yajirobe cut him in half, cooked him on an open fire, and ate him. The only in Z conceptions we actually got were Dr.Myuu and Baby as being the last of the Tuffle race although technically Baby was a bio-warrior/ parasite that fed on Myuu until his development stage was complete. Baby instead of being this anti-hero as his concensus wrote him into being, he was simply an combination of Frieza, Cell, and Kid Buu as well as a means to turn Vegeta "evil" for a few episodes.  The worst part is the whole hunt for the black Star dragonballs arc in which was not that bad in terms of pitch. These dragonballs were The namek's first attempt at creating dragonballs but because of their unstable energy they were never used, especially when namek agreed to seperate his evil (Piccolo Daimou) in order to become Guardian. When he split into Kami and Piccolo Daimou the Black Star Dragonballs were turned to stone and only reactivated when Kami agreed to merge with Piccolo J.r in order to combat Cell. The most logical way to depict this new set of mystical orbs not being detected was simply them  being on a different frequency than the normal magic orbs in terms with the dragon radar  and for a good quarter of the series they were pretty much stone. We all get what they were trying to do and use this arc as a prelude to baby as well as recreate the certain kick that got the original series going. The problem was not only the Toriyama humor attempt was GOD awful and chessy as hell but it dragged out for twenty-one straight episodes. WHYYYYYYYY!!!  Before I say this next bit come on, guys we all knew despite her potential Pan was going to be a spoiled brat and later revealed that she was going to be the Krillin of the series; As in complete sidekick to goku. but not even arrogant early days Krillin was that much of a pain. She was a complete damsel in distress. At least Trunks had some technical know-how. but Pan was just in the way and a total bitch I hate to be that kind of guy but it's true. She has been forgiven in Super but this is in between the Ten year time skip. She could easily turn out the exact same way in GT 2.0 and they may even escalate Super beyond End of Z.

Sorry I got caught up in GT.  Where was I oh yeah. The only reason that Toriyama-sensei didn't come up with this himself was because he forgot about Launch and most of the side characters in Dragonball other than a select few and decided to simply use this exact same idea with a little back to the future and Terminator in the mix. This combination was pretty much the Cell arc in itself. Toei I get we get it; you were simply respecting the creator but out any of the current movie villians you could've used you went with the most inconsistent one.  That's unexcuseable!!!  But anyway I promised this certain Deviant art I would try to do a Soul Eater story and I'm a man of my word so... Hopefully it won't suck. enjoy this story though.

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