The long awaited rematch Goku vs Majin Vegeta

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At the sight of their new fighter despite his power, Dabura humbly asks his master if he can relocate the warriors that way Majin Buu isn't unleashed prematurely under the intensity of their power. Babidi agrees and warps them to the Martial Arts Tournament grounds as the actual Tournament has concluded with Hercule once again being the winner bit he'll have to profit half the prize money to 18 as a proper payoff. However despite the two Earthlings before them, Vegeta takes his hand and aims for an energy blast at Goku but really is aiming for actual civilians. Goku stares at the glowing energy blast ready to fire and tries to block to the best of his ability only for him to have to jump out o the way leaving a straight scar right through the center of the Island's surrounding city scarred with blood, destruction, and death. The people scream their hearts out as the run for cover to the best of their ability. Bulma is completely surprised at this and wonders what would bring her husband to do this. As Roshi, Yamcha, Chichi, and 18 debate amongst each other on the matter they all agree that's something's off about Vegeta. "You'll fight me Kakarot unless you want more bodies on your conscious", Vegeta quipped. "Vegeta surely you didn't", Goku said shockingly already knowing the answer. Vegeta just laughed in his face mockingly. "You fool you let yourself fall under Babidi's spell", Goku revealed. Vegeta just continued to laugh menacingly. "How sad I didn't think you were WEAK enough to be controlled", Goku dissed disappointedly. Vegeta stretches his right arm out and fires another energy blast to the heart of the right side of the stands causing more panic and destruction. "Tell me is it slavery if you get what you want", Majin Vegeta quipped questionly. He gave a sinister smile as he saw the debris fly around him. "That's enough Vegeta please stop this", Gohan pleads. "Stay out of this!", Vegeta demands as he uses his energy to smack Gohan to the floor. "This is between me and your circus clown of a father", Vegeta adds. "Circus clown that's new", Goku quips. "What is Wrong with you People?! you would put the universe at risk just to resolve your meaningless squabble?!", Supreme Kai retorts questionly. "Meaningless you say? WHAT DO YOU KNOW OF MEANINGLESS?!", Vegeta demands questionably as he raises his power. "Watch your birthright be stolen from you. Watch your race be dwindled to a handful. And Then tell what's more meaningful than your own strength. I am a Saiyan Elite he is nothing but a joke and yet I had to watch him surpass me in strength my Destiny thrown to the wayside; He has even saved my life as if I were a helpless child. He has stolen my honor; And his Debts Must Be Paid", Vegeta states with pain and torment in his voice and eyes. Goku analyzes the situation and succumbs to one solution. "Babidi transport us to a place far away from people. If you can do that Then I'll fight Vegeta", Goku pleads to the Evil Sage. The Supreme Kai is in absolute shock while Vegeta reveals his menacing grin once more. However before anyone can do anything the Supreme Kai has finally had enough and intervenes. "That's far enough Goku. If you truly believe as this being the best solution then you're going to have to get by me to do it", The Supreme Kai demands in an Ultimatum. Goku angles his hand and aims it right in the Supreme Kai's face right between the eyes. Even Vegeta is shocked by this as Goku charges his energy blast to fire at the Supreme Kai accordingly. "Dad you can't", Gohan states shockingly.  This does not phase Goku in the slightest however. "Fine do what you will I can't stop you", Supreme Kai caves putting his arms down backing off. Babidi is laughing his little butt off at the novelty of this and sees warping the fighters to another location really as a small price to pay and easily complies. 'Paparapara!!!", Babidi stated his magic words and just like that Goku, Majin Vegeta, Gohan, and the supreme kai vanished into thin air. 

They arrived at a rocky mountain like area far away from civilians just as Goku had requested. Supreme Kai devised a plan to where him and Gohan will infiltrate Babidi's ship in an attempt to stop them once more while on the surface Goku and Vegeta will have their battle. Babidi and Dabura agree to open the doors for them to prevent as much damage as possible. And so a long awaited battle ensues the Legendary battle of the low class warrior of Earth VS the Saiyan Prince continues. An intense battle ensues between Super Saiyan 2 Goku and Super Saiyan 2 Majin Vegeta so much so that the very planet starts to give weight under the very magnitude of it; Not only that they were evenly matched  Gohan tried his best but in the end the treacherous Majin Buu was Unleashed.

 An intense battle ensues between Super Saiyan 2 Goku and Super Saiyan 2 Majin Vegeta so much so that the very planet starts to give weight under the very magnitude of it; Not only that they were evenly matched  Gohan tried his best but in the end...

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